The hero analysis nike alice edmee

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The Hero By: R K Narayan Nike, Edmee and Alice

Title Analysis • From the title we can assume that there is a hero in the story. • Somebody who might be the main character and does something that saves or helps others. • The story might have something to do with courage, bravery and/or heroism

Plot •

The story is about Swami the main character and his father who argue about whether strength or bravery and courage bring you further in life. The father proposes a test in which Swami has to prove himself as courageous by sleeping alone. That night a burglar breaks in and Swami defeats him by biting his ankle.

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‘Swami had bitten into the flesh of one of the most notorious house-breakers of the district’ The quote proves that Swami not only helped the police find the burglar but also saved his family from being robbed and/or injured.

The story has a beginning where the characters and the conflict are introduced, it has a middle and it does have an ending but it is very abrupt.

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Father mumbled as he went in to change: ‘All right, molly-coddle and spoil him as much as you like’ So the father isn’t happy with how the son is being bought up but keeps quiet after the son was almost killed by the burglar. Is he really a hero. He is a hero by definition but he didn’t know who he was biting and he did it because of pure fear.

Description • The author used word choice and descriptive writing to create tension and build up suspense throughout the story. • There is tension between the father and the son because the father is unhappy with the way the son is bought up. He believes that he isn’t courageous and brave enough and wants him to prove himself. • ‘No, you must do it now. It is disgraceful sleeping beside granny or mother like a baby.’ • ‘You are in the second form and I don’t at all like the way you are being brought up,’ he said and looked at his wife’ • ‘Swami rose silently and tip-toes away to his bed in the passage’

Setting • The author doesn’t directly say where the story is set. But a sentence such as –

‘He had always slept beside his granny in the passage’ Made us assumed that the house in which they are, is very small because Swami and his grandmother are sleeping in the hallway.

Characterization • The main character, Swami, seems to be very based on everyday routines and dependent on his family. • ‘…and any change in this arrangement kept him trembling and awake all night.’

• The way the author described the father drew this picture of a grumpy and strict father. The author used • - ‘Father sneered’ • - ‘Father cut in. ‘You must sleep alone hereafter.’ • - ‘From a challenge it had become a plain command’ Swami thought

Narrative Voice • The story is told in third person giving the reader the impression of standing there and viewing the conversation between the father and son. • Although it is told in third person you feel with Swami when he is alone is his fathers working room. • The way the author described the surroundings and the noises Swami hears made it very seem like you were in the room with Swami. • ‘Through the stillness all kinds of noises reached his ears – the ticking of the clock, rustle of trees…’

Theme • There are two potential themes, the first one being: • The conflict between father and son are made clear in the first paragraph of the story. –

‘You think you are wiser than the newspaper?’ Father sneered.

• Before hand the father reads an article in the newspaper and develops a strong opinion. Swami disagrees which is the followed by the quote.

• The author purposefully intends on making you take Swamis side. His word choice and the way the father talks to Swami makes you feel sorry for him.

• The second one being: heroism •

‘Congratulations were showered on Swami next day. His classmates looked at him with respect, and his teacher patted his back’

The Irony of it All • Is Swami really a hero? • He is a hero by definition but the way the author illustrates him to the reader, you don’t have that awe moment when he defeats the burglar. Apart from that Swami didn’t know what or who he was biting and simply did that because he was scared out of his mind. • ‘He lay gazing at it in horror…His end had come.’ • Swami doesn’t know what it is : ‘gazing at it’ • ‘And so why should he wait? As it came nearer he crawled out from under the bench, hugged it with all his might, and used his teeth on it like a mortal weapon…’

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