Madison Park PAR Project—2011-2012 Academic Year Student Names: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Civics for Boston Youth: Participatory Action Research Paper Rubric Criteria Introduction / Thesis (Sect.1 & II)
Quality and variety of Information / Evidence (Sect IV & VI)
Support of Ideas / Analysis (Sect IV & VI)
Organization / Development of Ideas
Level 4 (4)
Level 3 (3.5)
-exceptional introduction that grabs interest of reader and states topic, thesis, and all subtopics in proper order - thesis is exceptionally clear, arguable, well developed, and a definitive statement -paper is exceptionally researched, extremely detailed and historically accurate with critical evidence from a wide variety of sources -Innovative and relevant use of Strategy map -Innovative and relevant use of Lit review articles
-proficient introduction that states topic, thesis, and all subtopics in proper order - thesis is a clear and arguable statement of position -paper is well researched in detail with accurate & critical evidence from a variety of sources -Related and
-exceptionally critical, relevant and consistent connections made between evidence, subtopics, counter-arguments & thesis / topic showing excellent analysis --Distinguished survey analysis (more than 2)
(Sect III and V and whole paper)
-exceptionally clear, logical, mature, and thorough development of subtopics that support thesis with excellent transition b/w paragraphs
Original Historical Thinking and Writing
-demonstrates exceptional originality in historical thinking and writing.
(Sect IV case studies) Accuracy (Historical and in other assertions) (Whole paper)
analyzed Strategy map
-Related and analyzed Lit review articles -consistent connections made between evidence, subtopics, counterarguments & thesis / topic showing good analysis --Strong survey analysis (more than 2) -clear and logical subtopic order that supports thesis with good transitions b/w paragraphs -demonstrates a good level of original historical thinking and writing.
Level 2 (3)
Level 1 (2)
-adequate introduction that states topic , thesis and some of the subtopics - thesis is somewhat clear and arguable
-weak introduction of topic, thesis & subtopics -thesis is weak and lacks an arguable position
-some aspects of paper is researched with some accurate evidence from limited sources -GIS maps included -Lit review articles included
-limited information on topic with lack of research, details or historically accurate evidence -No GIS maps -No relevant Lit review articles
-some connections made between evidence, subtopics, counterarguments & thesis / topic showing analysis --At least two survey results graphed
-limited connections made between evidence, subtopics, counterarguments & thesis / topic -lack of analysis -Inadequate survey analysis
-somewhat clear and logical development of subtopics with adequate transitions b/w paragraphs
-paper lacks clear and logical development of ideas with weak transition b/w ideas and paragraphs
Marks ____ *2 =
____ *4 =
____ *4 =
____ *3 =
-some original historical thinking and writing evident.
-lacks originality in historical thinking or writing.
____ *3 =
-Clear and consistently high level of historical accuracy as demonstrated through citation, use of multiple sources and analysis, and acknowledgement of varying validity levels of sources
-Paper and its assertions are largely historically accurate.
-some historical inaccuracies, but they do not detract from the paper’s major assertions.
-many historical inaccuracies or improper understandings of the historical narrative or sources.
____ *2 =
Madison Park PAR Project—2011-2012 Academic Year Reflection, Conclusions and Recommendations (Sect VII & VIII) Language Conventions (Whole paper)
-excellent summary of topic (with no new information), thesis & all subtopics in proper order with concluding ideas that leave an impact on reader
-good summary of topic, thesis and all subtopics with clear concluding ideas
-paper is very concise, clear, with consistently proper grammar, spelling and paragraphing
-paper is clear, with mostly proper grammar, spelling and paragraphing
-adequate summary of topic, thesis and some subtopics with some final concluding ideas
-lack of summary of topic, thesis & subtopics with weak concluding ideas
____ *3 =
-paper has some errors in grammar, spelling and paragraphing
- inconsistent grammar, spelling and paragraphing throughout paper
____ *2 =
Citation (Whole paper) Bibliography (Section IX)
-proper detailed format always used consistently & correctly to validate evidence in paper -proper, detailed MLA format always used in alphabetical order with all sources shown and a wide variety of sources
-consistent & correct format inserted to validate evidence -mostly proper MLA format used in alphabetical order with all sources shown and a variety of sources
- sometimes inconsistent use of footnotes with limited details -some errors in MLA format with most sources shown and a variety of sources
-inconsistent use of footnotes with limited details and improper format -lack of proper format and limited details with many sources missing or incomplete
TOTAL: ____/100
[If whole paper was late, multiply by .9. If minor sections were late, multiply by .95]
Final Grade: ____