San Diego may be known for her sunny days and warm breezes, but every year we face the foggy gloom of May Grey. The ocean pushes her mists over our bright town and buries us in gray, but this year we’re helping to banish those dreary doldrums with our White Issue!
I love to embrace spring and the impending sunshine of summer; nothing speaks of the seasons like the color white! It’s so clean and fresh, like the roses that line our neighborhood streets these days. So whether it’s in your own back yard, like in our Garden Party article, or even on the curves of your car, as seen in the Porsche feature, we’re encouraging our readers to embrace the season and throw off the yoke of May Grey with the whimsy of white!
Nothing quite captures the essence of white like my favorite feature this month, San Diego’s Wedding Venues. Every page is filled with the promise of new beginnings in the most beautiful of settings.
Say goodbye to grey and hello to white this May with FINE!