Our favorite season is upon us—summer is finally here! As San Diegans, we thrive off the sunshine and warm temps of summertime. But sometimes our radiant city falls victim to the cool fogs of June gloom, prompting many of us to pack our bags and jet–set to another sunny oasis, full of new sights and sounds and the promise of summer.
That’s why we love our Destinations Issue so much! Just as the season brings with it the buzz of trips and travels, so does our issue. We didn’t just dip our toes in the water—we dived into this month’s issue with no reservations! We traveled the world to find the best resort for your beach vacay; we trekked through the jungles of Costa Rica to learn Spanish; we scoured racks of bikinis, from sporty to flirty, to find the perfect picks; we dressed the acclaimed Jasmine Dustin in the best summer fashions to inspire your own beach–break style. Just looking through this issue is like taking a mini–vacation. Grab a piña colada, a beach chair and this magazine