Charlotte Stoker Fashion Futures

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T h e N e w N u d e Di s c overyPr oj ec t Char l ot t eSt oker W14006748

I thasbec omeappar entt hatbl anketpr oduc t sno l ongers uf f i c e,es pec i al l ywheni tc omet ol i nger i e. Thedef i ni t i onofnudei sasf ol l ows“ denot i ng orr el at i ngt oc l ot hi ngormakeupt hati sofac ol or r es embl i ngt hatoft hewear er ’ ss ki n. ”Andt he c l ot hi ngi ndus t ryl ongagodec i dedt hata‘ nude’ c ht hec ol ourofar el at i vel ypal e, c ol ourwoul dmat whi t es ki nnedper s on,meani ngt hatmanywomen wi l ls t ruggl et of i ndnudel i nger i et hatl i veupt oi t s pur pos e.Ther ef or e,Ihavedec i dedt odoext ens i ve r es ear c hi nt oc ons umerneeds ,s ki nt oneand bodys hapet oc r eat eac ol l ec t i onf ormyc ompany, Oneandal l ,i nwhi c hwomenofal ls hapes ,s i zes ands ki nt onewi l lbeabl et of i ndgar ment ss ui t abl e f ort hem.Thepi ec eswi l lbemadet oor derf or eac hwoman,ens ur i ngper f ec tf i tandwear abi l i t y.

Myi ni t i alr es ear c hwasi ni t al l yf oc us edar ounddi s c over i ngwhomy c ons i mergr oupi saf t err es ear c hi ngi s s uesar ound‘ nude’ l i nger i e.Idi dt hi s byi nvent i ngagr oupoff r i ends ,i ns pi r edbygi r l sIknow mys el f ,and c r eat i ngper s onal i t i esandl i f es t yl esf ort hem.It henc ur at edaques t i onai r e aboutnudel i nger i et of i ndoutwhatc ons umeropi ni onsar eonnude l i nger i eandwhatt heyl i keaboutwhati sc ur r ent l yont hemar ketandwhat t heywoul dl i ket os eeons hopf l oor si nt hef ut ur e.Thi sques t i onai r ehel ped met of i gur eoutwhatIs houl dmoveont or es ear c hnext ;c ol our ,f i tand apper anc e.Ir es ear c hedot herc ompani esi nt er es t edi nt hei s s uess ur r oundi ngal ac kofpr oduc t sf ordi f f er ents ki nt ones .Idi s c over edonl yone br and,Nubi anSki n,t hatc r eat enuderl i nger i ef orwomenwi t hdar kers ki n t ones .However ,t hi sc ompanyonl yc at er sf orwomenwi t hdar kets ki n t ones ,wher easIwant edt oc r eat eac ol l ec t i ont hatwoul dc at ert oal l women.

I ni t i alRes ear c h

Bodys hapeRes ear c h Anot heri s s ueIf oundi nmyi ni t al r es ear c hwast hatmanywomenf el tas t hought hemos ti mpor t antf ac t or whenbuyi ngl i nger i ei st hati tf i t st hei r bodys hape,andmanywomenf el tas t houghs omebr andsdi dnotc at ert o t hei rs pec i f i cbodys hape.Ther ef or eI dec i dedt odos omedr awi ngatal i f e dr awi ngc l as s.Thi swasabi ghel pf or mebec aus et her ewer ewomenof manydi f f er ents hapesands i zes. Havi ngt hes edr awi ngsmeantt hatI c oul dl ookbac kont hem whendes i gni ngt omakes ur eIwaskeepi ngal lbody s hapesi nmi nd.Whenvi s i t i ngJW Ander s onsexhi bi t i onIal s ol ookedat t hedi s pr opor t i onedbodi esi nt heexhi bi t i onasnotal lbodi esar eper f ec tand t hi si ss omet hi ngIwant edt okeepi n mi nd.

Her eIhavei l l us t r at edmy5des i gns .Fort hepur pos eoft hel i ne up,Ihavec ol our edt hedes i gnst ogi veani deaofhow t heywi l l l ookt ot hec us t omer .However ,t hes epr oduc t sar emadet oor der andt her ef or et hi si snotat ruer epr es ent at i onofwhi c hc ol ourwi l l beus edonwhi c hs t yl e.

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