Exhibit A
A poster used in the NAACP voting rights campaign from Civil Rights Movement Veterans www.crmvet.org
Exhibit B
Septima Clark teaching reading, writing, and voter registration from Civil Rights Movement Veterans www.crmvet.org
Exhibit C
Selma march poster put up by SCLC from Civil Rights Movement Veterans www.crmvet.org
Exhibit D
Freedom School in Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964 from Civil Rights Movement Veterans www.crmvet.org
Exhibit E
Green Hip Hop Tour Poster Grassroots Artists MovEment (G.A.M.E.) www.blogs.myspace.com
Exhibit F
NFWA strike, 1967 (National Field Workers Association) “The Fight in the Fields” on PBS www.pbs.org/itvs/fightfields
Exhibit G
anti-War Rally March, 2003 www.uiuc.edu
Exhibit H
Immigration Justice Rally Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL www.blog.su-spectator.com