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START UP Complete on the Top ½ of 62 Answer at least FOUR ques=ons below.

Think about something you, someone you know, or David has done in the past to help the community. 1.  What type of project did you work on? 2.  Do you feel you made a difference? Why or why not? 3.  What made you get involved with this issue? 4.  How did you prepare for this experience?

1.  What type of project did someone you know work on? 2.  Do you feel they made a difference? Why or why not? 3.  What made them get involved with this issue? 4.  How do you think they prepared for this experience?

With your group, record notes based on the following quesFons on page 63. •  What benefit(s) did you gain from learning outside the classroom (list 2+)? •  Using yesterday’s notes (if you have them), make a list of issues you or your classmates may want to address in your communi=es (list 7+).

Some examples… •  Too many drugs in my community •  Not enough healthy food available

With your group, record notes based on the following quesFons on page 63. •  What benefit(s) did you gain from learning outside the classroom (list 2+)? •  Using yesterday’s notes (if you have them), make a list of issues you or your classmates may want to address in your communi=es (list 7+). •  Focus on ONE issue from your list. What sort of informa=on will you need to gather to find out more about this issue? (list 2+)

For example… I want to focus on not enough AFFORDABLE fresh food available in my community.

-­‐  Find out WHERE (if any) they sell fresh/healthy food. Find out where food, in general is sold. Check prices of fresh food (again, if any fresh stuff). Compare to prices of junk food.

With your group, record notes based on the following quesFons on page 63. •  What benefit(s) did you gain from learning outside the classroom (list 2+)? •  Using yesterday’s notes (if you have them), make a list of issues you or your classmates may want to address in your communi=es (list 7+). •  Focus on ONE issue from your list. What sort of informa=on will you need to gather to find out more about this issue? (list 2+) •  What are some changes you would like to make? (list 2+)?

For example… •  UlFmately I’d like to see more fresh/healthy food sold near my home. •  Maybe a farmer’s market? •  Maybe there could be community gardens? •  Not sure how I can change this if the businesses are privately owned. •  Could I do an awareness campaign? •  Maybe compare it to wealthy communiFes? •  That would mean gathering data on the wealthy. •  Etc….

Reflec=on/Homework if YOU WENT on the field trip Brainstorm goes on boVom of 62. Final handed in on MONDAY

David said he doesn’t want to be thanked for his tour, but instead thanked you. However, it is always nice to thank the people that allowed this to happen. So choose one to do: 1.  Write a leVer to the head of the history department, Mr. Chisolm, for funding this trip. -­‐ Address what you learned…how this benefits you… 2. Write David a leVer explaining how you are spreading his stories (if you are) and what issues you are now thinking of addressing this year.

Those who did not a[end…If you did not complete yesterday’s homework. DUE TOMORROW – 80% •  On a separate sheet of paper, please write a le1er that answers all of the following ques5ons: •  Explain why you did not a[end today or yesterday’s field trip. •  How do you think you will be able to make this type of “hands-­‐on” trip up? What will you do next Fme to ensure you will not miss the trip? •  Why do you think I wanted all of you to a[end this trip?

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