Leading Edge Summer 2016 Newsletter

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Summer 2016



2014 at a glance..

2015 was a year full of exciting events for Leading Edge Genetics. In MarchThe we latest saw our 3rdPerformance multi vendorIndex sale (TPI) realise a very pleasing average of $5447.the Thisimportance combined ofHolstein andhighest Jersey sale has Total results have once again highlighted using the ranked genomic sires possible. Rubicon is the new number 1 GTPI and GLPI sire and his sire Mogul is number proven to be a great avenue for our clients to showcase the quality of their breeding programs. In 2015 we also saw the1continued the sireand of Mogul is a former number TPI sire and Bolton, sire ofthat Dorcy is also a former 1. demandTPI. for Dorcy our Holstein Jersey genomic packs. Our1stringent criteria has the ensured quality young bullsnumber are available at a The strength of the ensuing cow families is truly reflected in this phenomenal achievement. great price. The Jersey genomic pack for 2016 will see continued emphasis on Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) with some genomic gem’s - more laterrecently in the newsletter. Statistics released by the Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme (ADHIS) again reflect the importance that artificial insemination (A.I) plays in overall farm productivity. ADHIS quote a figure of $312 difference per cowhighlights in milk income when comparing A.I identified stock nonthe A.I.event Based on the average of kind in One of our for theper yearseason, is our On-Farm Competition. Now in its 6th toyear, is one of the largestsize of its 250 cows for Australian herds, this represents a potential loss of $78,000 in milk income per annum when A.I is Australia. There was some new star’s revealed in 2015 with Lancey Farms from Nyora landing the Overall Champion with their not used. The fast tracking genomics has made in genetics progression may well lead to this figure becoming even winninggreater 4 year old Carol 174 sired by Gillette Finalcut. in the foreseeable future.

The demand interestlike in Australasian milkall companies has never clients been stronger. is every reason toin believe that this interest Weand would to thank our valued for Their their business 2014. will translate into an improved dairy farmers in 2016. I hope you andreturn yourforfamily have a Merry Christmas and a safe Regards, and


prosperous 2015.

Brad Aitken, Manager/Owner Leading Edge Genetics



The 2014 Leading Edge Genetics On-Farm Competition was the largest since its inception in Judged by Tim Weller WWS Australia the competition hadJerseys received 379 The 20152010. Leading Edge Genetics On-Farmfrom Competition this year saw the Holstein and share theentries accolades. The competition now in its 6 year across 58 different farms. This year’s competition saw two exhibitors in the Hanrahan family is one ofofthe largest of its kind in Australia. This year 390 head were entered from across 50 different farmers. Stony Creek and the Johnston family of Bundalaguah take out the majority of the awards. Over farmers industryChampion identitiesand were present the Old and over class was entry Carol 174 (CR174) from Lancey Farms,Nyora. Taking out the 130 highest honourand of Overall winning theat4 Year Warragul Country Club on Friday 28th November where the Sired by Gillette Final Cut this well balanced youthful cow was a standout for judge Mrs Fiona Hanks. As long time supporters of the competition, entry of 4142 (sired by Planet) owned by the Johnston family, Lancey Farms also received a 2nd year old,and 4ththe withOverall their Bluesky 3 Year old and 6th for the Crackholm Fever daughter group. was crowned the 4 yearfor oldtheir andFever over2winner Champion of the competition for 2014.

The presentation was held at the Golf Club on Friday 11th December. The day was attended by 130 interested farmers and Furtherday information onWarragul all winners and placegetters feature later in the newsletter. agribusiness representatives. Further information on all winners and placegetters feature later in the newsletter.

LEADING EDGE GENETICS SALE 2015 Plans are well underway in assembling a quality line-up for our 3rd bi-annual at the Warragul Showgrounds on Tuesday 17th March. Our next sale looks destined to be the best so far. The depth and range of cattle on offer are exceptional. Whether it is high genomic animals or the best elite breeder pedigrees, there will be something for everyone. Once again the Jersey and Holstein breed will be strongly represented with some super offering from our clients. So if you are looking for a fancy yearling or an animal to calve in 2015 there will something suitable for you. Our embryo lots on offer will be cutting edge and not to be missed. In the weeks leading up to the sale all animals will be profiled on our Facebook page.

R & K Anderson David 4333 2yr old class winner

A & J Harrison - Steady Pixel 3yr old class winner


Lancey Farms Finalcut Carol 174 - 4yr old class winner & Overall Champion

LEADING EDGE GENETICS On Farm Competition 2015

For the judge Fiona Hanks it was a very busy 3 and half days across Gippsland. She visited 50 farms and judged 390 animals from all breeds. ‘It was certainly a competition of great depth. Each farm had animals of tremendous quality. There could only be one winner in each class unfortuntely. But for me I was looking for the most correct well balanced cow, ‘said Fiona. ‘Each year I marvel at the quality of cows presentated in the competition. It truly has become one of the leading on-farm competition’s in Australia. Based on the large attendance at the presentation there is no doubting there is great fellowship in our dairy cattle industry, but also great pride everyone has in their animals,’ said Brad Aitken owner/manager of Leading Edge Genetics. (L-R)Fiona Hanks (Judge) Kerri Anderson, Rob Anderson, Brad Aitken (Leading Edge Genetics)


The depth was extremely deep in this phenomenal 2 year old class in the Leading Edge Genetics On-Farm Competition for 2015. Leading the way was the great framed Jersey heifer owned by Robert and Kerri Anderson from Drouin West. Sired by the Semex sire in David, cow 4333 placed over the 2nd placed Holstein of Lancey Farms at Nyora. This heifer was sired by Crackholm Fever. Placing 3rd was the entry of Malcolm and Russell Wildes of Yannathan with 1318 sired by the Ladino son in Farm Dealer. R & K Anderson David 4333 2yr old class winner

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

R and K Anderson, Drouin West – cow ID 4333 - David Lancey Farms, Nyora – Anita 118 - Fever M and R Wildes, Yannathan – 1318 - Farm Dealer A and J Harrison, Neerena – Pixel - Denzel K,D,R and A White, Leongatha - 611 - CBTiergan

6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Glomar Holsteins, Sale – 5000 - Mogul T and J Clark, Neerena – Monica - Bolivia W,F,B and J Loughridge, Poowong – 4917 - Dempsey E,S and G Williams, Yannathan – 5903 - Lavanguard W and B Anderson, Kongwak – 261 - Wyman


Ashley, Jane, Raidyn and Cohen Harrison

Born in 2012- 87 ENTRIES

The winning 3 Year old for 2015 was the well balanced dairy cow of Ashley and Jane Harrison with Pixel who is sired by Stanton Steady. In 2nd place was the Farm Dealer daughter 1070 of Goode and Potter. She was also awarded the Holstein Association prize for the highest placed non-registered animal in the competition. In 3rd place with their VanAhlem daughter 4129 is well known Jersey breeders Paul and Lisa Mumford (Gelbeado Park) from Won Wron. A & J Harrison - Steady Pixel 3yr old class winner

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

A and J Harrison, Neerena – Pixel - Steady Goode and Potter, Poowong – 1070 - Farm Dealer Gelbeado Park, Won Wron – 4129 - Van Ahlem Lancey Farms, Nyora – Regal 251 - Bluesky T and J Clark, Neerena – Tarna - Reginald

6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

E, S and G Williams, Yannathan – 5837 - Goldmine Cohen Harrison, Neerena – Delora - Van Ahlem R, L and J Johnston, Sale - 4829 - Destry Castles Family, Yinnar – Catherine - Damion J and M Foote, Fish Creek – 1817 - Lauthority

(L-R)Brad Aitken, Chris Lancey, Leanne Lancey, Nicole Lancey , Fiona Hanks


The 4 year old and over class featured some of the best mature cows from across Gippsland. Taking out 1st place was the entry of Lancey Farms of Nyora with CR 174 sired by Final Cut. This extremely well balanced and correct animal placed over the super uddered AltaEsquire daughter of Les, Diane, Russell and Amy White at Leongatha South. In 3rd place was the CBDictator daughter of Homebush Pastoral Company, Stony Creek. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Lancey Farms Finalcut Carol 174 4yr old class winner & Overall Champion

(L-R)Eoin Gleeson (Herd Manager, Lancey Farms) Trish Lancey, Graeme Lancey

Lancey Farms, Nyora –cow ID CR 174 - Final Cut K,D,R and A White, Leongatha South – 433 - AltaEsquire Homebush Pastoral Co, Stony Creek – 3107 - CBDictator T and J Clark, Neerena – Narisa - Garrison R and D Grumley, Newry – 3655 - HoLadino

6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

W Lace, Yarram – 1735 - AltaBW Gelbeado Park Jerseys, Won Wron 4090 - Tbone Thomas, Moscript & Mumford, Won Wron 3564 -Navara R,L and J Johnston, Sale 4379 - Planet W,F,B And J Loughridge, Poowong 4616 - AltaTBaxter (L-R) Lisa and Paul Mumford, Gelbeado Park Jerseys

GROUP CLASS 3 Cows by the 1 sire 3 cows by the 1 sire - 39 ENTRIES

It was Jersey’s first and second in the Group class of the 2015 Leading Edge Genetics On-Farm Competition. Gelbeado Jerseys (Paul and Lisa Mumford) won with their group of 2nd calf Van Ahlem daughters. It was their greater maturity that placed them over the David daughters of Rob and Kerry Anderson, Drouin West. In 3rd place was a group of AltaEsquire daughters of Les, Dianne, Russell and Amy White, Leongatha South. Gelbeado Park Vanahlem daughter group class winner

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Gelbeado Park Jersey, Won Wron - Vanahlem daughters R and K Anderson, Drouin West - David K,D,R and A White, Leongatha South - AltaEsquire Goode and Potter, Poowong - Farm Dealer R,L and J Johnston, Sale - Planet

6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Lancey Farms, Nyora - Fever R and D Grumley, Newry - Steady Homebush Pastoral Company, Stony Creek - CBDictator Castles Family, Yinnar - Dempsey A and Z Gaul, Bona Vista - VKBento

OTHER AWARDS PRESENTED ON THE DAY INCLUDED: Leading Edge Genetics On-Farm Competition Premier Exhibitor Lancey Farms, Nyora

Leading Edge Genetics Highest Placed Non Registered Holstein Breeder Goode and Potter - Poowong

Many Thanks to our sponsors:

ABS Australia, Agri-gene. Alta Genetics, Bass Valley Embryos Services, Beacon Marketing, Genetics Australia, HFAA, Notman Seeds, P & L Mumford (Gelbeado Park) Semex Australia, Universal Sires, West Gippsland Veterinary Clinic, World Wide Sires Australia.

American Proof Results

Top 10 TPI Proven Holsteins Name TPI Type Sire Pathway Source Seagull-Bay Supersire 2719 1.60 Robust x Planet GAC/WWS Seagull-Bay Headliner 2568 2.35 Robust x Planet GAC/WWS Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul 2540 2.57 Dorcy x Marshall GAC/WWS Sandy Valley Sterling 2521 1.97 Robust x Planet WWS No-Fla AltaEverglade 2505 0.49 Massey x O Man Alta S-S-I Bookem Morgan 2501 1.73 Bookem x Shottle WWS Mr OCD Robust Donatello 2496 1.26 Robust x Planet WWS Roylane Socra Robust 2491 0.85 Socrares x Oman WWS De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 2486 3.14 Bookem x Shottle GAC/WWS Pine-Tree AltaOak 2465 1.67 Niagra x Leif Alta

Top 10 GTPI Genomic Holsteins Name GTPI Type Sire Pathway Source Bacon-Hill Pety Modesty 2854 2.48 Pety x Supersire WWS De-Su Yoder 13050 2825 2.31 Yoder x Supersire TBA De-Su Supershot 13181 2821 2.00 Supershot x Mogul TBA DG Charley 2821 1.74 Supershot x Mogul WWS Wa-Del Yoder Bandares 2818 2.56 Yoder x Massey WWS De-Su Spring 13163 2809 2.55 AltaSpring x Supersire TBA S-S-I 1stclass Flagship 2803 2.56 Alta1stclass x Supersire WWS Gil-Gar Spark Palmer 2800 2.21 Spark x Supersire WWS S-S-I Montross Jedi 2787 2.22 Montross x Supersire WWS Peak Shine Mntry 1205 2785 2.09 Monterey x Supersire Alta

Fertility, Type and Production... 29HO16438



• From the famous COSMOPOLITAN family • Calving Ease, good components • Extremely high +3.2 DPR • 5-star TransitionRight™ BEACON x Ramos x Outside

Dam: Larcrest Chenile-ET VG-86 (photo Beth Herges) *TPI & gTPI are servicemarks of Holstein Association USA, Inc

FOR SERVICE AND ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST 1800 ABS BULL / www.absglobal.com/aus

Holstein Proofs from USA - Highlights The domination of the Select Sires (WWS) has continued once again in the December Holstein proof summaries. This round saw them hold 8 out of the 10 spots. For the 3rd consecutive proof run it was Seagull-Bay Supersire at #1. He is now over 150 TPI points ahead of his nearest rival in his full brother Seagull-Bay Headliner. The two newcomers to the Top 10 list (balance remain unchanged) are S-S-I Bookem Morgan (WWS) and the Alta Genetics sire in Pine-Tree AltaOak. The graduation of the Niagra son in AltaOak is a pleasing outcome for the industry. One he represents a true outcross being out of Leif dam and secondly his proven TPI figure is only 1 point difference to his original genomic proof. Heavily used by Leading Edge Genetics clients as a genomic sire his young stock have been much admired for their strong constitution. This is reflected in his debut linear scores and this together with his great health traits will make him a popular choice in 2016.

Larcrest CONTOUR. A pedigree built & proven for Australian dairy farming. His impressive top 2% for Australian Holsteins Overall Type (115) & Udders (111) makes him a must have for any breeding program. He continues in the footsteps of his sire BEACON who also has outstanding health traits. Since the dawn of genomics, there has not been a more popular cow family around the globe than the Larcrest cow family. Looking at any sale catalogue or breed magazine around the world, you will find offspring or information about this wonderful and successful cow family developed by Jon and Ann Larson. 3rd dam JUROR Chanel did everything a dairy farmer could ask for. She scored EX-93 at 9 years and 6 months of age, made near 115,000 ltrs of milk in her lifetime and left EX daughters sired by many AB sires. MGD Outside Champagne EX-90 is maybe Chanel’s most famous daughter. And Champagne’s most famous daughter is SHOTTLE Cosmopolitan. This is one of the best SHOTTLE daughters in the world and has had multiple offspring sell for over $50,000. SHOTTLE Cosmo’s first and highest scored daughter is Ramos Crimson EX-92 GMD DOM. The dam of CONTOUR is one of four VG full sisters from Outside Champagne. CONTOUR is an early BEACON son to graduate into the ABS active line-up to offer customers low CE, increased DPR and Productive Life in a pleasing type pattern to make long lived profitable cows. ABS Primetime bull COMMANDER is from this family along with the proven bulls CANCUN and CONQUEST. To say this cow family is “hot” would be a huge understatement!

Alta Genetics are leaders in providing high quality genetics backed by world class programs.


ALTASUPERSTAR (Halogen / Supersire / Bookem)

The Advantage program has been a staple for Alta since 2005 and provides the most accurate proving environment in the world. Industry envied ConceptPlus has been developed from these Advantage herds and provides the most accurate semen fertility appraisals of any bulls in the US and was the model used to construct the Industry SCR.

p Extreme ranking GTPI sire +2775 p Absolutely no holes proof p Plus for every linear trait

The recent investment in developing PEAK Genetics has also provided the nucleus to create the largest group of high ranking sires in the Top 100 list, proving that Alta Genetics is the leader in providing high quality sires for all dairying environments. PEAK AltaR8, Peak AltaMORENO and PEAK AltaPAINTER are all world class bulls averaging - 2648 GTPI and over 2.3 for Type and UDC - and will be available for later in the Autumn. Don’t miss your opportunity to sign up for PEAK Genetics in Australia and have access to these world class embryos as they become available, you will also go in the draw to win 2 doses of AltaSUPERSTAR semen when you register, arguably the hottest Holstein sire on the planet – so make sure you visit Scott Culbertson from PEAK Genetics when visiting IDW.

p A2/A2 Alta Genetics Australia Melbourne Office: 03 9330 3444 Callum Moscript 0458 604 102 www.altagenetics.com/australia


JPI 212 205 201 195 194 189 189 180 177 177

Type 2 1.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.9 1.6 1.0 0.2

Sire Pathway Valentino x Jevon Legal x Paramount Renegade x Impuls Vibrant x Impuls Vibrant x Impuls Valentino x Matinee Headline x Jevon Karbala x Impuls Legal x Paramount Jevon x Impuls

Source Alta ABS WWS CRV/LIC ABS TBA WWS Alta ABS Agri Gene


JPI 221 220 220 210 209 208 208 206 204 204

Type 1.60 0.9 0.80 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.10 1.60 1.80 1.10

Sire Pathway Harris x Marvel Levy x Do Right Harris x Target Harris x Marvel Isaac x Daybreak Volcano x Dale Visionary x Target Visionary x Plus Axis x Legal Badget x Dimension

Source Agri Gene WWS Agri Gene Semex Semex ABS ABS WWS Agri Gene Agri Gene

American Proof Results Jersey proof highlights from USA • Glynn Valentino MARCIN is the new #1 GJPI sire at 212 with a JUI of 14.3. This Alta Genetics sire is the sire of Live Oak Marcin MACHO (Alta) who is part of the Leading Edge Genetics Summer Genomic pack - refer to attached flyer. • In 2nd place is All Lynns legal VOLCANO (ABS) at 205 JPI. • The WWS sire in Sunset Canyon DIMENSION sired by Renegage is 3rd. • A sire with excellent health traits and outstanding udders (JUI 30.1) is CDF Karbala KWYNN from Alta. He was used as a genomic sire in Australia and is #8 on the JPI list.

Agri-Gene IDW Blue Ribbon Specials for 2016

Dryhouse M Galaxy Blast, GP-81

Fairmont Galaxy Raspie, VG-85

Galaxy Daughters

Leading proven “Freddie” son, GALAXY, had a great USA December proof run adding over 1100 milking daughters and moving up almost 100 TPI® points!

Watch out for his first milking daughters in Australia, with early daughters now in milk!

Agri-Gene Pty Ltd 123-125 Tone Road, Wangaratta Victoria 3677 Ph: 03 5722 2666 Fax: 03 5722 2777 Email: info@agrigene.com.au www.agrigene.com.au ©2015 CRI


Save over 50% per dose off RRP See enclosed flyer for full details on this Holstein Pack


IDW Holstein Blue Ribbon Specials BRADY is a popular Atwood son from the USA with breed leading ShowType and Udders. AWESOME - RED *CV is an exciting Red Absolute son with extreme Type and Udders from only the best in Apple - EX96 and Asia - EX92. MEGASIRE offers a great blend of Production, Type and Health Traits and will improve Calving Ease, PL, SCC and DPR. PIRANHA – P *RC ranks amongst the industry’s elite TPI RC Polled bulls and excels for Type, Production & Udders with positive Components. DELTA has a huge GTPI with superb Type, Production, positive Components and excels for NM$, FM$, CM$ & GM$. TROY is one of the breeds leading Fertility and Longevity Sires with an outstanding DPR, SCR & PL. GALAXY is a high profile USA Freddie son who has all the excellent Health Traits of his Sire but in a better all-round Type package. MCAPPLE *RC *CV is one of the highest RC GTPI sons with superb Type, Udders and positive Components. RENEGADE offers superb Type, Production, Udders & Feet & Legs with positive Components, DPR, SCR & PL. EDELWEISS combines high Production, good Components and Health Traits with Functional Type and good Calving Ease. IDW Jersey Blue Ribbon Specials TEQUILA is the complete Show Stopper and the reigning IDW & WDE Premier Sire with breed leading Show Type and Udders. BRANSON offers outstanding Type and Udders backed by a strong cow family & converts well in Australia for TWI. BONTINO is an A2/A2 Top 10 Genomic BPI Sire with Good Type, Udders, high Production & positive Components.


Huge savings to be made See enclosed flyer for full details on this Jersey Pack


Leading Edge and Greaveston Genetics have a great range of high genomic and breeder embryos available currently. If you wish to add some new bloodlines to your herd then contact Brad at brad@leadingedgegenetics.com.au or 0438 146 361



By the time you read this article most of you depending on your area will have a large percentage of the cow diet made up of supplementary fodder and hopefully some summer crop. The question to ask ‘How much should/can I feed physically and financially? This is the unknown for some. Quick and simple Feed Budget:

Jan Feb Mar Apr

Fresian (LW @ 550kg) 4.15% Fat & 3.3% Prot Litres Fodder (after wastage) Grain/Pellets DM 25L (206MJ) 10kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 7kg (16%CP) 18L (169MJ) 8kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 5kg (14%CP) 25L 10kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 7kg (16%CP) 18L 8kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 5kg (14%CP) 25L 8kg/DM + (3.5kg pasture) 7kg (16%CP) 18L 6kg/DM + (3.5kg pasture) 5kg (14%CP) 25L 6kg/DM + (6 kg pasture) 7kg (14%CP) 18L 4.5kg/DM + (6kg pasture) 5kg (12%CP) 25L TOTAL 1.2T/DM/cow (inc. wastage) 840kg/DM/cow 18L TOTAL 0.93T/DM/cow (inc. wastage) 600kg/DM/cow

Jersey (LW @ 475kg) 4.5% Fat & 3.4% Pro Litres Fodder (after wastage) Grain/Pellets DM 22L (185MJ) 8.5kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 6.25kg (16%CP) 16L (150MJ) 7.5kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 4.5kg (14%CP) 22L 8.5kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 6.25kg (16%CP) 16L 7.5kg/DM + (1.5kg pasture) 4.5kg (14%CP) 22L 6.5kg/DM + (3.5kg pasture) 6.25kg (16%CP) 16L 5.5kg/DM + (3.5kg pasture) 4.5kg (14%CP) 22L 5.5 kg/DM + (6 kg pasture) 6 kg (16%CP) 16L 4 kg/DM + (6kg pasture) 4 kg (14%CP) 22L TOTAL 1.02T/DM/cow (inc. wastage) 741kg/DM/cow 16L TOTAL 0.86T/DM/cow (inc. wastage) 524kg/DM/cow

NOTES: - DMI = Dry Matter Intake (not as fed). TOTAL FODDER has allowed for 15% wastage in paddock.. Table is a guide, primarily for West/Sth Gipps, other regions or farms can substitute 1kg Fodder for 1kg crop/pasture if available Use the table to help work out your feed costs and available fodder. I won’t do any costings due to variability in feed price between farms. Also I would advise not to sacrifice body condition to get through this season, it will only cost you in the long run. Heat stress we all hear about what to do every summer, but I still see so many farms that have NOT implemented some simple strategies with long term payback: - Sprinklers on the yards, decent sprinklers with volume of water, such a low cost investment with maximum return on investment (be mindful of your water reserves) - Make sure there is a decent water trough in and out of the dairy (laneway). This is crucial, some cows being off water for up to 2hrs or more before they get back to the paddock, how would you perform out in the heat without water for that long? - Fans in the dairy, looking at heat abatement, speed and volume of air through the dairy. These can be costly initially but will last as long as your best working dog. These 3 initiatives will pay dividends every summer. Also make sure you have a well-balanced diet through summer to assist with heat abatement. If you require any assistance please contact Andrew Wood- Dairy Consultant, mob: 0409 858 464.

Choose the Cream of the Crop at World Wide Sires. December 2015 genetic evaluations show that WWS bulls continue to rise to the top, as WWS claimed the top 4 spots on Holstein Association USA’s Top 100 TPI Proven list, and 7 of the top 10. Then on the Top 100 TPI Genomic list WWS have the top 2 spots with 5 of the top 10. 7HO11207 PUNCH & 7HO11383 MORGAN both exciting proven sires at the top end from the same family that brings us the genomic supertar JEDI. PUNCH now at #7 on the LPI list at +3030, but also boasts a very impressive BPI of +293. MORGAN brings everything to the table that today’s elite dairyman require, milk volume with components, medium sized frames, with well attached udders, but impressive health traits to last. Making his first milking daughter proof at +2501 he is an exciting new comer to the TPI top 10. 7HO12600 MODESTY +2854 GTPI the Pety (sire Mogul) son has now become available, still +67 TPI points higher than the #2 bull in JEDI . His Supersire dam is a maternal sister to MONTROSS the bull who created the previous chart topper JEDI. MODESTY brings an incredible +156 lbs of solids, with over +2.00 for PTAT & UDC. Along with the health traits the industry require +6.3 CE, +2.80 Fertility Index & an incredible +8.7 Prod Life. 7HO13250 JEDI continues to impresses with extreme numbers, as he is +2787 GTPI and +3311 GLPI. JEDI proves he is the complete package as he also transmits fantastic type (+2.22 PTAT) and health traits (6.1% SCE, +6.8 PL, +2.10 FI). 250HO12589 JACOBY #1 at +21 Conformation in Canada & #2 at +3.85 PTAT in the USA this also makes him the highest type Doorman son in the world. Width, power and strength, with amazing udders, a perfect mating for Atwood blood. 7JE01149 DIMENSION is still the breeds #1 sire, with amazing stature and production, and a super reliable proof with over 1000 milking daughters, how can you go past this outcross sire, with great fertility he is a perfect mating to your Valentino daughters.

PO Box 7538 • Shepparton • 3632 Victoria Phone (03) 5831 5559 • Fax (03) 5822 0005 info@wwsaustralia.com • www.wwsires.com

Punch Daughter: Kellcrest Punch Lotus - ET

Oconnors Epic Lonesome, VG 85

Modesty’s dam: Bacon-Hill Suprs Modesty-ET, VG 85

Jedi’s dam: S-S-I Suprsire Miri 8679-ET, VG 85


Cogent together with Universal Sires in Australia brings world leading sires to the market.

O’Connors Vogue

Main Event x Uno x Snowman


early main event son from the laurie sheik’s


2619 691 2.85 2.89 4.7 1.50

02 6040 4373 Photo: Patty Jones

The December 2015 proofs is the launch of O’Connors Vogue MAINTIME, Cogent’s highest new release GTPI sire at +2619. MAINTIME is a tremendous addition to the ExcelGen lineup being an early Main Event son from Snowbiz N Uno Lena classifying VG86 at 2yrs. MAINTIME’s pedigree completes no less than 10 generations of VG/EX dams, which traces back to the admired Comestar Laurie Sheik. With high GTPI, high milk and excelling in PTAT +2.85 and udders +2.89 as well as a positive DPR rating of +1.5 and an A2/A2 sire. MAINTIME has a place in any modern dairy farm. Another fancy addition with high GTPI sire is new popular choice Dupasquier PRIZIM, who again ticks all the commercial boxes from the famous Lila Z family. With a GTPI of +2546 and +2.51 PTAT this son of Delaberge Pepper from a Numero Uno dam. PRIZIM offers high components together with health, fertility, dairy strength and is an A2/A2 sire. Maple Wood BALL OF WAX is one of the worlds most elite available homozygous polled sires and is also a red carrier. Currently sitting as the #1 available Homozygous Polled sire on LPI. Carrying the A2/A2 gene makes him a unique individual with a lot to offer the breed. The dam of BALL OF WAX is a silky hided black cow with a beautiful soft textured udder that also traces back to the famous Lila Z family. Cogent SUPERSHOT continues to exceed all expectations and to make his presence felt within the global Holstein population. In the December proofs SUPERSHOT made gains in Productive Life to +7.8 and DPR to a notable +3.4 as well as maintaining his high GTPI at +2683. At the recent World Classic Sale a SUPERSHOT daughter Gil-Gar Shot Faith was the high seller at $117,000USD.

Top 10 LPI Proven Holstein Sires Name LPI Type Sire Pathway Source Mapel Wood Brewmaster 3199 11 Garrett x Shottle WWS De Su BKM McCutchen 3185 17 Bookem x Shottle GAC/WWS Amighetti Numero Uno 3148 16 Man o Man x Shottle Semex Chartroise Smurf 3068 13 Snowman x Planet Semex Minnigan-Hills Day 3048 11 Superstition x Bolton Agri Gene OCD Stargazer 3038 12 Super x Elegant Semex Roylane Boxer Punch 4311 3030 7 Boxer x Oman WWS Rosylane-LLC AltaLeo 3030 8 AltaMeteor x Nifty Alta Seagull-Bay Shaw 3005 10 Freddie x Planet WWS Seagull-Bay Sargeant 2975 8 Freddie x Planet Agri Gene

Top 10 GLPI Genomic Holstein Sires Name LPI Type Sire Pathway Source Boldi Eagle 3419 15 Ascend x Meridian Semex Morningview Upright 3398 15 Kingboy x Numero Uno Semex Wilra Harvest 3388 17 Monterey x Numero Uno ABS Mr Shot Dozer 1491 3372 9 Shotglass x Robust ABS Ronelee Midnight Detour 3367 11 Midnight x Mogul ABS SSI Montross Premium 3365 15 Montross x Numero Uno WWS Cederwal Crew 3356 15 Kingboy x Numero Uno Semex Jeanlu Legoas 3344 11 Kingboy x Shotglas Semex SSI Montross Duke 3338 13 Montross x Supersire WWS SSI Montross Missle 3332 16 Montross x Numero Uno WWS

Canadian Proof Results Holstein Proofs from Canada - Highlights The number #1 LPI sire for the 2nd round in a row is Mapel Wood Brewmaster (Garret/ Shottle) from World Wide Sires/Genervations. December evaluations saw the first of the Snowman sons enter the system as proven sires. Leading the way was the Semex sire in Chartroise Smurf (Snowman/Planet) ranked #4 and the high profile Dymentholm S Sympatic (Snowman/Planet) at #25 also from Semex. The continued emphasis on health traits may prove a stumbling block for the many Snowman sons set to graduate in the coming proof rounds. Well known sires in McCutchen (Bookem/Shottle) and Uno (MOM/Shottle) maintained their positions at the pointy end of the rankings being placed #2 and #3. A couple of interesting sires to graduate included Roylane Boxer Punch 4311(Boxer/Oman) at #7 and Sandy-Valley Saloon (AltaIota/Planet) at #12 from Semex.

Promising ABV Graduates for Autumn 2016 Genetics Australia




Challenger - MOM / Shottle Nadal - MOM / Roumare Trickin - MOM / Roumare Wrangler - MOM / Shottle

Carlaroo - Jackaroo / Shottle Carlition - Super / Roumare Fangio - Planet / Mascol StarisBorn - Planet / Oman Aus sieg old daughter,

owned by Finney and McG

arvie, Cam perdown



Aussiegold P - Elton / Vanahlem Strezlecki - Larfalot / Valerian

Volcano - Legal / Paramount Visionary - Legal / Paramount

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MERIDIAN AD DEC 15 A4 9/12/15 9:32 PM Page 1

The December 2015 Proof Release in both the USA AND Canada was a “Red Letter Day” for the Semex Team. Our current Elite sires like MERIDIAN, NUMERO UNO, DOORMAN and IMPRESSION added a lot of new production, type and management traits data to their proofs and maintained or improved their already superior profiles. New daughter Proven graduates that we will add tour Proven Holstein range for 2016 are – Our first SNOWMAN son in DYMENTHOLM S SYMPATICO *RC at $32.00 per dose., a Red Factor sire that is a Calving Ease specialist that are medium in size and with excellent udders, he is also proven in both the USA and Canada, plus a FREEDDIE son in MR CHASSITY CALLUM at just $25.00 per dose, Canada Proven with outstanding mammary systems, top of the range health traits and calving ease. On the Jersey front the much anticipated ERTL MANTRA at $25.00 per dose, achieved his first proof in the USA system with overall sound type and high production scores, he is also an IMMUNITY+ and an A2/A2, the first in ilk Mantra DAUGHTERS IN Australia should start to appear here during the Autumn of 2016. He will sit nicely at the top of our Jersey range with SUNSET CANYON DAVID who continues to impress all with his excellent daughters all around the world.

New Stars on the Horizon at Genetics Australia. 2016 is shaping up to be a great year on the proven bull front at Genetics Australia. A number of new graduates including a couple of headline acts are set to graduate in April 2016. In the Holsteins, Rengaw Manoman WRANGLER daughters are turning heads everywhere. His early data suggests he will be the breed’s new total performance Holstein for 2016. WRANGLER’s genomic numbers suggested he would be one of the best of his group and they were not wrong. This Man-O-Man son is from Rengaw Shottle Janea VG88 and traces Wrangler daughter photo ciourtesy of Genetics Australia directly to the cow family that produced the famous JUDGE. Early indications are that he will be an excellent protein transmitter with both great yield and deviation numbers. His daughters exhibit lovely dairy quality with wide rumps and quality udders. We are also expecting WRANGLER to be a daughter fertility improver. He is currently in our quarantine facility and will be on centre and collecting semen in the New Year. The rising star in the Jerseys, is the popular Genomic sire AUSSIEGOLD. An Elton son from one of the breed’s most popular cows, Broadlin Constance 2565P EX92, AUSSIEGOLD is living up to his genomic hype through the performance of his daughters. The data so far on 33 classified daughters indicates that he will be a significant frame improver with ratings for muzzle width, body depth and chest width that are rarely seen. Add to this, solid production numbers with positive daughter fertility and we get a complete package. But it doesn’t stop there: +3.45 for semen fertility and polled will make him the go to sire for many Jersey breeders in 2016. We anticipate strong demand for this elite sire on the export market as well.

Co-Vale Dempsey Dina 4270, EX 91




Ms Giltex Sanchez Liz-ET, EX 92




Clydevale Planet Fran, VG 89











In reference to our 2015 Leading Edge Genetics sale, our top priced lot was 1st choice Windbrook heifer from Pineland Goldwyn Tidbit EX owned by Avonlea Holsteins (J & C Gardiner) This was purchased by the Robertson family, Maxmount Holsteins for $10,000 Apologies for the oversite.

This offer is available from the 14th December through to the 31st March 2016. All semen must be supplied and invoiced prior to the 30th June 2016. Purchase 50+ units @$38.00 or 100+ units @$36.00 or 200+ units @$32.00 of any combination of these elite sires. Offer is subject to semen availability. Pricing quoted is based on conventional units and is exclusive of GST.

INTERNATIONAL DAIRY WEEK Leading Edge and Greaveston Genetics will again have a stand at IDW in 2016. Make sure you drop in and check out our great range of embryos plus the super semen packs on offer.

International Dairy Week is Monday 18th to Thursday 21st January 2016

Mating Program

E mbryo Central

Leading Edge Genetics offers a free on-farm herd evaluation service. Do you want to avoid any recessive gene or inbreeding issues? Our independant program includes a phenotype analysis of your herd, mating them to a cross section of the industries best bulls.

A full service genetics marketing partnership

*Conditions apply


We offer · Elite genomic embryos · A2 embryos

We regularly have new tanks in stock.

· Female embryos · Polled embryos · Herd builder embryo packages · Show-winning type embryos · Jersey & other breed embryos · GLPI & GTPI genomic testing services · Professional service from source to delivery

Val-Bisson Doorman VG-87 Photos©Patty Jones

Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94 19★

paul@greavestongenetics.com 2525 Old Bronte Road, Suite 217 Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6M 4J2

Ph. 1 905-847-7356 Cell.1 905-873-4288 www.greavestongenetics.com


LIKE Leading Edge Genetics on facebook to keep ip to date with the latest releases, results and industry news.


Brad Aitken Mal Sayers Mick Nottage Tosh Robertson

Brad Aitken brad@leadingedgegenetics.com.au Ph. 0438 031 361 • Warragul, Victoria Australia

0438 031 361 0428 443 549 0499 444 955 0408 515 017

or email brad@leadingedgegenetics.com.au


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