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By Folwell Dunbar, Co-nect Blank template by: Richard W. Lipham Waltrip HS
Word up!
Fight the Power
5 pt
5 pt
10 pt
World More about Governments government 5 pt
10 pt
10 pt
Random 5 pt
15 pt
15 pt
15 pt
15 pt
15 pt
20 pt
20 pt
20 pt
20 pt
20 pt
25 pt
25 pt
25 pt
25 pt
The ability to make others behave as they might not normally behave.
What is power?
The study of rights and duties of citizenship.
What is civics?
A person who is present at an event or incident, but does not take part.
What is a bystander?
A product or service available for all people to consume, whether they pay for it or not.
What is a public good?
The unintentional killing of civilians and destruction of civilian communities
What is collateral damage?
Even though her brother is dead, Martina Davis is still fighting to end this method of coercion in our country. Answer
What is the death penalty?
This source of power springs from the power holder’s ability to punish others Answer
What is coercion?
Power flows from the power holder’s ability to influence others.
What is the power of persuasion?
This is when someone is accepted as an authority figure.
What is legitimacy?
This form of government gives citizens the power to elect representatives including a president. Answer
What is a presidential democracy?
In this government the citizens make decisions quite often on laws by both submitting proposals and by voting. Answer
What is direct democracy?
The one person of power in this form of government passes power from generation to generation.
What is a Monarchy?
The idea of being able to impeach a government official came from this nation of people living in modern day Mexico. . Answer
Who are the Aztec?
He believed that people formed governments to protect themselves.
Who is Locke?
This form of government gives the people the power to elect representatives who then select a Prime Minister to represent them. Answer
What is a parliamentary democracy?
In this form of government one person holds all of the power. Most often this person takes power by force.
What is a dictatorship?
This is a government lead by a religious leader.
What is a theocracy?
This Middle Eastern country is a theocracy and recently released two American hikers accused of spying.
What is Iran?
One disadvantage of this type of government is that the leader has little legitimacy since they took over by force.
What is a dictatorship?
The idea of a strong federal government controlling the states came from this Native American group.
Who are the Iroquois?
Believed that people were naturally good, but could be corrupted by society. Answer
Who is Rousseau?
These are the two building blocks of government.
What are the means of coercion and the means of collecting revenue.