day 2

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Pause and reflect so far…






Start Up – Top ½ Page 184 Directions: Re#lect on what you have done so far with your project. Think about which parts of the PAR cycle you have completed so far. Match the sections listed below (you may just write the letter if you’d like) next to the appropriate step on the PAR cycle. Project Sections:

A. Personal Narrative B. Problem/Question/Hypothesis

C. Literature Reviews D. Survey

I. Personal Narra>ve •  This is how you prove you are an expert in assessing and addressing or solving the problem in your community •  Think of it as an About the Author, which you find in books. •  Each member of your group must have this printed and peer edited by May 15th

II. Problem/Ques>on/Hypothesis •  Try to answer each quesAon with one 5-­‐10 sentence paragraph •  This secAon is all about what you & your mates THINK •  QuesAon: The ques-on you and your group is trying to answer MUST be clearly stated here. •  And remember: ameliorate = solve. Is your quesAon trying to solve the problem or is it simply addressing the problem? –  For example, which quesAon below addresses the problem, which ameliorates? •  How will the MBTA fare increases negaAvely impact Boston youth? •  How can we reduce the rate of sexually transmiPed infecAons and teen pregnancy in Boston teens?

III. Literature Review •  Literature means “wriPen work” •  You need to find and reflect on at least TWO arAcles or studies that come from legiAmate sources (I highly recommend using SIRS or Opposing Viewpoints)

IV. SURVEY – ★ Most important this week!

•  Your survey quesAons should try to prove your hypothesis to be true. •  But your quesAons should not be leading = i.e. “Will you stop riding the T if they raise the prices?” This is leading.

Let’s use one of our example PAR ques>ons from earlier… QuesAon: How will the MBTA fare increases negaAvely impact Boston youth? Hypothesis: The MBTA’s fare increase will cause a decrease in youth ridership. Survey sample quesAon: The MBTA plans to raise their fares and cut some services this July. 4) What will you do if they raise the prices by 25%? ___ Stop taking the T/Bus ___ Reduce the amount I ride ___ Find alternaAve transportaAon ___ Pay it & conAnue my same rouAne 5) Who pays for your bus/T ride? ____ I do ___ parent/guardian ___ school

(Survey ConAnued) •  How many youth should you have complete this survey? Goal: B = 100 A = 125 A+ = 150

•  Where will you hand this survey out? –  Remember…I need your final copy ASAP so I can make you copies. No later than Thursday!

•  Your group MUST have the completed surveys in class by next Wednesday (May 2). No excepAons.

ReflecAon – BoPom ½ 184 •  As a group decide how this survey is going to be: –  completed, –  Proofread, –  handed into me for copies –  handed out & collected by next Tuesday.

Homework – Choose ONE 1.  Final survey due to me by Thursday, midnight. 2.  Final copy of your Problem/Ques>on/ Hypothesis 3.  Final copy of Lit Review 1 4.  Final copy of Lit Review 2 5.  Final copy of your Personal NarraAve –  Worried about not geong credit? Share on GoogleDocuments…that way I can see who has done the work.

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