2 minute read

Serving Delaware’s First Responders Since 1921 DVFAOffice

As we start off 2023, we have a few important topics and dates to mention to you to add to your calendars. We just wrapped up the State Fire Prevention Awards. We would like to congratulate all the students and schools that participated along with all the winners on the local, county and state levels. This is a wonderful program that is one of the longest continuing programs in the nation.

It is time to start making your plans to attend FDIC in Indianapolis. The dates are April 24-30. Contact Warren Jones for help with booking rooms in the Delaware block.

The Congressional Fire Services Institute fundraising event will be held on May 22 and 23, 2023, in Washington, DC. The dinner will be held on Tuesday, the 23rd this year. As in years past we really need to support this.

The National Fallen Firefighter Foundation’s Memorial Service in Emmettsburgh Maryland will be held on May 7, 2023. Chief John

by Ken Ryder, President, DVFA

We have breezed through the holidays and are into 2023.

On December 10, this DVFAPresident and Administrative Assistant Warren Jones made a trip to the White House for a Holiday Reception. Quite an honor for me to be able to accept the invitation and attend to represent the DVFA. My thanks to all of you for electing me as your President and allowing me to represent you at the White House for Christmas 2022. Aonce in a lifetime gift I’ll never forget. Now let me get back to business.

When I ended my discussion in the last issue

Pridemore will be honored at this event. The DVFAhas chartered a bus to attend this event and information to sign up will be forthcoming. We also want to remind you of the Tuition Reimbursement Program. The information is on the fire school website or contact Jeff Brown at the Delaware State Fire School. Jeff is also looking for Americorps members. If you know anyone that may be interested or would like to have these people work in your station let Jeff know.

The Revolving Loan Program has over $5 million in this funds that needs to be loaned out. If you plan on buying new equipment this program can help you with a two-percent interest rate. Information is on the website.

Pease keep in mind to update your contact list to the Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission with your new officers. If you make any changes to your Delegates or Alternates to the DVFAplease send a letter on your letterhead to the DVFAoffice or email them to norm912@aol.com.

It is that time of year to get your surf fishing tags and stickers to enter the Delaware State Parks. The form is on the website. The 2021 Surf Fish and State Park Application is the form you need. Please make sure you have the current form printed out on your company’s letter head for your members and follow all the rules of the Delaware State Parks. If you run into any problems, please remember you are representing the fire service of the state of Delaware and your local fire departments. You can get the president’s stamped signature at any county meeting just see President Ryder, either of the vice presidents or DVFAoffice staff to obtain it.

Our next Executive Meeting is March 12, 2023, at the Delaware State Fire School. Committees will meet at 0900 and Executive Meeting at 1000.

- Respectfully Norman ‘Jay’Jones Jr. Executive Manager

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