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Ricci Kerrigan

A Positive move for the future: Anybody who reads newspapers or watches the news will be aware of the constant rise of pollution, in the air and in the water. Seeing effects in global warming, contaminated seafood, increased cases of lung disease, is just few in the list of the damages it is having on our body’s and on our planet. Cities like Millan and China are trying to fight the polluted air by building vertical forests to combat greenhouse gas emissions. Investigating how pollution makes people feel who live in busy cities this collection is based on the idea of having one of a kind garments made to help fight and protect from pollution. Why? ‘I find it hard to believe that cycling or jogging in a city environment can be a great benefit to health. While doing such exercise, one breathes more deeply inhaling harmful exhaust fumes further into one’s lungs. Petrol fumes are bad enough but now diesel exhaust is said to be worse. How can this be life – prolonging?’

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