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START UP – Top ½ 116 •  If “grassroots organizing” means ordinary people organizing themselves to fight for change, then what do you think “astroturfing” means? –  DEFINITION: the use of formal public rela;ons or poliDcal campaigns to create what seems to be a popular grassroots movement about a parDcular issue.

ACTIVITY – Pg 117 •  Analyze each document for SIX minutes •  Example answers for Document 1 The name of organizaDon is…

The NaDonal Smokers Alliance

The name of PR The purpose of this Their methods of firm &/or co./ org. group is to… persuasion have backing it is... been to…

Philip Morris Tobacco Co. & PR= Burson-­‐ Marsteller

stop laws that banned/limited smoking.

pay young people to recruit others (clubs/bars); ran ads, lebers to editor, canvassed…

•  Quietly pass it to the next table and analyze the next document. (FOUR TOTAL as a GROUP)

REFLECTION – Bobom ½ 116 •  How can you explain astroturfing to a friend who is your age or younger, making sure to provide an example. •  What is at least one way you can figure out whether or not a group is truly grassroots or is propaganda from a poliDcal or corporate campaign? (see answers on the next page)

Answer to 2nd reflec<on ques<on. Copy red words.

Astroturf or grass?

•  Do a search on Wikipedia to get general informaDon; “criDcism”. (remember…Wikipedia is just a start…anyone can add info to this site...including you.)

•  Go to a news source you trust and do a search for this organizaDon. (I trust,, and the

•  Complete a search on google for this group. •  Go to the organizaDons website and click on “about us” and read with a criDcal eye.

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