I don’t know how to study for a quiz…HELP! Teachers quiz you to give you a chance to prove that you’ve been parAcipaAng and took the Ame to let the informaAon sink in. My quizzes are not to trick you. I ONLY quiz you on what I’ve explicitly taught you.
So let me give you one strategy to use today and this weekend to prepare for MONDAY’S QUIZ.
STRATEGY ONE – Make a list of what you will be tested on. -‐ Go through your notes and highlight answers
# 1 -‐ Know what you will be tested on This quiz will focus on what we’ve covered these past 2 ½ weeks, starAng with page 32, the DeclaraAon of Independence. Take out a piece of loose-‐leaf paper to make notes as we flip through your notebook. That way…if you are missing notes in your notebook, you s&ll know what you need to know and can get notes from my blog.
# 2 – Chunk it! (into smaller por&ons) PAGE 33 – What does the preamble to the DeclaraAon of Independence state? If you can answer this, you KNOW the DeclaraAon of Independence.
PAGE 33 – What is listed in the DeclaraAon of Independence? Can you name two? -‐ For example…
Page 34-‐35; Glossary – American Dream What is the American Dream? American Dream: n. The tradiAonal social ideals of the U.S., such as equality, democracy, and material prosperity.
Page 36 – DeclaraZon of Independence What are the core principles of American government as embodied in the DeclaraAon of Independence? (Review your answer) -‐ All people are created equal -‐ We all have rights that can’t be violated -‐ If a government abuses it’s power, we have the right to abolish it and create a new one.
Page 42-‐43 – From Capitalism to Communism
Describe how capitalism is different from socialism and communism. (review your answer) Capitalism – private ownership of business free to compete (free market system). Socialism – Government owns businesses in hope of bringing about economic equality. Communism – Goal of a classless society is achieved so there is no need for a government.
Page 46-‐49 – Outline of the ConsZtuZon What does the preamble to the ConsAtuAon state? -‐ See Page 47 or Page 48’s Start Up What do ArAcles I, II, and III provide guidelines for? What comes a_er the ArAcles in the ConsAtuAon?
Page 50 – Three secZons of the ConsZtuZon What’s the definiAon of preamble and amendment. -‐ The preamble is an introducAon. -‐ An amendment is a change.
Page 51 -‐ Core Principles of the ConsZtuZon What are four core principles to the ConsAtuAon? Provide a brief descripAon for each. 1. Federalism – power divided between a central government and a smaller regional government. 2. popular sovereignty –people are the ulAmate source of authority of the government. 3. separaZon of powers-‐ Or “checks and balances”. This is when powers of government are split between two or more independent so power can’t be abused. 4. Individual rights – Our natural or human rights that are ours by simply being human.
Page 52-‐53 – Types of Amendments to our ConsZtuZon What’s one example of an amendment that protects our rights and liberZes? -‐ # 1 -‐ freedom of speech What’s one example of an amendment that expanded voZng rights in this country? -‐ women can vote What’s an amendment that defines our elecZon process or changes the tenure of office? -‐ President can only serve two terms. What’s one amendment that reflects a change in our social values? -‐ Slaves were freed What’s one amendment protects our rights in the legal system? -‐ right to a speedy/public trial
REFLECTION: There are ELEVEN quesZons you must be able to answer. STRATEGY ONE RECAP – -‐ Now that you’ve made your list and highlighted answers, chunk what you will study when. -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
DeclaraZon of Independence ConsZtuZon Capitalism/Socialism/Communism Amendments to the ConsZtuZon
-‐ Use your list to either quiz yourself or give that list to a family member/friend and have them quiz you. -‐ Each day up unAl the quiz take 20-‐30 minutes to look at your list of quesAons. See what you can answer without looking in your notebook.
Use the remaining class Zme to “study” QUIETLY On your own, with your group, or of with a partner.