he Old Courthouse of Howth
central spot for tourist information.”
overlooking the harbour area.
is set to have a new look as
The building is a protected structure
AnnMarie Farrelly, Chief Executive
refurbishments on the historic
in a prominent site at the junction
of Fingal County Council, added:
structure on Harbour Road are
of Harbour Road and Church Street
“The refurbishment works of
underway and set to continue over
in eth town. The refurbishment will
the Courthouse in Howth is
the next few months.
allow for greater public use of the
another example of our continued
building with improved access for the
commitment to investing in the
heritage of Fingal. The refurbished
Fingal County Council’s Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development
building will provide much-needed
Department has appointed Tolmac
Following the completion of
community space for the residents of
Construction Ltd as the main
works, the Fingal Tourism Tourist
contractor for the refurbishment of
information office will be relocated
the Old Courthouse in Howth. The
from an existing temporary cabin on
Emer O’ Gorman, Director of the
works started on site in early January
Harbour Road and the main hall will
Economic, Enterprise and Tourism
2020 and it is expected to take six
be retained as a flexible space for
Development Department, said:
months to complete.
Community use.
“Fingal County Council continues to invest in the heritage of the county
Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Eoghan O’Brien
A significant element of the work
and the refurbishment of the Old
said: “The refurbishment of the
involves forming a new entrance
Courthouse in Howth will provide a
Courthouse in Howth is welcome
courtyard to the western side to
restored space for the community.”
news and is much needed for such
accommodate ramped access
an important historic site. It is also
and allow for universal access to
The refurbishments will continue
great to see that it will remain an
the building. The new landscaped
over the coming months of 2020 with
important community space to use
entrance courtyard will provide an
works hoping to be completed within
for the residents of Howth as well as a
elevated amenity space with seating
six months.
Fingal News Issue No 13 February 2020