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Greetings from the LADVFAPresident’s Hive
by Debra Lawhead, President LADVFA
Happy New Year! I Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday. I know many of you had Breakfast with Santa, Santa Runs and other events that kept you busy supporting our fire companies.
The DVFAExecutive meeting was held on December 11, 2022, at the Fire School, and I would like to update you on a few things that were discussed that pertain to the Auxiliary.
The DVFAapplied for a Safer Grant for
Recruitment and Retention and were awarded this grant. Amarketing company will be hired to put out marketing for Firefighters and EMTs and the Auxiliary, to help us recruit for new members. I look forward to seeing the results of this emphasis and these recruitment efforts.
The recommendations from past-President Ingle were presented to the DVFA. The topics of discussion concerned (1) having access to the server to store documents pertaining to LADVFAbusiness so that there is one central location for these records; and (2) that LADVFAbooks be included with the DVFAaudit. Both issues are being considered at the Executive Level.
Several “Dates to Remember:” (1) The National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service will be changed this year from October to May 7, 2023, in Emmitsburg, PA. If you have not had a chance to attend, I would recommend it. The service to honor our fallen brothers and sisters is moving; and (2) the Congressional Fire Service Institute will be having their annual fundraiser dinner in Washington, DC, on May 23, 2023.
I look forward to seeing all of you at your county meetings. Please remember to share your ideas. They are important to our mission. Stay safe!