START UP – Top ½ 108 • Why on earth am I showing you this video clip? (list 3+ possible reasons) • h=p://
• How might this be linked to grassroots organizing?
DISCUSSION (taking notes is op=onal) • What technological knowledge do youth have that most adults may not have? • How can that be put to use?
Record answers on Top ½ of 109 Watch 6:30 min of Video:Technology and Poli=cal Unrest at hLp://www.c-‐‐4 -‐ What is he talking to the audience about? -‐ What did students in Belarus do? -‐ Why does he tell this story of the students in Belarus (i.e. what’s his main point)?
NOTES on READING – BoLom ½ 109
First -‐ Which region of the world is this? Notes – Summarize the last three paragraphs.
Vocabulary help for the reading Hierarchy ( pl. -‐chies) a system or organiza=on in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. Cumbersome slow or complicated and therefore inefficient (Bitly) a URL shortening service owned by bitly, Inc.
REFLECTION – BoLom ½ 108 • What can technology do to hierarchies, ideas, and acYons? – (2 examples from notes and 4 lines minimum)