We all think of our home as a warm, welcoming space, somewhere we can shed our outer layers of bravado and confidence and just relax after a long day. The design of your home should reflect your personality—your goals, dreams and aspirations—and be more than a cookie-cutter replica of a dull, lifeless house. That’s why we love our annual Home and Design Issue; from small decorative touches to your kitchen cabinets or bathroom fixtures, our Home and Design issue is chock full of advice. As the outer world grows harsher and more uncertain, take solace in your uniquely designed home, your sanctuary.
Nothing adds to a luxurious night at home like the latest issue of FINE Magazine. From our in-depth interview with Arrow and Training Day co-star Katrina Law to our wild romp with Cake Wars host Jonathan Bennett, FINE Magazine has you covered. So kick up your feet and enjoy our Home and Design issue while decorating dreams fight for dominance in your head.