dirty diesel

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Hearing Before the City Council TUESDAY – DECEMBER 20 5:00 – 6:30 Meet at Roxbury Crossing at 4:00 – We leave at exactly 4:15 (…or meet in the City Hall Lobby at 4:45.)

By attending and completing the stages below you will: -­‐ become familiar with community issues and grassroots organizing, -­‐ see examples of youth leadership, -­‐ gain experience of attending a hearing, -­‐ get a head start on organizing ideas for your PAR year long project, -­‐ replace or add to a major project grade (120 points). STAGE 1: Pre-assignment completed together in class. STAGE 2: Main- assignment completed during and after the hearing. You will take brief notes that you will need to reflect on & type or handwrite neatly. o Both will be handed in to me. o Questions you will need to answer during the hearing:  Describe the layout of the room.  Describe your time in the City Council Chambers. • When did you arrive? • Where did you sit? • How long was the hearing? • How many students spoke? • Did other community members speak besides youth? • How did the proceedings make you feel? • Did you feel moved to speak?  What arguments did the people who testified on behalf of ACE make? • Pay attention to personal stories, facts, statistics, etc. • Were suggestions made as to HOW the problem should be fixed?  How did the members of City Council react to those arguments?  What was your overall impression of the hearing?  Do you think it was an effective way to bring about change? • If not, how do you think it could have been improved? STAGE 3: Share out with your classmates – “Panel of Observers” -­‐ After the holiday break, you will sit before the class as a panel with other classmates in attendance and share your experience. -­‐ This will require: o notes in front of you, o collaborating with other classmates (GoogleDocs, email, phone, etc.), o presenting PowerPoint slides or a poster to better describe the hearing, o fielding questions from classmates who did not attend.

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