Welcome to ANKARA'18 Today you arrived here, at the session. Perhaps you don‘t really know what to expect and what your taks will be in the next few days, but I can promise you, that you will learn a lot, meet new friends and have a lot of fun within the next few days. EYP means a lot to us, as the Media Team, but also as the hole Officials Team. Everyone of us was able to develop their skills in different areas; we improved our language skills, we learned how to use the different modes of the camera, we know about group dynamics and fundraising. However EYP is a lot more than that. Within this organisation you can learn to form your own opinion about different issues, you can exchange your thoughts freely, you can trevel through Europe and of couse find new friend.
Within the next few days you will have heated discussions, you will adapt your opinions and come up with a solution to a very complicated topic and you will get to know new people, people you might never had talked to if it weren‘t for the session. This session will be a great experience for you and eventhough it is a lot of work to finally get a resolution, we are sure that you will enjoy the session. Step out of your comfort zone, talk to people you have never talked to before, may it be other Delegates or Officials, and have a lots of fun. see you around, Finja
Equality beyond boarders: Why does it matter?
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EQUALITY BEYOND BORDERS: WHY DOES IT MATTER? Equality: One of those words with many different meanings. Some associate it with wealth, others relate it to opportunities. We all want equality regarding our rights. We are all so familiar with this word, but at the same time, we attach different meanings to. We know what it is, we know what it means, but why? Why do we support it? Why do we seek it? Why do we strive for it? That is a whole different story. We fight for equality every day, but what makes it so important for us? Humans are social beings. We depend heavily on cooperation and solidarity. In the past, this meant hunting, travelling and eating together. We had no choice but to partake in group activities, because that was the only means of survival. In modern day society, we no longer require this level of reliability on others. This, however, does not mean the group feeling has disappeared. Instead, it has manifested itself in social justice. Before, we wanted a fair division of foods and belongings, now, we want a fair division of resources and privileges, especially for ourselves. Our inclination to share food has changed into our desire to share rights. We are all born the same and therefore, deserve to be treated the same. If we are left out from this, if we are deprived from this, our gut plainly tells us this is wrong. It is, as if our instinct
When discussing equality, one should mention the implicit selfishness in this. It is important that we have equal rights, but is especially vital that I have them. This makes reaching equality on societal level hard, as equality goes beyond an individual. We have reached a point at which equality is no longer solely justice, it now covers a wide range of aspects, with different implications for different kinds of people. For a woman in a male dominated workspace, it probably means something else than for a student trying to get into university. For a child on the brink of starvation, it has a different definition than for a person of colour looking for a job. It is therefore not very surprising that equality is prioritised in many governments across the European Union. They are, after all, responsible for us and thus, our needs. The diversity within all those needs does not make achieving equality an easy task, but differences have never stopped us before. Equality. One of those words that carry a huge burden with them; a promise that is yet to be fulfilled. A word that carries the dreams, hopes and aspirations of all kinds of people. A word that can be more than just a word if we all get together. by Lucy Zhang
ITRE and the city trip
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