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START UP – Top ½ 128 (See Poll Question) The results for our class were… Other ideas were…

What is the PAR process? (Write this as your title on 129)

Dr. Marina Stock McIsaac - Arizona State University

I. Action Research Cycle 1. Think about the

problem 2. What is the question you want to answer? 3. Plan ways to get the answers




4. Do fieldwork to improve your understanding of the problem. 5. From the answers generate an imaginative idea of what to do to change and improve. 6. Action. Put ideas into practice.

II. STEP 2 Examples (just copy TWO) •  •  •  •

How can we get more youth jobs? How do we stop the MBTA from raising prices? How can we get sex education into our school? How can we get youth to eat healthier?

III. Step 4 Examples •  Interviews •  Diaries •  Video/audio

•  Surveys •  Participant observations •  Use of existing data

Advantages of Methods •  Increases feelings of participant ownership. •  Increases likelihood that data will be used. •  Participants develop skills and confidence; feel empowered.

IV. A successful PAR project needs… •  Trusting relationships among members. •  Training about research methods, data collection, and analysis must be provided. (Guest organizers and I will supply the training.) (GOOD attendance is a MUST!) •  Good organizational structure to support the team.. •  A reliable facilitator to coordinate the process. (Strong facilitators will receive extra credit)

V. The PAR cycle Plan to seek answers

Raise a question

Stop & reflect on current situation

“Fieldwork” Seek answers

Reflection (analysis)

Think of action

From: Yoland Wadsworth *What is Participatory Action Research? November 1998

REFLECTION – Bottom ½ 128 Choose ONLY ONE to answer

A.  If there is an issue you feel passionately about that you would like your class to focus on, what are some points you can argue to persuade others of its importance? B.  Of the PAR process…which step will you do well at that you can support others and which step will you need the most support?

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