data collection

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Start Up – Top ½ 186 Describe as best you can the difference between qualita've data and quan'ta've data?

(3 lines)



•  Deals with descrip<ons •  Data can be observed but not measured •  Qualita,ve  Quality

•  Deals with numbers •  Data which can be measured •  Quan1tative  Quan1ty


Data Gathering-­‐ Brief Notes on 187 •  The central part of the PAR process is to do actual research in the community related to your project focus area. •  This is equal parts challenge and opportunity, and the value you get from the project will largely depend on your ability to do this ‘field research.’

Reading Instruc<ons: •  We will read out loud the short reading on how to take good field notes. Below your notes on 187, record answers to: 1. What are field notes? 2. What are three points to remember while taking notes?

ANSWERS! 1.  What are field notes? Detailed observa<ons of people and their environment 2. What are three points to remember while taking notes? 1)  Behaviors should be described “behaviorally”. In other words, don’t interpret…just write what you see. 2)  Descrip<ons of people should be very detailed & have “indicators” (i.e. Gucci bag, a shirt with holes…). 3)  The descrip<on of the environment should be very detailed…like you’re looking through a camera.

BOTTOM of page 187 – Prac<ce taking field notes. •  DRAW the Field Notes Table

•  Watch part of the video and take notes (fieldnotes) following the three guidelines you just learned.

Reflec<on – Bocom 186 TYPE 1 •  Observe your classroom, teacher, and classmates during the reflec<on and take brief fieldnotes.

(At least 6 detailed notes)

Date: ____ Loca<on: ________ Descrip<on 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Before you leave… write down ONE place you and your group could observe and take field notes to help add data to your project.

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