In the words of a very wise young woman, “there’s no place like home.” It’s where we find ourselves returning at the end of every day, it’s where we pine to return when we’re away, and it’s a topic we find ourselves revisiting again and again at FINE Magazine.
Now, other publications may approach the subject of “home” with resignation, but at FINE, there are few things that get us as excited as the prospect of a fashionable, well–loved home. Our roots trace back to these essential ideas of Home & Design, and we love to follow them back every year.
Over the years, we’ve learned to never underestimate the power of good design—in your life and especially in your home. Whether it’s a beautifully crafted cocktail or landscape, innovative solar panels or an oasis–like pool, design shapes our lives and our homes every single day. For us, FINE Home & Design is our specialty.