marxist theory

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START UP – Top ½ 42 – Type 1 1.  What happened during the first round? (2-­‐3 lines) -­‐ How did it make you feel? (1-­‐2 lines) 2.  Describe how 2nd round started and finished. (2-­‐3 lines) 3.  What did your class decide to do a<er 2nd round? (1-­‐2 lines) BONUS – Which round, 1,2 or 3 did you prefer? Why? (2-­‐3 lines)

10/13/11 43

From Capitalism to Communism Marxist Theory Rock, Scissors, Paper Game


and create a T-­‐Chart like this.

10/13/11 43

From Capitalism to Communism Marxist Theory Rock, Scissors, Paper Game Capitalism Capitalism * Private ownership of business * Students started with their own candy * Freedom of compeOOon * Students played Rock, Scissors, Paper * Results in unequal economic classes * Some students won; most lost

Class Struggle Class Struggle * Upper class & working class * We discussed how winners and losers struggle over wealth felt. Workers Revolt Workers Revolt * Working class carries out plan * Talked about how unfair; plans to steal to overtake upper class

SOCIALISM SOCIALISM *Government ownership of business * Teacher (government) collected candy * Goal is to create economic equality * Teacher redistributes tokens equally * Aims for a classless society * Students all have same amount of candy

Keep adding notes as I flash slides up. By the end of class your notes should look like this

Marxist Theory

Rock, Scissors, Paper Game



•  Private ownership of business •  Freedom of compeOOon

•  Students started out with their own candy •  Students played the game •  Some students won; most lost

•  Results in unequal economic classes

•  Results in unequal economic class

•  Some students won; most lost

Class Struggle

Class Struggle

•  Upper class and working class struggle over wealth

•  Discussed how winners and losers felt

Workers Revolt

Workers Revolt

•  Working class carries out plan to overtake upper class.


•  Argued about how unfair the game was; plans to steal back?

Cuban RevoluVon

•  Working class carries out plan to overtake upper class.

•  Argued about how unfair the game was; plans to steal back?



•  Government ownership •  Teacher (Fiorini) of industry collected all the candy •  Goal is to bring •  Teacher redistributed economic equality the candy equally •  Aims for a classless •  Students all had same society amount of candy

London, England

•  Aims for a classless society

•  Students all had same amount of candy



•  Goal of a classless society is achieved

•  Students would refuse to play the game again and choose to share candy •  Teacher would no longer need to supervise

•  No government is needed Isthmus -­‐ Worker run company in WI.

REFLECTION – Bo^om ½ 42-­‐ Type 2 ANSWER: Describe how capitalism is different from socialism and communism. (3 def/contrast) (Use this structure below if you want extra help starAng.)

Capitalism is … ______. It’s different from socialism because socialism …. ______. And capitalism differs from communism because communism… _____ .

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