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Aetna Responds to Hazardous Materials Spill
On December20, 2022 at 1540, the Aetna Hose, Hook & Ladder Company, New Castle County Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Decontamination Team and New Castle County Paramedics were dispatched to the Glasgow Medical Centeron Glasgow Avenue, Newark fora possible hazardous materials spill. Acallerfrom the medical centerreported they were scheduled to receive a deliver y of toxic chemicals only to have the delivery driverarrive to tell them the chemical containerhad leaked in the truck and had been discarded. The delivery driverleft the scene priorto the arrival o f the fire department. While investigating the situation, a maintenance workerfrom a neighboring shopping centeradvised fire depart-
Smoke DetectorAverts LargerFire in Newark Home
On November13, 2022, at 2031, the Aetna Hose, Hook & LadderCompany was dispatched with the Christiana, Cranston Heights and Mill Creek, to a residential structure fire in the 200 block of Lena Court, Nonantum Mills. Personnel arrived to find a battery chargerfora vehicle jump starterwhich had caught fire while charging. The chargerhad been left plugged in on the kitchen counter. Asmoke detectoralerted the residents to the problem, enabled them to unplug the device and remove it from the structure before the arrival of the fire department. There were no injuries. The United States ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC) has received consumercomplaints and manufacturerand retailerreports involving hazards associated with batteries and battery chargers. Potential hazards include overheating, fire, electrical shock from batter y chargers, thermal burns, exposure to alkaline battery electrolytes, and high velocity ejected internal components of batteries. Reports indicate that incidents have occurred while the product is in use, in storage, and during battery charging. In February 2018, the CPSC reported over25,000 overheating orfire incidents involving more than 400 types of lithium battery-powered consumerproducts that occurred overa five-yearperiod.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan ment personnel he had found a package on a dumpsterbehind the shopping centeraddressed to Glasgow Medical Centerand leaking a chemical. The chemical was lateridentified as Rapicide PA, a clearliquid high-level disinfectant solution that can cause irritation of the respiratory tract if inhaled and skin irritation aftercontact. Fire department personnel with officials from the state Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) were able to locate the driverin the development of Chapman Woods Townhouses. DNREC personnel responded to Chapman Woods Townhouses with the Christiana Fire Company to furtherinvestigate the situation.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan
Second Alarm Assist
Recently, Squad 17 responded on the second alarm to assist Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany in the 100 block of Chadd Road, at the Drummond Ridge Townhouses. Squad 17 arrived and staged as directed until being moved in by command to take overthe RITassignment fora short time before being assigned to the interiorto assist with overhaul operations. - Submitted by Charles Hayes