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Sussex County EMS Hosts Farm Rescue Trainings

Each year in the United States, 400 to 600 farmers are killed while working; 33 percent of all farm workers suffer nonfatal injuries and three percent are permanently disabled. SCEMS November’s training focused on these types of incidents. Day one focused on farm machinery familiarization and rescue techniques. The following four days joined rescue with patient care while the patient was being extricated. First responders spent an entire day participating in five scenarios including an overturned tractor and auger, tractor shaft, grain and corn picker simulated accidents. In each scenario, personnel had to extricate “victims” and assess their injuries.
The complexities the scenarios provided expanded the capabilities of all training attendees and further developed inter-agency relationships.
Agencies participating included SCEMS, DSP, Sussex County Technical Rescue Team (SCTRT), Bridgeville, Georgetown, Greenwood, and Seaford fire companies. Training was provided by Rescue Tech LLC and with the support of Sussex County Administration, Sussex County Environmental Services.
SCEMS concluded the month of outstanding farm rescue training with a beautiful day of weather. The integrated training will improve responses to future complex incidents. - Submitted by Glenn Marshall