START UP – Do not do in notebook • Complete the survey(s) and hand in to the appropriate group (or hand in to me if this group is in another class) • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: If you do not have a survey ready, that must be completed today.
ObjecTves for this week 1. What community-‐-‐-‐based organizaTons are acTvely engaged in or related to my research topic of interest? – How do I effecTvely outreach to them in order to conduct meaningful and frui\ul (producTve) research?
2. How do I analyze and synthesize my data in a meaningful way? (Wednesday) 3. What’s the best way for us to divide up individual responsibiliTes in our research group and to make use of our class and out-‐-‐-‐of-‐-‐-‐class Tme?
TODAY! • Whatever work you do today, MUST be completed in a GoogleDocument and shared with me and your group members. (If it’s already shared with me, then skip this step)
• Title: Click on UnTtled Document and Ttle it appropriately (i.e. survey, interview, lit review, etc.) • Finally – Remember how you are graded on daily project work (find in your folder). You start with 30 points, it’s up to you to keep the points. • Sign up for help today…stay on task while waiTng for me. Use the pink OVERVIEW: SecTons I, II, IV, V, and IX.
ROLES – Discuss with your group & choose your role • Complete survey (6-‐10 quesTons is your goal…no more than two pages) • Interview QuesEons should be completed; remember…these quesTons should help answer your research quesTon and should contain Level 1 & 2 quesTons (see blog). – Note: Can any of your survey quesTons be tweaked & used here? – Find the email or phone number for the person & set up a Tme to sit and interview them
• Document CollecEon (See SecTon V): Similar to the literature review, find any documents that have been posted by an organizaTon you’ve visited & summarize this informaTon. • Bibliography: SecTon IX -‐ Start compiling a list of all the resources you have used so far during your research. • Make correcEons on any past documents – check for capitalizaTon, quotes, punctuaTon, and proofread for clarity.