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1. Get with your PAR project group. 2. Turn to your start up on Page 160 Highlight/or underline the most important statement you made yesterday. (you have 2 minutes to do this)

Decide group roles FOR TODAY: EVERYONE: You will ALL RECORD NOTES & SHARE IDEAS. WRITER: Along with wriPng your own notes, you will need to write out a 2nd copy and hand in to me. CO-­‐LEADER: You will need to collect everyone’s GMAIL account address and create an online “group” that includes my address. You will be responsible for keeping the group in touch ONCE a week. CO-­‐LEADER: You will need to keep a log for each day your group meets. Take minutes of key points made (and who made the point), keep track of who’s responsible for what. FACILITATOR: You must make sure EVERYONE in your group feels welcomed. You must also make sure each person has a chance to speak at least once.

On the top of page 162, write down the role you are taking on today and what your responsibility is for today.

Today you will get space to fine-­‐tune your quesPon. Volume MUST be a low-­‐volume. I will need Pme to be able to speak with EACH group. Respect your learning & the learning of others.

SecPon II. Problem, QuesPon, and Hypothesis •  Problem: What is the nature of the problem you plan to study? (background of the problem •  Why is it an important problem that needs to be addressed (parPcularly by youth)? •  QuesPon: •  How will finding an answer to this quesPon either provide insight into the problem OR ameliorate (solve) the problem?

What to consider while fine-­‐tuning your quesNon. It should be… •  a quesPon you really want answers to. •  a quesPon with a useful answer. •  interacPve. The quesNon should encourage collaboraNon with others in shaping other quesNons and in figuring out answers. •  able to trigger reflecPon and deep discussion.

So let’s get started…

REFLECTION – Boeom ½ of page 162 •  What are your next steps? In other words, how will you start to find answers to your quesPon(s)?

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