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 What do both these cartoons say about the

importance of vocabulary knowledge?  (5 minutes – and you need to back up your opinion with 1 + thing from one of the cartoons).

authority The legal right or power to give orders and enforce rules

legitimacy The quality of being accepted as an authority, often applied to laws or those in power.

power The ability to cause others to behave as they might not otherwise choose to do.

government Institutions and officials organized to establish and carry out public policy

civics The study of rights and duties of citizenship.

citizenship A person who by birth or naturalization enjoys certain rights and has certain duties in a nationstate

public good A product or service that is available for all people to consume, whether they pay for it or not.

bystander A person who is present at an event or incident, but does not take part.

upstander those who do not simply stand by in the face of injustice, but understand that each one of us can make a difference.

Genovese-syndrome  The bystander effect social psychological occurrence

that refers to cases where individuals do not offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present.

Reflection – Page 10  Use 4+ words from today correctly in

a paragraph. (Underline or highlight each word)

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