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You may use this list of translations to pick apart portions of the Declaration of Independence. You may use the column to the left to CHECK OFF what you’ve used. Please only check off under the column that represents your class period. Thanks. PERIODS 1 3 4 6 TRANSLATIONS The king has not agreed to pass laws that are for the good of the people. The king only pretends to put on trial British soldiers who commit murder on colonists. The king is sending even more troops to continue his cruel killing, which is unheard of in a civilized nation. Below are facts that show King George has repeatedly abused his power. The king is taxing us without our permission. The king keeps troops here with out our permission. The king forces us to house his troops. The king chooses the judges and pays their salaries. Whenever a government stops listening to the voices of the people it governs, and starts to abuse it’s power, the people have the right to get rid of it. He caused conflict here by persuading Native Americans to come in and kill us. The King does not allow us a trial by our own peers. The King has not allowed our law making bodies to meet. The King keeps making up positions in government that he fills with his own people, who then bully us. He won’t pass laws in various “states” unless the people give up their rights to be represented in these governments. The King doesn’t let us trade with anyone but England. The King puts us on trial in England for made up incidents. The king has stolen from us, destroyed our cities and people, and any ships leaving or coming into our ports. It’s obvious that we are all created equal and have rights to live freely that cannot be taken away from us. We have asked nicely, over and over, for these wrongs to be righted. However, the king has only caused more harm. We declare that we are no longer under British rule and are a free and independent country.

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