Equal Interest

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Table of Content Womens rights in Turkey Timeline 2 How to become an instagram celebrity? 3 The meaning of equality 4 Crossword puzzle 5 How prepared are you for Ankara‘18? 6 Meet the Jury 7 EYP history 9 What to do with the issue after reading it? 10

Women‘s Rigths in Turkey Timeline by Emir Lise

1870 1869 1876

The education of girls was brought to legal necessity with the law “Maarif-i Umumiye”.

The women teachers school “Dar-ül Muallimat” was established.

Basis laws for women and men were declared with “Kanun-i Esasi” and primary education became obligatory for both girls and boys.

1913 1914

Women gained rights to work as a state official.

- Women started working on commerce. - University for women called “ Inas Darülfünunu” was established

1921 1923

Darülfünunu became a mixed gender education institution.


3 of March “Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu” was legislated. Thus, education was secularized. All education institutions was connected to Ministry of Education. Equal rights in education for girls and boys was declared. Municipal law was enacted. Women’s right to vote and stand for municipal elections were recognized. rd

The first women political party called “Kadınlar Halk Fırkası” was initiated, but the legislation accorded no right to vote to women. -29th of October 1923: The Republic was declared. With the declaration, legal and structural reforms that allowed women to be in public area was accelerated.

1926 1930

5th of December: Constitution recognized women’s right to vote and stand for any election.


29 of November: The Article 159 of the Civil Code, which binds the woman’s work right to her husband was abolished. th

17th of February: “Türk Medeni Kanunu” was enacted. The regulations that allowed men to polygamize and bilaterally divorce were abolished. Right to divorce and right of custody were given to women.

1950 1990 1993 1997 2002

25th of June: Turkey‘s first female prime minister (Tansu Ciller) established the government

22nd of May: Following the marriage of a woman, she was able to use her own surname along with her husband‘s surname, provided by the amendment made in article 153 of the Civil Code.

1st of January 2002- The New Turkish Civil Code entered into force.

Sources: http://www.ankarabarosu.org.tr/siteler/ankarabarosu/hgdmakale/2009-3/8.pdf http://turkishpolicy.com/article/866/advancing-womens-equality-in-turkey


First woman mayor, Müfide İlhan was elected in Mersin.

Editor’s Advice: 15 Things to Do to Become an Instagram Celebrity

7. Get an eyecatching and attractive picture for your first post and come up with a creative caption. Not something like #HiInstagram or #FirstPost

1. Get an Instagram account, obviously.

8. Prepare a feed in your head and edit your post according to the theme of your profile. Be stylish.

2. Edit your bio and picture. Because it shouldn’t be looking like this.

3. Follow people; follow back the people who followed you. Golden rule: #f4f

9. Use edit programs and stalk other people to see how they edit their posts.

4. Like other people’s posts. That’s how Instagram works. #LikeForLike

10. You can go for VSCO or Snapseed, for darken your pictures and add grain a bit for a mysterious and cool look. Also, you can use filters or apps like Huji to make your picture look vintage.

5. Sometimes you can be that “basic white girl”.

11. Use hashtags, so people can see you from hashtags and follow you.

12. Post your own pictures, but not all the time. Post some cool photos that you have taken which worth sharing.

6. Make comments to other people’s posts, show how hilarious you are.

Esen Ünal


The Meaning of Equality While for some grounds of discrimination, such as ‚disability‘ there is substantial work done with respect to concepts and classifications to be used there is not yet a common definition and classification for terms such as ‚racial or ethnic origin‘ or ‚religion or belief‘ or ‚sexual orientation‘. These are indeed complex issues, whereby one should take into account the differences between countries with respect to the sensitivity and the conceptual understanding of the term.

Umut Uygur from the Media Team: For me inequality means, that eventhough we are so similar to each other and eventhough we all have the same needs, there are still big differences in income, education and social status. In my life I faced some instances of inequality. have experienced sorrowful inequality situations. I must say, it is a very bad thing, because I still keep some scars from those times that I was judged inequal.

Situations of inequality are generally the reGörkem Cudal from the Media Team: sult of a multitude of factors acting in concert. I think there are two things that keeps a soHowever, it is possible to identify the results ciety alive. Justice and liberty. I would of a situation of inequality. The dilike to quote from JJ Russo ‘Without „I think sadvantaged situation of members equality because without it there of a certain group can be demonthere are two can be no liberty. strated through quantitative or things that keep a Personally, I do not have any qualitative studies. They may memories about discrimireveal such indicators as: insociety alive: Justice nation or inequality but I come differences in relation to really do admire Martin Luand liberty.“ other similarly qualified memther King Jr. Because of his fight - Görkem bers of the population, differences against inequality and justice. He in housing quality, different levels is one of role models. of health, lower than average levels of education etc. Betül Sena Güneş from the Committe of Afco: The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word inequality is something social although the word itself can also be interpreted in other ways. It prevents people from being socially active and feeling comfortable in a community. Inequality is more fierce in racial issues than the problems that I might face in my daily basis since it is observed in many areas of life and you can witness the unfair treatment of other people regarding even your gender or simply your economic conditions.

So under the theme of our session which is ‘Equality Beyond Borders’ we just wanted to ask some of delegates’/officials’ opinions and aspects for the descriptions of ‘equality, inequality’ from their eyes. Besides that, they shared their memories and special moments with us which is about their reflects when they faced with discriminations and really sorrowful moments. Here are their experiences and opinions: Sude Ergül from Commitee of EMPL: I think equality means that no one should have poorer life chances because of where, what and whom they were born; what they believe or whether they have a disability. Besides that, sadly, I have experienced that a couple of times, but I do not believe that arguing harshly with a mind that has no capacity to understand what ‘human’ means has no point. I would have tried to tell that person how to accept differences just once.

Seden from the Committee of Imco : Equality for me is, all living beings, living their life without being discriminated or abused. In my personal opinion, equality is not specific for humans. Generally it is for any kinds of living beings. -4-

by Ayşenur Yalçın

Equality Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS: 2. Unfair treatment of a person or group, especially on the grounds of race, age or sex 7. Socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women 8. Each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics 10. A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements 11. The fact of many different types of things or people being included in something 12. The factors that have made someone into the person they are, especially family, experience, and education 14. The right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and receive the same treatment 15. Who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others 17. The quality of being the identical as or very similar to something else


1. The line that divides one country from another 3. The action or state of being a part of a group or structure 4. The process or fact of being received as adequate, valid or suitable 5. The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community 6. Moral or legal entitlements to have or do something 9.An act or process through which something becomes different 13. Knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists 16. Allowing access, passage or a view 18. Capital city of Turkey 20. The quality or state of being one

by Lucy Zhang -5-

How prepared are you for ANKARA‘18? by Günes Uguz

Which of the following is not a function of Cross Border Cooperation?

A) Approximately 872 000 B) Approximately 57 000 C) Approximately 653 000 D) Approximately 104 000

4) Since when has The Cotonou Agreement been the framework of EU with countries from Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific?

A) 1989 B) 1997 C) 2000 D) 2002

5) What does Industry 4.0 refer to?

A) Fourth industrial revolution B) Industries that have four main sectors C) Industrial state of four greatest econo mies D) Enhancement of industry by 4 major factors

6) What is type of unemployment involves unemployment caused technological enhancements? A) Cyclical Unemployment B) Frictional Unemployment C) Structural Unemployment D) Chronic Unemployment

A) Germany B) Switzerland C) Iceland D) Austria

8) Which of the following does not describe patriarchy?

A) Existence of a functioning market economy B) Respect and protection for minorities C) Showing economic growth D) Implement the rights and obligations

3) How much has net migration increased from 2010 to 2015?

A) Addressing common challenges within EU member states and their neighbours B) Decrease living standard differences among EU and neighbouring countries C) Support sustainable development D) Establish a free trade area with EU and its neighbours

2) Which one of the following poin is not a Copenhagen Criteria?

7) Which country has “Company income reports”?


A) Women being party excluded from sys B) Men holding political power C) Men holding socio-economical power D) Elderly having a superiority on others

9) What is not a feature of a smart city?

A) Using social capital digital technologies to increase living standards B) Developing comprehensive infrastructure C) Citizens being technologically literate D) Using different types of technology to increase efficiency

10) What is ICT?

A) Information and communication techno- logies B) Infrastructure of communication techno- logies C) Intense comprehensive technology D) Informative common technologies

11) What is CETA?

A) Free trade agreement between EU and Ca nada B) Involving EU neighbours to single market C) Free trade agreement between EU and United States of America D) Forming a common market between EU and its neighbours

12) Which of the following is not included in safeguards in CETA? A) Limitation for poultry, eggs, beef and pork B) EU governments have the authority to make regulations C) Imports from Canada can be in any quality D) EU has the right to raise European stan dards to all goods and services -6-

Meet the Jury As we all have been there and observed, the Jury Team always consists of the people who may seem unapproachable for the delegates. Therefore the Media Team has taken steps to prove this wrong and show how lucky we are to have such colourful people around and what we would be missing on if we did not even have a chance to speak or meet. Should you have a grasp of these incredible people with kind hearts and bright smiles.

Sebastian -One time on a train ride, the seat in front of him was so close that his legs could not convey blood to his shank so as he stood up, he couldn’t feel them and fell onto the ground. Moreover, people around him had to carry him. -He has an obsession with clocks. If it doesn’t show the accurate time, he freaks out and tries to change it. However, if he can’t manage it, he doesn’t want to see it so he covers it. As an example, he stated that the clock in the hotel was 7 minutes wrong which really bothered him. -When he goes to bed, he counts himself to sleep. -Sebastian has a fear of dying in space moreover he had nightmares in which he was an astronaut. Apparently, your dead body flowing in the emptiness of space is something to be afraid of.

Segen -As we all know, she is a super-duper extroverted person. However, we didn’t know that introvert people make her anxious and she tends to be intrusive as she meets one of those people. -She is a hardcore feminist. One time she got into a fight with a friend of her friends for this subject. -Segen has an obsession with drag queens. She listens to her Spotify playlist called “drag.” while she is taking a shower. -Whenever she is stressed-out about her university, she tends to buy pens or notebooks or pencil cases, which she has many of each. -She is afraid of birds, even though her name means ostrich.


Janis -With his enchantingly impressive skills of sorting in many ways, he regularly sorts his bookshelf by colours, even topics and he likes re-organising it. -He uses ten different e-mails and it freaks him out especially when people use the wrong one since he has to re-organise it over again. -When he sees someone in the hallway, he waits in his flat and doesn’t leave until the people waiting in the staircase leave. -He has an obsession with layouts and punctuation, and he doesn’t like it when people send many messages one after the other rather than sending it all at once. -Janis, the best-ever dad nominee, gets over-nervous when there are children around. He gets anxious that they’re going to get injured and he wants to put helmets on them. Even more, he has googled the ways of having a safer home. -Our lovely Head of Jury is afraid of losing his belongings so he gets several of the stuff that he likes beforehand thinking they might get sold out. These are mostly earplugs and pencils. -He has this habit of tidying up his room before he leaves it for a long time, even if it keeps him up until 3 am.

Arda -He is obsessed with his coffee machine. He hates it when people use it in a bad way or leave it dirty, he once even argued with his friend about this. - One time he went to the library with the intention of studying in which he ended up having a really deep scar on his face. While he was studying, he put his laptop on a table which was later about to fall. As he wanted to catch his computer and save it, he leaned over abruptly and unfortunately he flipped the table over his face. -In January, when he went to a ski-trip with his friends, one of his friends had lost his phone and Arda has spent 2 days looking for it in the mountain full of snow and he eventually found it. Such a hero we have in the session! -As the closure and one of the best, he listens to Aleyna Tilki as his guilty pleasure.

by Atakan Caglayan -8-

EYP History by Umut Uygur

From a School Project to 35000 Members across 40 Countries

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded as a school project in an high school in 1987. The founding high school named Lycée François-Premier held the first international session of EYP in 1988. EYP started to include more and more countries, growing the audience steadily. The first session to be held outside of France was in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom in 1991.

Courtesy of eyp.org. A picture taken in the 1st International Session of EYP

Financial Problems and Schwarzkopf Foundation

The financial problems started to arise in 2001 for the EYP due to the increasing numbers of sessions held around Europe. The situation could not be resolved until all of the National Committees mandated Schwarzkopf Foundation to be the umbrella organisation of EYP in 2004. With the new umbrella organisation, the international governance of EYP moved to Berlin and Berlin still houses the international governance of EYP. Today the International Governance of EYP holds and helps many events around Europe, but perhaps the most important ones are the International Sessions which are organised with the cooperation of the National Committees and EYP International Governance.

Where is EYP Today?

Today there are over 600 events of EYP per year spread over 40 countries. According to International Governance of EYP there are more than 1350 EYP days which is equal to the amount of days with EYP sessions.

A Cultural Symphony: International Sessions

So far there have been 86 International Session since EYP has been founded. I was lucky to become a participant in 85th International Session in Brno, Czech Republic in July 2017,and I must say it was a life changing experience. My committee consisted of 16 delegates from 16 different countries. The session’s theme was “Seeking the heart of Europe”. This theme was chosen because of the location of Brno which is situated in the middle of Europe. More than 300 participants from 40 countries seeked the heart of Europe for 8 days with 2 days of teambuilding, 3 days of committee work, 2 days of GA and a day free to explore the city with new friends. At the end of the session I felt like I had 16 homes in 16 countries. -9-

What to do with the issue after reading it? Issues are generally considered as the most solid products of the media teams. Every media team tries to create a good quality issue with different layouts, designs, articles, and content. Every issue is unique and special compared to each other with different creative ideas. As you are reading this, we also created one for you. We hope you will enjoy it while reading but what about after reading it? We wanted to show you the ways that you can benefit from the issue even after reading it. Before showing you how you can benefit from the issue, we want to tell you why an issue is important. Once the ancient Romans said ‘’Verba volant Scripta manent’’, issues are one of the best ways to remember a session. We carry what is happening in the session to the scripts that you can keep them forever and read whenever you want. Besides keeping good memories as solid as rock, issues also contains interesting facts, articles about something you don’t know or articles with tips about what to do within an EYP session just like this one to show you what do after reading an issue. Here are our ideas for you:

Origami Origami can be considered as an art originated in Japan. It is basically folding papers and creating mini sculptures with your creativity as it is stated in the name itself. Ori means folding and kami means paper. The goal is to transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques. We choose origami as a way to benefit from the papers of issues because it requires almost no training and hard work. In addition, it develops creativity and hand skills. If you want to try, we suggest you this website to start your artistic career ---> www.origamiway.com

Recycling We are aware of the fact that we use papers to create these issues while printing out but we want to be sure that you are having the best memories and have a proof to remember them when the PED hits, yet it is in our hands to protect the nature and keep our environment clean. If you read it once, twice, thrice or any more and finally you think you won’t be using the issue anymore and you get the points inside of it, you are always welcomed to recycle it rather than just throwing it away. If we recycle our issues after reading them, the greener future will be waiting for us. As the media them of Ankara 2018, we are trying to protect both the nature and the balance between our productivity and the environmental policy.

Keeping them as a memory If you are a sensitive person and like keeping things as a souvenir for yourself from the memories you enjoyed a lot (we believe you will enjoy this session!), then we strongly suggest you keep the issues forever! As we mentioned before, issues are the most solid proof of your memories and the ones that will help you remember the memories, you will be able to read them again and again and again so that you can remember how you enjoyed this session and good friendships you made through the session. Maybe, it can be even your first time in EYP, then it is the best to keep these issues and remember how you started EYP.

by Görkem Cudal -10-

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