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Delmarva Search and Rescue K9 Unit Training at Delaware State Fire School
On December 11, 2022, eight members of the Delmarva Search and Rescue Canine Unit conducted training at the Delaware State Fire School in Dover. The team used the training buildings and props to simulate searching an urban area. This also helped members get experience in responding to potential building collapses and operating in structures.

The K9s are trained to detect human scent either through tracking/trailing or air scenting. A Trailing/Tracking K9 works on leash whereas an Air Scent K9 is off leash. Once the Air Scent K9 has located the subject they will alert their handler either by remaining with the subject or by returning to the handler and exhibiting a trained behavior. The trained behaviors may include barking, sitting, or jumping. The dogs can be trained in Live find or Human Remains Detection.
These K9s have assisted state and local law enforcement with searches for missing persons as well as assisted with searches for homicide victims whose remains might have been concealed.
All of Delmarva Search and Rescue’s K9s are owned and trained by their handlers so they live with them when they are not working. In order for the dogs to be called out to search, the handler and K9 must be certified as a team through the National Association of Search and Rescue or other approved national organization.
Delmarva Search and Rescue is an all-volunteer organization that provides search and rescue services to Delaware, the Eastern Shore and Northeastern Maryland. Besides the K9 unit, other capabilities include ground and mounted (equine) search, and search management. All members are trained to at least the Wilderness First Aid provider but most are Wilderness Emergency Medical Responders, National Association of Search and Rescue Technician II or I, and Civilian Emergency Response Team. Delmarva Search and Rescue has mutual aid agreements with other similar teams for incidents that exceed their capabilities.
Emergency and routine contact information for Delmarva Search and Rescue is available at www. delmarvasar.org.
The officers and members of Delmarva Search and Rescue would like to thank the Delaware State Fire
School for this training opportunity.

- Submitted by Irene LaVita-Harris