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Start Up – Top ½ 92 RECORD WHAT YOU THINK! •  List the order of stages in the criminal process. •  Which two stages could be reversed? •  Complete this sentence: The ___________ stage may never occur if… (ex. The arrest stage may never occur if there is not enough evidence gathered or there is not a suspect.


You must be here today and tomorrow to receive full project credit.

STEP 1: Select a leader, reader(s), writer, two presenters -­‐  LEADER: Ensure everyone parWcipates and doesn’t talk to any other group. -­‐  READER(s): Read loud enough for everyone to hear. -­‐  Writer: Everyone records rough draZ notes on page 93. However, ONE of you will hand in a final copy of your notes on the page provided. -­‐  Presenters: Tomorrow you will present the informaWon supporWng each other and providing background stories to the notes.

Step 2: Read & Re-­‐Read for Understanding •  Read the secWon carefully focusing on the guiding quesWons. •  Help each other understand vocabulary. (what words do you not need to know the exact meaning of to sWll understand the paragraph?)

•  Also pay a]enWon to any court cases menWoned in your reading. •  Note any words in bold or italics •  Tie what you’re reading today with what you learned last week or in other aspects of your life. Use your prior knowledge! Don’t forget…you are all taking brief notes on page 93.

ReflecWon – Bo]om ½ 92 •  What are two details/clarifying info you will share with your classmates tomorrow that are NOT wri]en in your presentaWon notes? (HINT: Think about how I provided other details, clarificaWons, or stories during today’s PowerPoint presentaWon)

EXTRA CREDIT Place your notes on ONE POWERPOINT SLIDE and share it with your group-­‐mates and me on Google Docs. Must be shared by 10 PM tonight. BONUS 20 – on Homework!!!

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