here yoiu go

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START UP – Top ½ 110 Watch the two videos and create a T-­‐Chart., What terms, sentences, thoughts come to mind? Record it on a T-­‐Chart like the one below. Burma * * * *

China * * * *

ACTIVITY – Notes on Page 111 Reasons for unrest:

Methods used to fight for change:

Reasons for unrest:

Methods used to fight for change:

Use the top ½ of this page to record notes on your reading.

Save the BoPom ½ of your page for a classmate’s “share out”.

REFLECTION – BoEom ½ 110 •  How are the movements in China and Burma similar? How do they differ? Venn OR WriPen The movement in China is similar

to the one in Burma because…

These to movements also differ because…

DISCUSSION •  Student acYvist Chaohua Wang says that the Chinese people are less trusZul of their government post-­‐Tiananmen. Yet, there have not been major demonstraYons in China since 1989. Some suggest that economic progress has had a chilling effect of the democracy movement. •  Does improved economic status in a country increase the potenYal costs to a movement? •  Can you draw comparisons with the situaYon in Burma, where there has been no economic progress since the regime came to power?

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