Rubric grade 9 short stories (2)

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Criteria Knowledge and Understanding of the Work(s)/ Subject

• How well does the student know the work(s)/ subject studied?

• How much understanding has the

student shown of the work(s)/ subject studied in relation to the question answered?

1-2 Little understanding of the work(s)/ subject studied

• little knowledge of, or

familiarity with, the work(s)/ subject matter referenced in connection with the assignment

• How relevant and valid are the student’s ideas?

• How well has the student explored, illustrated and supported claims?

• To what extent does the student’s

response show critical thinking and originality? Presentation

• How well has the student organized the oral presentation/written response?

• How effective is the student’s

structure in building and enhancing ideas?

• To what extent are supporting

examples integrated effectively into the presentation/written response?

• If an oral presentation, how effective

and persuasive is the student’s verbal delivery (i.e. gesturing, projection of voice, eye contact, poise, rhetoric, use of effective visuals)


• How clear and effective is the student’s oral and/or written expression?

Little exploration of ideas and/or interpretation

• the oral presentation/written

response consists mainly of narration and/or repetition of content

• adequate understanding of the

• superficial understanding of the

• adequate and appropriate

familiarity with, the work(s)/ subject matter referenced in connection with the assignment

Some exploration of ideas and/or interpretation

the oral presentation/written response

• little attempt to integrate supporting examples appropriately

• if an oral presentation, little attempt to apply speaking conventions

The language is rarely clear or coherent

the use of language is not readily comprehensible

• some evidence of a structure to • some attempt to present/write with coherence although not always focused

• supporting references, where

relevant, are not appropriately integrated into the oral presentation/written response

• if an oral presentation, some attempt to apply speaking conventions

The language is only sometimes clear and coherent

work(s) and/or subject matter referenced in connection with the assignment

• detailed and relevant references to the work(s) and/or subject matter

ideas and critical thinking

ideas and critical thinking

by relevant references and examples

• good development of original • the ideas are supported by relevant references and examples

A generally focused and effectively structured oral presentation/written response

A focused and effectively structured oral presentation/written response

presentation/written response

oral presentation/written response

• adequate structure to the oral • the oral presentation/written

response is generally focused and organized in a coherent and effective manner

• supporting references, where

relevant, are sometimes appropriately integrated into the oral presentation/written response

• if an oral presentation, adequate application of speaking conventions

The language is generally clear and coherent

• some degree of clarity and

• adequately clear and coherent use

coherence in the use of language

• good understanding of the

Good exploration of ideas and/or interpretation

• the ideas are generally supported

the oral presentation/written response

5 Good understanding of the work(s)/subject studied

Adequate exploration of ideas and/or interpretation

• the ideas are supported by some Some sense of a focused and effectively structured oral presentation/written response

oral presentation/written response with coherence and focus

references to the works.

• adequate development of original

critical thinking

Little sense of a focused and effectively structured oral presentation/written response

• little attempt to present the

work(s) and/or subject matter referenced in connection with the assignment

• some development of ideas and references and relevant examples

• little evidence of a structure to

4 Adequate understanding of the work(s)/ subject studied

• some knowledge of, or

work(s)/ subject matter

• How detailed and/or appropriate are the student’s references to the work(s)/ subject studied? Interpretation and Analysis

3 Some understanding of the work(s)/ subject studied

of language

• clear and logical structure to the

6-7 Excellent understanding of the work(s)/ subject studied

• perceptive understanding of the

work(s) and/or subject matter referenced in connection with the assignment as well as the subtleties of their meaning

• detailed and persuasive

references to the work(s) and/or subject matter.

Excellent exploration of ideas and/or interpretation

• convincing and detailed

development of original ideas and critical thinking

• the ideas are fully supported by

precise references and examples

A clearly focused, well-structured and persuasive oral presentation/written response

• purposeful and effective structure to the oral presentation/written response

• the oral presentation/written

• the oral presentation/written

• supporting references, where

• supporting references, where

• if an oral presentation, good

• if an oral presentation,

response is focused and presented in a clear, coherent, effective and convincing manner relevant, are appropriately integrated into the oral presentation/written response application of speaking conventions

The language is clear, varied, and precise

• clear, varied and precise use of language

response is focused, coherent and presented in a very effective and persuasive manner relevant, are well integrated into the oral presentation/written response convincing and persuasive application of speaking conventions

The language is clear, varied, precise and concise

• clear, varied, precise and concise use of language

• How accurate, varied, and precise is

• some degree of accuracy in

• only a few significant lapses in

• no significant lapses in grammar

• no significant lapses in grammar

• How appropriate is the register and

• vocabulary, register, and style is

• some care shown in the choice of

• effective and appropriately

• precise use of wide vocabulary

the student’s word choice?

style selected by the student for the particular assignment (i.e. vocabulary, tone, and sentence structure appropriate to the assignment)?

many lapses in grammar and sentence fluency vocabulary, register, and style is rarely accurate, appropriate, or effective

grammar and sentence fluency

sometimes appropriate in connection with the assignment

grammar and sentence fluency

vocabulary; adequate use of register and style appropriate to the assignment

and sentence fluency

varied use of vocabulary; effective use of register and style appropriate to the assignment

and sentence fluency

and highly effective use of register and style appropriate to the assignment

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