Kate Rucker - Fashion Futures

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Fashion Futures DE1136 Kate Rucker

Will gender continue to predict what we wear?

Will genderless garments come to the forefront in future fashion?

Casey Legler, model agency's male division

a woman signed exclusively to a

"They become one story rather than being men's pieces or women's. That doesn't count anymore. And it's not really that sort of non-sexual situation. It's not androgyny," Neil Barrett

Over the years womens wear has become more masculine, but has menswear become more feminie? Seeing a woman in a suit is normal, but a man in a dress is shocking?

In the future clothe s will becom e genderless

Menswear being feminised has been seen on the catwalk and from certain designers for a long time, but will it come into mainstream menswear?

The interest for gender-neutral clothing links to equal rights and opportunities for both sexes within society.


22/4 Stephanie Hahn, founder of the label 22/4, creates two alsmost identical collections for both genders, with small adjustments for a larger or smaller frame.

Ladies' Home Journal article in June 1918 said, "The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." In 1927, Time magazine printed a chart showing sex-appropriate colors for girls and boys according to leading U.S. stores. In Boston, Filene's told parents to dress boys in pink. In the 1940s manufacturers settled on pink for girls and blue for boys. However, due to the women's liberation movement, more unisex baby clothes came into style in the late '60s and '70s. Yet pink and blue came back in the mid-'80s, with the development of prenatal testing. Once parents could find out whether they were having a boy or a girl. Paoletti says that while researching her book, which will be published later this year, she became more critical of the pink/blue trend. "The loss of neutral clothing is something that people should think more about. And there is a growing demand for neutral clothing for babies and toddlers now, too," she says. Evidence that pink and blue weren't always in favor gives us hope that neutral colors can make a comeback.


I’ve started to look at the decay and rust as the texture intregues me, and I feel asthough the colours are genderless.

evaluation I feel as though working within a group, as part of a team, is a great way to find your own voice. Whilst working with others I found that it is extremely important to give a point of view, to challenge others ideas as well as my own. By doing this not only did it expand my initial thoughts but I also learned from others with different opinions, which is always interesting to do. Those with more innovative ideas helped set the way and spark even more ideas from the rest of the group, with everyone having their own strengths this really worked well within our group. However I would have liked to been more involved in the technical aspects of designing our final product, I feel as though I could have learnt about different programmes and techniques used when it comes to designing products not just clothing. Something I strive to develop is to not be so laid back when it comes to decision-making, whilst working within our group decisions had to be made for the interest of the whole group. This is where I feel I should have spoken up more and instead of going with the majority, I should have said what I thought and not go with the easiest option by not having to deal with any confrontation. I have thoroughly enjoyed working through the second part of this module, it has helped me to develop my own ideas, and it has especially helped me start to draw more, which is something I have always been aware that I need to do more of, but is something I usually struggle with. Throughout this project I have really started to enjoy drawing and I hope that this continues into my work next year.

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