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Hickman Rd.
Rescue 47 responded to assist Station 78 on an MVAwith entrapment on Hickman Road.
- Submitted by Tom Williams
On November12, 2022, at 1730, Hockessin Fire Company personnel responded to LancasterPike in front of the Dunkin’Donuts foran MVAinvolving a vehicle and a motorcycle.
On December4, 2022, the Harrington and Farmington fire companies along with Kent County EMS and Delaware State Police Aviation were alerted foran MVA with entrapment on Vernon Road in the area of Welch Road.

- Submitted by Earl Brode
On November9, 2022, at 0003, New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Police Aviation Section (Trooper4) were dispatched to assist the Brandywine Hundred Fire Company foran MVAon Interstate 495 northbound in the area of EdgemoorRoad in North Wilmington.
On November5, 2022, at approximately 1110, the Laurel Fire Department, DelmarFire Department and Sussex County EMS were alerted foran MVAat the intersection of Old Stage and Salt Barn roads, southeast of Laurel.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas
At 1632 on December23, 2022 the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company was dispatched to Pleasant Valley Road at Pencader Drive foran MVAwith a vehicle reported on fire.

On November19, 2022, at 1820, Mill Creek Fire Company, New Castle County Paramedics, Delaware State Police Aviation Section (Trooper4), and Cranston Heights Fire Company responded to Limestone Road at Greenwood Drive for an MVAwith entrapment.
Fatal Pedestrian Accident on South Dupont Hwy.
On January 16, 2023 at 1746, the Harrington Fire Company, Kent County EMS and Delaware State Police Aviation were dispatched to an MVAinvolving a pedestrian on South DuPont Highway in the area of Corn Crib Road. Units arrived to find one subject that had been struck by a vehicle and sustained serious injuries. Afterbeing evaluated by EMS crews the victim was pronounced deceased. Units remained on scene assisting DelDOT and Police Units with theirinvestigation. The scene was then turned overto the Delaware State Police CRU forfurtherinvestigation. Officerin charge: Deputy Fire Chief Kenny Brode.