START UP – Top ½ 190 • Alright Chicos & Chicas…lets use our =me without the computer lab; and use it well • What can you do in your group today that doesn’t require a computer?
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (Interviewing more than one person? Do the following for EACH person.)
• Finalize…who will you interview? – How do you think this person will help answer your research ques=on?
• What ques6ons will you ask them (absolutely no more than 10 ques=ons…keep it close to 6-‐7) – Level 1 & 2 ques=ons only.
• Handwrite these ques6ons out today, type up tonight & email them to me. • Handwrite out what you will say to them to introduce yourself & explain why you want to interview them. This too must be emailed to me.
SURVEY GET IT OUT! • Use your classmates surveys as examples to drive your thinking forward. • Do you ask enough ques=ons to help you answer your research ques=on? • Do you have a couple ques=ons that will help determine who has taken your survey (age, grade, etc.) • Are you pu_ng this online?
HAND OUT and ANALYZE RESULTS • Start handing it out during lunch. Have some pencils. • Arrange with teachers at least ONE DAY ahead if you can hand out during their class. – Handwrite a message to them today. What will you say that explains yourself & your research? Type it tonight & email me. – Arrange with me if you must leave my class to do so.
• As surveys come in, start tallying your results on a “master sheet”.
DUE FRIDAY Field Notes • Which area in your community can you observe and get telling informa=on about your topic? • Who will do it? • When? • Outcome: – Field notes – Summary of fieldnotes and explana=on of how these notes tell you something about your topic
Document Analysis • Who will look over a webpage or materials put out by an organiza=on working on your topic? (2 people maximum/ individual analysis) • Read through their materials and summarize what they are doing to solve the problem. • Answer: What can your group learn from this? What do you find the most helpful? How is your work similar? How is it different?
Is all of this done? SECTION/REQUIREMENT
NOTES (Who needs to s=ll do
what? Ques=ons? Etc.)
• Sec I: Personal Narra=ves (rough draj at least)
• Sec II: Problem/Ques=on/ Hypotheses
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• Sec IV: Lit Review I
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• Sec IV: Lit Review II
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ALL YOUR WORK NEEDS EDITING! • I have created some FOCUS CORRECTION AREAS that you can use while checking each other’s work.
REFLECTION – Booom ½ 190 • Reflec=on: What must be done tonight on computer? Who in the group can do that work and get it to me via email or GoogleDocs?