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House Fire on Sycamore Road RBVFC Hits Mobile Home Fire
The Rehoboth Beach VolunteerFire Company (RBVFC), assisted by Lewes and Indian Riverresponded to a well involved mobile home fire in Love Creek on November13, 2022. No injuries were reported and the State Fire Marshal was investigating.

- Submitted by Chuck Snyder
At 0845 on December13, 2022, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company was dispatched to assist the Singerly Fire Company in Cecil County, Maryland, with an engine and ladderon a working residential structure fire on Sycamore Road. Fire department units arrived to find a single-story, single-family dwelling with fire showing. Engine 9 was the second arriving engine with Ladder9 being the first arriving ladder. Crews from Aetna engaged in interiorfirefighting activities before clearing the scene at 1032.
- Submitted by Lawrence Tan