Fire News Delaware, August 2023

Page 29

August 2023 Volume 26, No. 4 Upcoming Changes at the Delaware State Fire School See Story on Page 32. See story on page 15. - Submitted by Steven C. Deery, Jr., Past Fire Chief, Indian River FD; and Past President, DSFCA PRSRTSTANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HICKSVILLE NY PERMITNO. 298 DELAWARE DELAWARE

House Fire with Reported Trapped Subject

Aetna and several area fire companies dispatched to a residential structure fire.

See story on page 8

Man Injured on Ship on the Delaware

Wilmington FD was dispatched for an injured person on a vessel in the Delaware River.

See story on page 12

Vehicle Strikes House In Bellemoor

On June 7, 2023, just after 1700, Five Points was alerted for an MVAwith injuries.

See story on page 16

Indian River Hosts Bus Extrication Training

Activities were coordinated via the Delaware State Fire School with vehicle rescue training instructors.

See story on page 20

Rehoboth Fire Company Truck to Missouri

On May 6, Rehoboth Engine 86-4 left Rehoboth Beach and headed for its new home in Preston, Missouri.

See story on page 35


Carlisle’s Earl T. Briel

Hockessin’s William Peirson, Jr.

Dover AFB’s Jeremy C. Lundgren

See stories on pages 33 & 34

National Volunteer Fire Council Update . . .


Delaware Vol. Firefighter’s Assoc. Update . .page 6

. . . . . . . . . . . . .page 19

An independently owned news and information resource for the dedicated firefighters, emergency medical technicians, auxiliary members, and public safety officials in the State of Delaware. Thanks to the support of its advertisers, this newspaper is distributed free of charge to every fire station in the First State. Published

Frank C. Trotta, Publisher

Tim Edwards, Chief Operating Officer

Dennis Whittam, Editor

Gary Joyce, Managing Editor

Marie Trotta, Vice President, Production/Sales

Cliff Chiesa, Art Director

Barbara Connolly, Vice President National Sales

Bryan Lopez, Editorial Assistant

Greg Jones, Lynn Sedler, Graphic Artists

Warren F. Jones and Thomas J. Mitten, Publishers Emeritus

Sal DeVivo, Founding Publisher

Contributors: Mark Anderson, Steve Austin, Wayne Barrall, Christine Bennett, Dave Bosco, Earl Brode, B. Scott Bullock, Sean Byron, Dave Carpenter, Mike Carroll, Skip Carrow, Michael G. Chionchio, Fred Cullis, Michele Ehart, Mary Eisenbrey, Mark Felicetti, Dave Ferguson, Robert Fox, Jon Gallo, Claudia Garner, Glenn Gillespie, Larry Gum, Chuck Hayes, Dave Horack, Doug Hudson, Jerry Hull, Sean Humphreys, Chad Ingram, Bill Ireland, Jr., Terry Jester, James Jobes, Warren F. Jones, Ed Kalinowski, Kevin Keating, Ryan Knowles, Randall Lee, Michael Lowe, Chris Lucas, Karen Majewski, Candice McDonald, Mike McMichael, Harry Miller, Patrick Miller, Tom Mitten, Joseph Mriss, Joe Mullen, Amy Murray, Tim Murray, Michael J. O’Connor Jr., Dwayne Pearson, Phil Pennington Sr., Gary Plotts, Bob Powell, Patricia Quigley, Patrick Quigley, John Randolph, James Read, Matthew Read, Lauden Robertson, Bob Romig, D. Ruff, Gene Shaner, Kevin Sipple, Chuck Snyder, Russell Stinson, William Thomas, Eugene Tucker, Lisa Turner, Leonard Tylecki, Rob Watts, Jim Watson, Steve Watson, Matt Williams, Dave Wilson, Jack Wilson, Kevin Wilson, Jim Woznicki

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NEWS: News items about fire, rescue, and EMS activities in our coverage area are welcome. Contact us at 631-776-0500 x111 or email: Deadline for news is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Material submitted is subject to editing and cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

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Industry News

Special Features

. .page 34

.page 38

In this issue... PLUS: AdvantEdge Healthcare ........... 15 ASI ............................................ 30 Atlantic Emergency Solutions ....................... 5, 13, 22, 23, 37, 43 Delmar Antique Muster .............. 9 DPC................................. 2, 17, 44 ESI ............................................ 19 Fire, Rescue Systems ................. 7 Firehouse Payroll .................... 11 Provident Agency Inc. ................ 9 Roll N Rack............................... 27 VCI ............................................ 21 Index of Advertisers
bi-monthly by Fire News, Inc., 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713. Delaware Fire Service News
is a registered trademark and all material contained herein is
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Up Close & Personal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire News, August 2023, Page 3

In Memoriam

Dennis C. Whittam

January 28, 1953 - July 7, 2023

Fire News’Editor

Dennis Whittam passed away on July 7, 2023, after a 14-year battle with cancer.

We here at Fire News mourn the passing of our friend, colleague and the face of Fire News.

Afull firematic service was held as this issue went to press, of which there will be further coverage in the September issue. He will be sorely missed by his family, friends and by the staff of Fire News.

National VolunteerFire Council Update

As one of the two Directors from Delaware that serve on the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), I have decided to write a column in the Delaware Fire News to develop an interest by members of the Delaware fire service in becoming members of this vital nat ional organization.

Dues are $21 per year, and it includes a $10,000 AD&D policy from Provident. In addition, there are many free training webinars ranging from Recruitment and Retention, PTSD, Cancer Presumption, to Lithium-Ion Batteries and Hazardous Materials. The NVFC current ly has over 30,000 members and their long-term goal is to have 50,000 members within five years. This is a huge voting block for the volunteers in the United States, and the NVFC is also working in conjunction with the International Association of Fire Fighters in bec oming a larger voice for the national fire services.

They have recently implemented a mental health hotline for members experiencing any signs of PTSD and are urging volunteer firefighters to sign into the National Firefighter Registry to trac k the history of cancer among volunteers. You can register at

Currently there are 47 states represented in the NVFC with two directors from each state. The state directors attend a spring conference in Arlington, Virginia, coinciding with the CFSI dinner and a fall conference which will be held in September in Cooperstown, New York. Your Delaware Directors are Bill Betts and Jay Jones, and we would be glad to answer any questions you would have about becoming a member, or any of the programs the NVFC has to offer. Their website is

Contact me at 302-535-7080 or Jay Jones at 302-381-9780 if we can be of any assistance.

- Submitted by Bill Betts

Page 4, Fire News, August 2023

Serving Delaware’s First Responders Since 1921 DVFAOffice

As the legislature came to a close on June 30, 2023, we were able to see tremendous support for the fire service this year. With this support, we were able to receive significant increases in each category in the grant in aid process plus an additional $50,000 for each company. Moving forward, we should be seeing an increase in our Medicare and Medicaid per run billing. We had $4.6 million added towards the pension liability to bring down our cost. The state joined New Castle and Sussex county governments by putting money aside to do a study to show the needs of the fire service statewide. Combined, it was at $700,000.

The Rescue Tool Replacement program has been replenished with funds to continue with Fire Prevention Programs, additional training and Cardio Kinetics as well ($115,000).

We also will be seeing additional support to the fire services. Such as the add-ons to the Delaware State Fire School, maintenance repairs to the Fire Marshal's Office, and money to completing projects such as the 800 MHz radios and PFAS removal and their replace-

ments. That is over $10 million budgeted for Capital Improvements alone.

As we continue to report, the state is moving to a Kiosk system to do Background Checks. The system unveiling was postponed until sometime in August. As we receive new information including the operation and nine locations of the Kiosk we will get it out to you.

Anyone that is wishing to serve on committees, please send the email to me as soon as possible so the incoming administration can appoint the 2024 committee list prior to the conference. Send them to

We are now in the conference season; with this, we are asking you to register for the events and the seminars in a timely manner. This is a time that we not only gather for business meetings, but we highlight and honor our own. We will also have a lot of good speakers this year for seminars. Some seminars will include our Pension and Benefits seminar, The DVFARound Table, Avery important Delaware State Fire School Update, a seminar on Recruitment and Retention, and Dr. Candice

McDonald will be teaching a seminar on CHANGE. There will be a Delaware State Fire Seminar on EVcars. With these amazing seminars, The National Volunteer Fire Council will be sponsoring four seminars; Behavioral Health, Creating a Physiologically Healthy Fire Department, Fit for Duty, Fit for Life, and Leadership for the Fire and Emergency Services. Please check out to see how to register.

Like it was done during the pandemic, the DVFAhas started to put out bulletins. This allows the leadership to stay informed up and down the state. If you would like to be included in these bulletins, and have not received the first one, please contact this office.

If you have any questions or need any help please don't hesitate to reach out. Stay safe and I will see you at the conference.


First of all, it’s hot in my neck of the woods, as that old saying goes. This year we can add to hazy, hot and humid, the smoke from the Canadian wildfires. For me, this is one of those rare occurrences. I don’t remember smoke like this being a problem in days gone by.

On the evening of June 3, 2023, LADVFA President Deb Lawhead and myself attended the Maryland State Firemen’s Association and Ladies Auxiliary Joint Officer’s Banquet and Celebration at the Navy-Marine Corps

Memorial Stadium Ballroom in Annapolis, Maryland. We were invited to attend the event by Ben Kurtz, President of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association (MSFA) and Malea Daughton, President of the Auxiliary to the MSFA. This was the perfect opportunity for interstate comradery between our associations. It was a great honor and an enjoyable evening for both of us to represent the DVFAand LADVFA.

About two weeks later on June 19, I attended the opening ceremonies of the MSFAin Ocean City as their three-day convention got underway. This opening event was also attended by PP’s Ted Walius and Bill Betts, Secretary Elmer Steele, Liaison Steve Austin and Executive Manger Jay Jones. Again, it was great to interact with our neighboring associa-


The first leg of the 152nd Delaware General Assembly ended on June 30, as anticipated. For most of that afternoon, VPRon O’Neal, VPTom DiCristofaro, myself and Executive Manager Jay Jones were in the balcony, first in the House and second in the Senate Chambers to track the progress of The Grant-in-Aid legislation. After passing in the House it moved over to the Senate and did pass both houses in its entirety as written. Passage of this enhanced legislation is critical for the fire service as it contained much-awaited and needed funding essential for our operations and survival. It will provide increases in buildings, substations, ambulances, vehicles, equipment and boats. Also passed at the end of June was the Bond Bill.


Greetings from the LADVFAPresident’s Hive

continued on page 34

Editor of Delaware Fire News, Tim Edwards and Maryland Auxiliary State President Malea Daughton.


hazy conditions. Time has flown by as we move toward conference time. It seems like I just got into office.

It was great to see a lot of our surrounding states at the CFSI. It was wonderful meeting the Chief Operating Officer and Executive

Conference packages have been distributed to the auxiliaries; please remember we would like to see as many of you as possible at conference.

There is one piece of legislation that was introduced this year that also affects auxiliary members and that is SS2 for SB42 - “Burial

Benefit” Bill - which raises the funeral benefit for those members with a total of 10 years active service from $7000 to $10,000. This bill is on the ready list, but it looks like it will be pushed to the next legislative session in January. So, we will be keeping an eye on this one.

Just want to give a shout out to the Delaware Burn Camp which is coming up August 7 through 12.

continued on page 34

Page 6, Fire News, August 2023

Hockessin Handle House Fire

On May 16, 2023, Hockessin crews responded fora house fire. The fire was quickly placed undercontrol.

- Submitted by Patrick Langshaw


Second-Due Special

On May 30, 2023, Hockessin Ashift operated on ChesterCounty Box 2305. Ladder19 made the response staffed with three and arrived as the second-due special service company.

- Submitted by Patrick Langshaw Fire News, August 2023, Page 7

DeerRun Fire

Collapse at Elkton Hotel Fire

At 1636 on May 23, 2023, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company was dispatched with units from the Christiana, Cranston Heights, Hockessin and Mill Creek and New Castle County Paramedics fora residential fire in the unit block of EleanorWay in the development of DeerRun. The fire was reported to be in a garage. Fire units arrived to find smoke showing from the structure. The fire was knocked down in approximately 12 minutes, with units checking forextension. A62-year-old male bystanderat the scene was treated aftercomplaining of chest pain and transported to the Christiana Hospital Emergency Department by Aetna ambulance with the New Castle County Paramedics.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

At 1731 on May 21, 2023, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company was dispatched foran engine and ladderassist to Singerly Fire Company on a working fire on West Main Street in Elkton (MD). The three-alarm fire at the 170-year-old Howard Hotel building resulted in a collapse of a portion of the building which prompted firefighters being ordered out of the building.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

Mayday at New London Road Blaze

At 2130 on May 23, 2023, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company (AHHL)was dispatched with several area companies to a residential fire in the 400 block of New London Road (SR 896) in the development of Fairfield Crest. Fire personnel arrived to find fire showing from the second-floorrear. Additional fire companies were assigned to the incident forassistance. Approximately seven minutes afterthe arrival of the first engine, a Mayday was called foran AHHLfirefighterwhose leg went through the floorin a second-floorbedroom. The firefighterwas immediately assisted by nearby personnel and brought out of the structure forevaluation by the New Castle County Paramedics. The firefighterwas not injured and did not require transport. The incident was declared undercontrol at 2204. The Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating the cause of the fire.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

Page 8, Fire News, August 2023

Aetna Responds to House Fire with Reported Subject Trapped

On March 30, 2023, at 1425, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladderwas dispatched with several area fire companies to a residential structure fire with a report of a subject trapped in the 600 block of Postfield Road in Scottfield. Several calls to the New Castle County 911 Centerreported a subject trapped in the basement of the house. Fire units arrived to find fire showing from the basement of a splitlevel single-family dwelling. Firefighters were able to determi ne that all occupants had exited the burning house. A37-year-old male,

was treated at the scene forsmoke inhalation and burns to the face and hands before being transported to the Christiana Hospital Emergency Department by Aetna Ambulance accompanied by the New Castle County Paramedics. The American Red Cross was requested to assist with sheltering five adults and a dog. All fire units cleared the scene at 1657 hours. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan Fire News, August 2023, Page 9

Smoke DetectorActivation on Salem Church Road

On March 2, 2023, at 1354, the Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany, along with the Christiana, Cranston Heights, Five Points, Mill Creek, Minquas and Wilmington Manor, were alerted to a high life hazard structure fire with a smoke detectoractivation at the Little Sisters of the Poor on Salem Church Road. Squad 10 was the first arriving apparatus and was advised by the nursing home staff of a confirmed small fire in the building. Asubsequent investigation revealed an electrical fire in a light fixture on the seco nd floor. The incident was placed undercontrol at 1420 hours with the assignment being held to Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladderand Christiana. All fire department apparatus cleared the scene at 1429. - Submitted by Lawrence Tan

LadderAssist in New Castle

On June 9, 2023, at 0830, Ladder17 responded to a commercial structure fire in the 1600 block of Mattassino Road in New Castle. Crews arrived to find an outside dust collection system on fire. The incident was quickly scaled back to two engines and a towerladder. Ladder17 was cleared after about 20 minutes. Companies responding were Wilmington Manor, Minquadale, Good Will, Holloway Terrace, Christiana, Delaware Air Guard Fire Department and Five Points.

- Submitted by Chuck Hayes

Pickup Fire in John CharEstates

On May 28, 2023, at 1545, the Harrington Fire Company was dispatched fora vehicle fire on Ronald Rich Boulevard in the John CharEstates. Units arrived to find a pickup with the engine compartment involved. Crews placed one handline in service and quickly extinguished the fire. The scene was then placed undercontrol and turned overto the Delaware State Police forfurtherinvestigation.

Officerin charge was Fire Chief Robbie Brode.

- Submitted by Kenny Brode

Wilmington MoR Goes, Displaces 2 Families

The Wilmington Fire Department was dispatched to North Rodney Street fora residential structure fire. On arrival, Engine 6 gave a report of a twostory, middle-of-a-row residence with fire showing in the rearand spreading to the two attached homes. The fire quickly spread to the attic area. Two additional engine companies were called to assist. Two families were displaced by the fire and were assisted by the American Red Cross. Approximately 40 personnel responded to the incident.

- Submitted by Matthew Marsella

Page 10, Fire News, August 2023 Fire News, August 2023, Page 11

Man Injured on Vessel on Delaware

On May 23, 2023, the Wilmington Fire Department was dispatched foran injured person on a vessel in the Delaware River. Responding units received a report of a male who was injured from a fall aboard the Integrity, which was anchored in the Delaware River. Engine 2 proceeded to Fire Station 7, retrieved Marine 7, and proceeded to the anchored vessel. Wilmington Police Department placed Marine 2 into service and provided transportation of New Castle County Medics to the Integrity. Additionally, Fireboat 7 was placed into service with St. Francis EMTs, County Medics, Squad 4 and Battalion Chief District 2. The patient was packaged by Wilmington firefighters with the assistance of New Castle County Medics and St. Francis EMTs providing patient care. Acrane located on the Integrity was used to lowerthe patient onto Fireboat 7 and he was transported approximately a half mile by Fireboat 7 to the Auto-Berth at the Port of Wilmington, where Ladder1 members assisted offloading the patient. Trooper4 was utilized to transport the patient from the Port of Wilmington to Christiana Hospital. Approximately 27 personnel from several agencies responded to the accident. The following units responded: Engine 2, Squad 4, Ladder1, Battalion-1, Battalion-2, Battalion-4, UAV-3, St. Francis EMS, New Castle County Paramedics, Wilmington Police Department, and Delaware State Police.

- Submitted by Matthew

Rescues at Carnival Ride Malfunction

On June 6, 2023, an amusement ride at the St. John the Beloved Church carnival malfunctioned at 2131, bringing scores of firefighters to the annual carnival. The amusement ride was unable to disembark the riders, leaving 20 individuals to be rescued using three aerial devices. The ride is approximately 60-feet high. Mill Creek Fire Company staff were already at the carnival providing EMS and fire protection when a loud noise was heard in the vicinity of the “Zipper.” New Castle Police were also at the scene and the New Castle County Fireboard was notified of the event and a high-angle rescue was dispatched. Mill Creek responded along with Christiana, Brandywine Hundred, Cranston Heights, City of Wilmington, New Castle County Paramedics and BLS units from Mill Creek, Belvedere and Five Points. The r iders were safely removed from the ride utilizing aerial platforms from Christiana and Brandywine Hundred and Mill Creek’s laddertruck. One person was transported to the Christiana Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries by Mill Creek. The Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Offic e was investigating the cause of the malfunction. Units cleared the scene shortly aftermidnight. - Submitted by Amy Mossinger

Page 12, Fire News, August 2023

Animal Rescue… from Dashboard

Tractor-TrailerDriverCritically Injured in 495 Crash

- Submitted by Chuck Hayes

On June 14, 2023, just after1800, Squad 17 responded to an animal rescue where a kitten was stuck inside a cardashboard. Members were able to remove the kitten shortly with no apparent injuries. Apparently, this was the second time today this kitten needed assistance as the Mill Creek Fire Company responded to his aid earlierin the day!

MVAwith Flyout on Route 1 in Odessa

On May 11, 2023, at 1108, New Castle County Paramedics, Port Penn VolunteerFire Company, and Delaware State Police Aviation Section (Trooper 4) were dispatched to assist Odessa Fire Company foran MVAon State Route 1 at Pole Bridge Road. Units arrived to find one person still trapped in an overturned vehicle. Rescue personnel worked for approximately 30 minutes to extricate the occupant from the vehicle. One patient was transported by air and a second patient by ground to a local trauma center.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

On May 10, 2023, New Castle County Paramedics, Claymont Fire Company and Delaware State Police Aviation Section were dispatched to assist Brandywine Hundred Fire Company foran MVA involving a tractortrailerin the 4900 block of GovernorPrintz Boulevard in Edgemoor. One patient was extricated by fire department personnel in underfive minutes. The patient was flown via Delaware State Police aircraft to a local trauma center. Hazardous material units from Belvedere Fire Company assisted with the clean-up.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

4 Injured in S. Dupont Hwy. MVA

Station 47 along with Rescue Company and Ambulance 50, Ambulances 52 and 78, KM8 and KM10 responded to an MVAwith entrapment on South Dupont Highway and Hammondtown Road. There were fourpatients transported and one patient RMA.

- Submitted by Tom Williams

Page 14, Fire News, August 2023

Commercial Fire on J.J. Williams Hwy.

On May 18, 2023, the Indian River(80), Millsboro (83), Georgetown (77), Dagsboro (73), and Lewes (82) fire departments were alerted fora commercial structure on John J. Williams Highway between Bulls Eye Lane and Warwick Road. It was reported to be a shirt manufacturing facility with exposures to otherbuildings as well as live overhead lines down. Emergency response units from Indian Riverincluded Tanker80 from the Oak Orchard facility, Engines 80-1, 80-3 and Incident Command 80 from the Long Neck area as well as the Delaware State Fire Police. Additional emergency response units included the Sussex County Paramedics, the Mid Sussex Rescue Squad, the Delaware State Fire Marshall and the Delaware State Police. Othermutual aid companies were utilized for standby including Rehoboth Beach (86) and Laurel (81). Emergency response units deployed fire suppression lines forthe bulk of the suppression activities. Othercrews utilized lines forinteriorattacks as well as the Millsboro aerial unit being deployed. Other specific assignments were establishment of watersupply and watershuttle from nearby hydrants, closure of John J. Williams Highway forthe duration of the incident, notification of the utility service provider, and a request foradditional manpower.

- Submitted by Steven C. Deery, Jr., Past Fire Chief, Indian River FD; and Past President, DSFCA Fire News, August 2023, Page 15
Cover Story

Bicyclist Hit on Pleasant Valley Road

MVAin Bellemoor

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

Recently, the Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany was dispatched with the New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Police Aviation Section fora bicyclist struck by a vehicle on Pleasant Valley Road. Fire and EMS personnel arrived to find a 23year-old male in a ditch beside the road afterbeing struck by a van. He was treated forhead, face and extremity injuries before being transported by state police helicopterto the Christiana Hospital Emergency Department.

MVAin Odessa Seriously Injures 2

On June 7, 2023, just after1700, Five Points was alerted foran MVAwith injuries in the 200 block of Westmoreland Avenue in Bellemoor. Unit 178, A-17 and Squad 17 made the response and found a vehicle in the yard which had struck the house. A-17 transported two to the hospital with minorinjuries.

- Submitted by Chuck Hayes

2 Critical in Elkton Road MVA

On May 17, 2023, at 0051, New Castle County Paramedics, VolunteerHose of Middletown, and Delaware State Police Aviation Section (Trooper4) were dispatched to assist Odessa Fire Company fora serious MVAin the 400 block of Brick Mill Road. Units arrived to find a single-vehicle collision versus a tree. Two seriously injured patients were treated on scene by EMS personnel. One patient was transported by aviation with a second by ground to a local trauma center.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Commons Boulevard MVA

On May 25, 2023, at 2316, New Castle County Paramedics and multiple mutual aid departments were dispatched to assist Wilmington ManorFire Company fora serious MVAon Commons Boulevard at Corporate Circle in New Castle Corporate Commons. Due to the force of the collision, the vehicle was separated into two parts with the driverejected into the roadway. One patient was transported by paramedics aboard a Wilmington Manorambulance to a local trauma centerin critical condition.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

At 0254 on April 17, 2023, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company was dispatched to assist Singerly Fire Company at a serious MVAwith subjects reported trapped on Elkton Road in Cecil County (MD). Squad 9 and Quint 10 arrived as rescue personnel from Singerly were completing the extrication of two criticallyinjured patients. Aetna units were cleared from the incident at 0331 hours.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

Farmington MC MVA

Station 47 along with Ambulances A-50 and C-50, KM5, KM8, KM10, and Trooper2 responded to an MVAinvolving a motorcycle. One patient was transported by ground and one patient was transported by Trooper2. - Submitted by Tom Williams

Page 16, Fire News, August 2023

Structural Fire Training

Millville Trains

On May 15, 2023, members of the Clayton Fire Company participated in structural firefighterexercises at the Delaware State Fire School. Chief Moorhead stated, “It is a good way forourexperienced members to remain proficient and ournew and younger members to gain experience on how to handle a structural fire. It also gives ourengineers an opportunity to work with the pumps and assist with firefighting operations.”

On March 21, 2023, members of the Millville VolunteerFire Company trained on vehicle stabilization, cable tie back operations, and rescue tool familiarization. The training was conducted at Fire Station 2 on OmarRoad. Assistant Chief Ty Webb and FirefighterMathew Mudry instructed the class.

Hockessin Trains

Page 18, Fire News, August 2023
- Submitted by Kevin L. Wilson PIO; photos by Alison Pedigo - Photos by Dennis Ayres; submitted by Doug Scott The Hockessin Fire Company CareerShift D and volunteers trained at West ChesterFire Department Training Centeron March 18, 2023, practicing interiorfire attack and ladderevolutions. - Photos by Kevin Hovis & Randy Broadwater; submitted by Mark Felicetti

Up Close & Personal

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

On March 29, 2023, the Indian RiverVolunteerFire Company hosted bus training on School Bus Extrication Tactics, Techniques and Awareness instructional activities.

- Submitted by Steven C. Deery, Jr., Past Chief, Indian River FD; Past President, DSFCA

The Hockessin Fire Company Career Shift D and volunteers at West ChesterFD Training Centerpracticing interiorfire attack and ladderevolutions.

On May 15, 2023, members of the Clayton Fire Company participated in structural firefighterexercises at the Delaware State Fire School.

- Submitted by Kevin L. Wilson PIO; photos by Alison Pedigo Fire News, August 2023, Page 19
Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany conducted live fire training at the West Chester(PA) Fire Department Training Centeron April 29, 2023. - Photo by Kevin Hovis & Randy Broadwater; submitted by Mark Felicetti


NCC Paramedics Hold Resuscitation Academy in Newark

The Delaware Resuscitation Academy by New Castle County Paramedics was held on May 23, 2023, at the Embassy Suites in Newark. Attendees from the fire service, BLS, neighboring paramedic agencies, educational institutions, 5th Paramedic Academy, and hospital partners made up the 50 participants who attended the full-day event. The Resuscitation Academy’s mission is to improve survival from cardiac arrest through a fellowship program designed speci fically forfirst responders, EMS providers, managers, and EMS medical directors. The Delaware Resuscitation Academy models itself afterthe Seattle Resuscitation Academy and includes lecture modules and hands-on skill stations fora stimulating learning environment. Participants gained an understanding of the science behind high performance CPR, performance measures, and the knowledge, skills and ability to increase survival rates. If you missed the program this time, there will be anotheropportunity in Septemberas the Delaware Resuscitation Academy will be presented by New Castle County Paramedics at the Delaware Volunteer Firefighter's Association Annual Conference.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Indian RiverHosts Bus Extrication Training

On March 29, 2023, the Indian RiverVolunteerFire Company hosted training on school bus extrication tactics, techniques and awareness. These activities were coordinated via the Delaware State Fire School with renowned vehicle rescue training instructors Bob Ricker, Andy Hamilton and Jamie Locklear. The instructional portion of these exercises included incident expectations and critical assignments that must be coordinated to successfully mitigate such an incident which included, but was not limited to, requirements forresource availability such as apparatus, manpower, equipment and logistics.

- Submitted by Steven C. Deery, Jr., Past Chief, Indian River FD; Past President, DSFCA

Live Burn Training forAetna

Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladderconducted live fire training at the West Chester(PA) Fire Department Training Centeron April 29, 2023. Use of training areas with live burn capabilities provides an opportunity to closely simulate fire behaviorand expose members to the conditions they will actually face during an actual structure fire. It also promotes the teamwork necessary to respond to these types of situations.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

Laurel Fire Dept. Cash Bash ABig Success

On June 3, 2023, the Laurel Fire Department held its annual “Cash Bash” event. Cash prizes, raffles, food and refreshments highlighted the evening. Music was provided by Wade Perdue. Over300 people were in attendance. Aspecial thank you to the Preston (Maryland) Fire Company forproviding a stand-by crew forthe evening. An important part of the event is connecting with the community and allowing citizens to see the hard work and dedication Laurel members provide. Pictured by Chief Darin Scott: Members of Laurel Fire Department afterthe event.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

Page 20, Fire News, August 2023

State Medical DirectorRosenbaum Retires from DFES

On June 29, 2023, EMS personnel, co-workers, and family were on hand to celebrate the emergency medical careerof Dr. Robert A. Rosenbaum who retired as an E.D. physician from DFES. Dr. Rosenbaum served as the New Castle County EMS Medical Directorfor16 years priorto being named the State of Delaware's EMS Medical Directorin 2022. We congratulate Dr. Rosenbaum on his retirement and look forward to his leadership in in his full-time role at the State of Delaware EMS Medical Directorwith the Department of Health and Social Servic es.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas Fire News, August 2023, Page 21

New Castle County Paramedics Launch Pre-Hospital Whole Blood Initiative

On May 24, 2023, the New Castle County Paramedics officially announced the launch of a cutting-edge pre-hospital initiative in collaboration with the Blood Bank of Delmarva. Paramedics will now be administering low titerO+ whole blood to victims of trauma in hemorrhagic shock who require a blood transfusion. When minutes matter, blood will now be administered immediately instead of waiting until arrival at the emergency department. This initiative involved years of policy development, equipment trials, research, and partnerships. Two units will be deployed 24/7 on two field supervisorunits in the county. Currently both New Castle and Sussex County EMS will participate in the pilot program. This new program would not be possible without the partnerships with the Blood Bank of Delmarva, Delaware Office of Emergency Medical Services, support of New Castle County Government, and the strong working relationship with Sussex County EMS. In the first eight hours following the official announcement, this lifesaving was administered twice to critical patients following traumatic events.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Paramedics Provide Medical Support forAnnual Ice Cream Festival

On June 24, 2023, New Castle County Paramedics joined fire and EMS personnel from New Castle County Office of Emergency Management, Brandywine Hundred Fire Company, Talleyville Fire Company, Claymont Fire Company and Goodwill Fire Company of New Castle to provide medical coverage forthe annual New Castle County Government Ice Cream Festival at the Rockwood Park and Museum in North Wilmington. Thousands of visitors attended the event throughout the day and into the evening, which ended with a fireworks show. It was a great day foreveryone who visited this family-friendly annual event. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Page 24, Fire News, August 2023 NCC*EMS

5th NCC Paramedic Academy Participates in Szczerba 5K

On May 4, 2023, the 5th New Castle County Paramedic Academy joined New Castle County Police Academy recruits to run the 10th Annual Lieutenant Joseph Szczerba 5K in Wilmington. Lieutenant Joseph Szczerba, an 18yearveteran of the New Castle County Police Department and a 1985 graduate of Salesianum School, was killed in the line of duty on September16, 2011. To honorhis legacy, Salesianum has established a scholarship in his name. All proceeds of the 5k Run/ Walk benefit this fund. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedic SeniorSergeant Koontz Graduates from Command & Leadership Academy

On May 25, 2023, Sergeant Ruoy L. Koontz was recognized at the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Command and Leadership graduation ceremony in East Windsor, New Jersey. The intense 16-week Command and Leadership program required substantial out-of-class study and group work and was held from January through April 2023. The program’s curriculum was developed through the United States Military Academy at West Point in collaboration with highly experience law enforcement practitioners and specia lists who have tailored the content to public safety. Graduates of the program were from Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The program studies leadership as a science with logic, critical thinking, leadership theory and methodology.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedics Visit Appoqunimink Pre-School

On May 25, 2023, Senior Corporal Leah Reed spent time at the Appoqunimink Pre-School Centerreading to the students and introducing them to the careerof a paramedic. Thank you to the Appoquinimink Pre-School Centerforthe opportunity to spend time with the students.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedic SeniorCorporal Watts Receives Jefferson Award

On May 11, 2023, at a ceremony held at Riverfront Events, New Castle County Paramedic SeniorCorporal Katherine A. Watts was presented with the prestigious Jefferson Award. Katie is a 17yearveteran of the EMS Division and is currently assigned to field operations on EMS Platoon 1. She has dedicated a significant amount of hertime towards providing CPR education to the public, specifically underserved communities. SeniorCorporal Watts has spearheaded the implementation of :Hands-Only” CPR classes developed forNew Castle County Paramedics to train citizens. She also volunteers hertime with Dejavu Safety to provide free CPR training and certification throughout the community.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Three Paramedics Certified in New Castle County

Three New Castle County Paramedic Candidates successfully completed the Delaware Paramedic field certification process. Para-medic Samuel N. Brody, Shane R. Gilbert, and Michael J. Wheeler received theirbadges and paramedic insignia from Chief Logemann at EMS Headquarters on June 12, 2023.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Blood Drive to Support Blood Bank of Delmarva

On June 22, 2023, New Castle County Paramedics were on hand to support the Blood Bank of Delmarva and theirpartnership with New Castle County Government. NCC employees packed the donation site throughout the day, donating blood. This day’s blood drive was especially important due to the recent launch of a cuttingedge pre-hospital low titerO+ whole blood initiative. NCC Paramedics now administerlow titerO+ whole blood to victims of trauma in hemorrhagic shock who require a blood transfusion. When minutes matter, blood will now be administered immediately instead of waiting until arrival at the emergency department.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas Fire News, August 2023, Page 25 NCC*EMS

11th Annual Sudden Cardiac Arrest SurvivorEvent in New Castle Co.

The 11th Annual New Castle County EMS Sudden Cardiac Arrest SurvivorReunion was held on May 17, 2023, at the Cab Calloway School of the Arts in Wilmington. This year’s reunion celebrated 34 cases of sudden cardiac arrest that occurred in 2022 where a patient was successfully resuscitated by first responders and walked out of the hospital without neurologic deficit. Atotal of 292 first respondercitations were awarded to fire departments, EMS agencies, police departments and civilians. Those recognized included 53 New Castle County Paramedics, 183 Fire and BLS personnel (from 19 different agencies), 8 Communications Personnel, 7 Police Officers, and 12 bystanders. This year’s event featured first-yearhonorees from Pennsylvania (Longwood and Avondale fire departments). APulsepoint app activation that led a bystander to respond and perform CPR, resulting in a sudden cardiac arrest save was also part of the program. Previous survivors also enlightened the audience by sharing personal experiences following theirsecond chance at life given to them by first responders. Arecord numberof survivors were in attendance to personally meet theirfirst responder heroes.

- Photos courtesy of Christopher Ginn Studios

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Multi-Agency Coordination forUD’s Commencement

Page 26, Fire News, August 2023
On May 27, 2023, New Castle County Paramedics joined with the University of Delaware Emergency Care Unit, Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany, and University of Delaware Police, to execute the medical operation forUD’s Commencement ceremonies held at Delaware Stadium in Newark. Personnel from multiple agencies worked togetherto provide medical coverage forthe 25,000 spectators and graduates assuring they remained safe throughout the day. Congratulations to all of the 2023 graduates. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Watson Promoted to Lieutenant

Paramedic Sergeant Matthew W. Watson was promoted to EMS Lieutenant on June 8, 2023. Lieutenant Watson is a 27-yearveteran who obtained his paramedic certification from the Medical Center of Delaware in Dover. Lieutenant Watson served the City of Wilmington formany years assigned to Medic 1 on the C Platoon before being promoted to Sergeant as a field operations supervisor.

He served as a Field Training Officer(FTO) educating and mentoring new paramedics. He is the current coordinatorof the NCC*EMS Bike Team and certified as an International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA) instructor. Lieutenant Watson will be assigned to field operations at the Shift Commanderof EMS Platoon 2.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas Fire News, August 2023, Page 27

Sussex County EMS Carrying Whole Blood

Sussex County Emergency Medical Services is teaming with the Blood Bank of Delmarva to launch a new program that provides paramedics with the capability to administerwhole blood transfusions when caring forcritically sick and injured patients while en route to a hospital, providing a critical, timely - and potentially lifesaving - treatment to those suffering shock from blood loss. SCEMS will be the first agency in Delaware to implement this new treatment forpatients. County EMS units rolled out the program on May 23, 2023, afterannouncing the partnership with County Council's approval of the blood bank agreement earlierthat month. This state-of-the-art clinical initiative allows forthe transfusion of whole blood, a critical life-saving measure that has not been previously available in Delaware pre-hospital care. Patien t transports to area hospitals, conducted by local fire companies and EMS crews, with County paramedics providing care on acute cases, can sometimes exceed 30 minutes. The time lost in transport can decrease a critical patient’s chance of survival. By adding the ability to provide whole blood in the field, medical professionals are hopeful the step will significantly increase these patients’ chances of survival.

- Submitted by Glenn Marshal

Page 28, Fire News, August 2023

Sussex County EMS Awards Banquet

The Sussex County EMS awards banquet was held at the Milton Fire Company, where providers were recognized by their peers for their efforts during 2022. Agreat meal, camaraderie and recognition were enjoyed by those in attendance. Congratulations to all that were recognized!

SCEMS Awards

EMS Emergency Physician of the Year - Dr. Martin Yang; EMS Nurse of the Year - Kerby Green; EMTof the Year East District - Frank Deford; EMTof the Year West District - Samantha Lewis; Emergenc y Communications Specialist of the Year - Tara Ritchie; Support Staff of the Year- Lori Heck; Administrative Excellence - Jay Shine; Fie ld Training Officer of the Year - Andrew Vickers; Supervisor of the Year

- Brandon Donaway; Paramedic of the Year - Joseph Hetu; Caring People Award - Deana Craft.


Fire Chief of the Year - Johnny Hopkins III (Milton FD); Paramedic of the Year - Bill Rose; EMTof the Year - Brett Morris (Greenwood Career EMT); Supervisor of the Year - Doug Butler (Laurel Fire Dept); Clifford F. Lee Award - Jacques Grant (Mid Sussex); Nurse of the Year

- Dawn Ryan (Tidal Health Nanticoke RN); Police Officer Appreciation Award - Tyler Bare (Selbyville PD).

- Submitted by Glenn Marshall Fire News, August 2023, Page 29


State Fire School Partners with Community Organization on Stop the Bleed Program

This spring a student of Laurel High School was tragically murdered nearhis home. The effects on friends, fellow students and citizens of Laurel could be felt throughout the community. To promote community awareness and healing, Assistant Principal of Laurel Elementary School and DSFS EMS InstructorRebecca West, along with EMS Field InstructorWendy Lowe developed a program to promote the principles of “Stop the Bleed” to be presented at New Zion United Methodist Church’s 19th Annual Balling forGod Basketball Tournament and Block Party. This was a successful method of getting valuable information to the public, mainly students and staff from Laurel Elementary, Middle and High School that may save a life if a similarincident occurs.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

U.S. Senator Tom CarperVisits the Sussex DSFS

On June 5, 2023, United States SenatorTom Carpermade a visit to the Sussex Division of the Delaware State Fire School. SenatorCarper announced continuing support in Congress forFire Service Grant Programs such as Assistance to Firefighters and SAFER.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

DSFS Offers Accelerated FirefighterI & II Program

In an effort to improve delivery methods to the Fire Service and make classes more efficient, the Delaware State Fire School offered an accelerated FirefighterI and II Program beginning on June 5, 2023. Students were given the opportunity to complete the necessary hours of training beginning on May 5 and concluding on July 7. Upon completion of the class, students were certified in HazMat Awareness, HazMat Ops, FFI and ll, and Vehicle Extraction Technician. Nineteen students completed the course.

- Submitted by Mike Lowe

Page 30, Fire News, August 2023

Industrial Classes at DSFS

HazMat Refresher

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

Industrial classes at the Delaware State Fire School remain very active through the Spring of 2023. On May 10, 2023, Delaware City Refinery conducted flammable gases and flammable liquids training at the fire school.

HazMat Refreshertook place on May 18, 2023, with about 40 students in attendance.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

DoverPolice Recruits Attend DSFS

DoverPolice Departments 5th Recruit Class attended the Delaware State Fire School forlaw enforcement fire survival training on May 17 and 18, 2023. Students were trained on hazardous materials awareness, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, fire behavior, drags and carries as well as ladders. Eighteen recruits completed the training.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe


Attend DSFS

The Delaware State Police 100th Law Enforcement Recruit Class attended Law Enforcement Fire Survival on May 9 and 10, 2023.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe Fire News, August 2023, Page 31 DELAWARE

Upcoming Changes at the DSFS

It has been a busy time at the Delaware State Fire School. We wrapped up a typically busy spring training season and saw the numbers for our core programs increase. Our inaugural summer accelerated firefighter academy began in early June and those students graduated July 13. The Junior Fire Academy had the largest group since the program began. We are running our summer accelerated EMTclasses and are assisting several public schools set up EMTprograms. We have had a particularly busy industrial training season that has extended into the summer. We were awarded another Assistance to Firefighters Gran t. And finally, our staff held our annual Planning and Evaluation session.

The first major change we are making is the elimination of Basi c Firefighting Skills, Structural Firefighting Skills, and Hazard ous Materials Response Skills. The new program will be based on the existing academy style class that runs in New Castle each spring. St udents will attend two nights a week and every other weekend. The evening classes will be held at the county divisions and the weekends will mostly be held in Dover. The students will be provided the opportunity to achieve ProBoard certification for Firefighter 1 and 2 and Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations. For now, students that do not pass the written certification exam will receive a Delaware State Fire School certificate of completion providing they are able to perform th e required practical skills.

We will continue to run the winter New Castle Academy and the summer Accelerated Academy in Dover along with the spring and fall Firefighter 1 and 2 classes. The age to enter these classes wil l be 16. For students under 16, we are designing an Exterior Firefighter course that will cover tasks on the fire ground that take place outside of hazardous areas and will set them up for success when they reach the age to take the standard course. This will align our programs with the national curriculum more closely. We have always trained students to recogn ized

Side-by-Side Demonstration Held at DSFS Proves Effectiveness of Sprinklers

The Delaware Fire Sprinkler Coalition promoted “Home Fire Sprinkler Week” by conducting a live burn demonstration at the Delaware State Fire School on May 15, 2023. Pictured is an incipient fire in the sprinkler protected room. The smoke detectoractivated at 14 seconds afterignition, and the one sprinklerhead in the room opened at the one minute, 14-second mark, flowing approximately 25 gallons of waterperminute. The sprinkerflowed forapproximately two additional minutes, controlling the fire. Once steam and smoke had cleared, Doverfirefighters removed the wet but unburned couch and table, then completed extinguishing a small fire in the back of the chair. Overall, less than 100 gallons of waterwas used on this fire.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

standards, but in a format that was fragmented and did not line up with how Firefighter 1 and Firefighter 2 are broken down. Secondly, this will allow firefighters to complete their training in a shorter peri od of time. We also want to provide students coming from a distance to train closer to home as much as possible. We are working on building up our New Castle and Sussex facilities to the point where the core traini ng can occur entirely at those sites. Finally, we want to enable our s tudents to continue serving as firefighters wherever life may take them an d by having our programs match national standards, that should be the case.

The second change will be reworking the officer programs. When I took over the officer programs back in 2013, we added our Fire Ground Operations: Size Up class as a prerequisite because we felt tha t firefighters were not coming into the officer programs with enough fire ground experience. Our new Fire Officer 1 class will include live fire evolutions and we plan to utilize fire apparatus similar to how our old Fire 3 ran. We will still run a version of the Size Up class as an in-service offering. The new prerequisite to Fire Officer 1 will be Fire Instructor 1 because this also follows the national curriculum established by the NF PA.

We are also reworking our Engine and Truck Company classes. We are developing a class that incorporates both of these functions and will include a lot of hands-on skills and live fire training. We wanted to prepare the fire companies of the state for these changes so that they will have time to process the information and make any bylaw or contract changes. Fire companies in New Castle and Sussex should also be aware that these classes may make scheduling in-service live bu rns slightly more difficult since the props may be committed to the core programs. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns about the changes mentioned here, please feel free to reach out to any of our staff. We continue to be dedicated to providing you the best training possible and we appreciate your support.

- Submitted by Tucker Dempsey

Delaware State Fire School at NFPAConference and Expo

Last week, as part of his selection as a 2023 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire and Life Safety Public Education Network representative, Mike Lowe, along with Kim O’Malley, of the Delaware State Fire School attended the NFPAConference and Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, to strengthen their dedication to effectively reach the public with fire safety education and to highlight Delaware’s successes in that effort.

The NFPAConference and Expo is the premier annual event for fire, electrical and building safety.

Senior Instructor Lowe stated, “By participating in the educational sessions and networking events, I have the opportunity to learn from experts across North America to better serve my community for fire and burn prevention.”

As a 2023 NFPApublic education network representatives for Delaware, Lowe and O’Malley participated in training sessions and conference events as well as networking events with fire and life safety professionals in attendance from across the U.S., Canada, and over 35 countries.

Throughout the year, NFPAPublic

Education Network members are invited to participate in professional development webinars to enhance their knowledge about common fire hazards, emerging issues, and educational tools to support their work in their communities. As part of their role on the Public Education Network, they share these resources and collaborate with fire and life safety and injury prevention professionals in their states to be able to bring best in class education and programs for fire and burn prevention to their communities.

Founded in 1896, NFPAis a global, nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. The association delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy; and by partnering with others who share an interest in furthering the NFPAmission. For more information visit All NFPAcodes and standards can be viewed online for free at

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

Page 32, Fire News, August 2023 DELAWARE

Carlisle’s Earl T. Briel

On May 31, 2023, the Carlisle Fire Company gave a final farewell to member, Earl Briel. He served as a firefighterand on various committees during his time here. He also served as a paramedic forKent County. Afterretiring, he was most recently serving as an EMTat Harrington Fire Company. We'd like to thank Harrington Fire Company forassisting with the arch forthe American Flag and overall support with the services. Special thanks to both Bethel Hose Company (PA) forservices provided, and Little Creek Fire forstandby coverage.

- Photos courtesy of Carlisle FC

Hockessin’s William Peirson, Jr.

Hockessin Fire Company (HFC) hosted a celebration of life and sounded a final alarm on March 25, 2023, forLife MemberWilliam Peirson, Jr., who passed away on March 9. Bill joined HFC in 1972 and served as a Firefighter,

Director, Fire Police, and also crushed many home runs forthe HFC softball team years ago! Bill is also the fatherof HFC members Tim, Billy and Amanda Peirson.

- Submitted by Mark Felicetti Fire News, August 2023, Page 33

Dover AFB’s Jeremy C. Lundgren

Jeremy C. Lundgren died unexpectedly on March 31, 2023, with his mother, stepfather, and sister by his side. He was 32.

Jeremy served honorably in the Air Force for over 11 years as a firefighter. Upon completion of his military service as a Master Se rgeant, Jeremy continued to serve his country as a civilian firefighter at Dover Air Force Base, in which he served as a Station Chief and a Fire Inspector.

Jeremy will be missed forever by everyone who knew him, especially his two children, Kinleigh Christine and Mason Leonard. Dover AFB Fire and Emergency Services would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support and love shared over the past couple of months from our fellow Air Force and local fire departments.

The family requests memorial donations to be made to Tunnels to Towers organization and/or American Heart Association.

- Submitted by Howard R. Smith

Continued from page 6.

It will provide additional funding for the unfunded liability portion of our pension program, 800 MHz radios, and disposal and replacement of PFAS foam. Also an increase in Medicaid payments for ambulance runs are in the works.

As I close, I want to make it clear we need every nickel that t his legislation will provide. We are grateful that we have this fundin g for FY2024 but it is not enough. The fire service is far short of what is required to operate in today’s changing world. An Adequate Sustainable Funding income stream appropriately shared and secu red by all of our governmental entities is necessary for the survival of the volunteer fire service here in Delaware! Failure is not an opti on for what we do!


Continued from page 6.

The Delaware Burn Camp was established to provide a safe and na tural environment for promotion of physical and emotional healing to young victims of burn injuries. The mission of the camp is to assist young burn victims (ages five through 18) in their adjustment to the injury through the provision of a safe, supportive environment and providing companionship through physical and social activities in a camp setting. If you know of a child, please provide the website information (Delaware Burn Camp: https://www. to thei r family. I look forward to volunteering with some of our auxiliary sisters this year.

Keep up all your good work with recruitment and retention, your fundraising, supporting your fire companies and, most importantly, supporting each other.

I look forward to seeing all of you at your county meetings and at the conference. Stay safe!


Following the recent retirement announcement of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) and First Responder Center for Excellence (FRCE) Executive Director Chief Ron Siarnicki, the NFFF and FRCE Board of Directors began a nationwide search for a replacement. Utilizing the services of Vetted Solutions, a Washington DC-based executive search firm specializing in non-profit work, the Board-established search committee has selected NFFF Managing Director Victor Stagnaro to lead the organization after Chief Siarnicki finishes his term in December of 2023.

Victor Stagnaro joined the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation staff in 2010 and serves as the Managing Director, overseeing NFFF’s Family and Fire Service Programs, Marketing, and Business Management. Prior to that, he served for 25 years with the Prince George’s County Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department and retired as the Deputy Fire Chief of Emergency Operations in early 2010. His involvement with the Foundation dates back to 1998, when he served as the Incident Commander for the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend for several years; he also served as a member of the initial New York Response

Team on 9/11 for the Foundation.

“We are delighted to have Victor take the reins of our organization as he has demonstrated excellent leadership skills and commitment to the mission of both the NFFF and FRCE since joining our team. It was an exhaustive process, and he clearly exhibited the capabilities to take over this leadership role. We look forward to what he will do to move both organizations forward,” said Troy Markel, Chairman of the NFFF Board of Directors.

“I have known Victor back to the days when he served with the Prince George’s County Fire and EMS Department and his level of professionalism and commitment to excellence has been his mainstay in all that he has been involved with. I know he will take the FRCE to new levels as it continues to service our Public Safety Partners,” said Chief Ernie Mitchell, Chairman of the FRCE Board of Directors.

Page 34, Fire News, August 2023

EDIAFC Past Presidents Meet

The past Presidents of the Eastern Division International Association of Fire Chiefs (EDIAFC) met at Harrison’s Harborwatch restaurant in Ocean City, MD fortheirannual dinner. The were 13 in attendance. (Left to right): Mike Chiaramonte-NY; Paul Whorral-NY; Jon Townley-DE; Terry Jester-DE; Les Warrick-DE; Joseph Fahd-NY; Jim Watson-DE; Jim YatesNJ; Paul Sterling-MD; Bill Walton-DE; Larry Wood-NJ; Bill Betts-DE; and Pete Mellits-MD.

- Submitted by Chief Terry Jester

Rehoboth Fire Company Sends Truck to Missouri

On April 7, 2023, the Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company signed a contract to purchase a new engine to replace their 1995 one. The intention was to keep the 1994 engine in reserve until the new truck was close to delivery, until they learned of a volunteer fire company in Preston, Missouri which had lost its main response engine due to an accident. The Village of Preston, Missouri, population 157, is in a rural faming and cattle ranch area located in Hickory County, in cent ral Missouri. The Preston Volunteer Fire Department has been serving their community for over 38 years. They are a rural, hard pressed, volunteer fire company. They have two other used fire trucks they acquired over the years. One is a tanker and the other is a 4WD field fire pick up they acquired from the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company.

When Rehoboth's Fire Chief, Chuck Snyder, heard of Preston's plight he contacted Preston's Fire Chief, Brain Bennett, to off er the Rehoboth engine to them. He sent them pictures and specificatio ns. At the May 3, 2023, Rehoboth Fire Company meeting, the fire company members voted unanimously to send the Rehoboth truck to Preston They also voted to add some excess firefighting equipment to the truck

for Preston to use. When contacted with the news, the Preston Fire Chief and some of his members left Missouri and drove to Rehoboth Beach. On Saturday morning, May 6, Rehoboth Engine 86-4 left Rehoboth Beach and headed for its new home in Preston. There is a fire service slogan coined many years ago, which is "Neighbor helping Neighbor." In this case to quote Chief Snyder, "This is one volunteer fire company helping another in their time a need. We are proud to help the Preston Volunteer Fire Company."

Beef & BeerBenefit for Paramedic Derek Thomas

On March 24, 2023, AFSCME Local 281 held a Beef and Beer event benefitting Paramedic Derek Thomas, Medic 743.

- Submitted by Gene Shaner Fire News, August 2023, Page 35
(Left to right): Rehoboth Beach’s Captain, Chatham Marsch, Asst. Chief Gordon Boslet, Fire Chief Chuck Snyder,\ Preston Fire Chief, Brain Bennett and Rehoboth Fleet Mechanic B ill Schyler. - Submitted by Warren Jones

Holloway Terrace Jr. Carries on a Family Tradition

Holloway Terrace Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary congratulate JuniorMemberLogan Subda forcompleting the Delaware State Fire School JuniorFire Academy. Logan comes from a long and proud line of service in the Holloway Terrace Fire Company family, from his dad and mom, John and Christine Subda, his grandparents Lou and

Clayton’s Linda Lightcap Scholarship Awarded

Each year the Clayton Fire Company presents a scholarship in the amount of $1000 to a member or a family member of the fire company. The Linda Lightcap Memorial Scholarship for this year was presented to Giavonni George who is the son of life member Marc Gray. Giavonni is studying to be an Orthodontist at Coastal Carolina University

The scholarship is named for Linda Lightcap who was a very active member of the fire company's ladies auxiliary who passed away several years ago. Linda's husband Robert is a past-President of the fire company, her son Jeff is a pastChief of the fire company, her daughter and granddaughter serves in the auxiliary.

- Submitted by Kevin L. Wilson, PIO

Peachy Klinglerand his great grandparents ‘Pop’and ‘Mom’ Klingler. The four-day, all-day program at the Delaware State Fire School introduces youths 13 to 17 to the type of hands-on training available forfire and rescue services. Congratulations Logan, we’re very proud of you!

- Submitted by Randy Roberts

Written on March 28-2023

Another day in the life of a Fire Police Officer ~

It's not my fault: that an accident occurred on our roadways~

It's not my fault: that command or DSPhas requested the road or roads be shut down~

It's not my fault: that the helicopter is being landed in the middle of the road~

It's not my fault: that rescue is taking awhile to extricate the trapped individuals ~

It's not my fault: that your normal routine and route of travel is being disrupted ~

It's not my fault: that you are late for an appointment you have waited four months for and most likely will be made to reschedule ~

It's not my fault: that the roadways around here can not accommodate the amount of people moving to the area~

It's not my fault: that you can not figure out another way to reach your destination ~

It's not my fault: that you left your patience and compassion at your front door when you left your house this morning ~

It's not my fault: that you think I am stupid and am not doing my job quickly enough to satisfy your agenda ~

What is my fault: That I care enough to become a VOLUNTEER and help my fellow citizens in their time of need .. To pray that while you pass the accident scene on your cellphones to capture the incident on camera that you see me in my bright yellow protective clothing and realize that my life is valuable and I have a family waiting for me to come home to them ~ We as a society can do better to be a little more understanding and realize, accidents happen in life and those of us who work in the emergency services only job is to help and protect those of you who are unfortunate enough to be involved in whatever emergency we have been called too… This is our job and we do it proudly ~



Lewes Fire

Delaware State Fire Police 82-31

Page 36, Fire News, August 2023
(Left to right): Leslie Pope, Committee chair; Giavonni George; and the husband of Linda Lightcap, Robert Lightcap.

Making it Safer forEVFires

The Laurel Fire Department thanks the Preston MotorGroup fordonating a check towards the New electrical disconnect device that will be utilized to disable EVvehicles. The emergency plug will be utilized to make sure first responders are safe when operating on fire scenes where there are electrical vehicl es involved. Pictured: Laurel President John Bowden, Chief Jeff Hill and Justin Jones of Preston MotorGroup.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

Federal Grant Discussion with Sen. Carper

United States SenatorTom Carpercame to visit the Delaware State Fire School, Sussex Division, to meet with Delaware fire service leadership to discuss federal grants. (Left to right): Ken Frazier, President, Little Creek Fire Company; Jeff Brown, DSFS, Training Administrator; ElmerSteele, DVFASecretary; Tucker Dempsey, DSFS Director; Ken Ryder, Jr., DVFA President; SenatorThomas Carper; Stacey NorthamSmith, LADVFAVice President; Tom DiCristofaro, DVFA2nd Vice President; Warren Jones, DVFA, Administrative Assistant; Jay Jones, DVFA, Executive Manager; Ron Marvel, Fire Prevention Commission Chairman; and Ron O'Neal, DVFA1st Vice President.

- Submitted by Warren Jones

Page 38, Fire News, August 2023

NCC Sudden Cardiac Survivor’s Reunion Recognizes Aetna Hose

On May 17, 2023, 29 personnel from the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company were formally recognized at the New Castle County Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor's Reunion held by the New Castle County Paramedics. Aetna personnel were especially honored by the return of two patients from cases that occurred overthe past year- both of which

occurred in October2022. One case from October13, 2022 involved a patient in cardiac arrest at the scene of an MVAon East Cleveland Avenue, with the second involving a patient who collapsed at home on October8, 2022, and included notification of a nearby responder via the PulsePoint app.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

Smyrna Student Wins Scholarships

On June 1, 2023, the Clayton Fire Company, along with the Citizen’s Hose Company of Smyrna, awarded Connor Wilson the John M. Pridemore Memorial Scholarship. The Scholarship is named after Fire Chief John M. Pridemore who lost his life in the line of duty at the Clayton Fire Station in March of 2022.

Connor was a senior at Smyrna High School with a GPAof 4.082. He was a member of the Blue and Gold Club, National Honor Society, Student Government Association, Student Leadership Advisory Committee and President of the Smyrna High School Letterman’s Club. He received $1500 from Clayton Fire Company. and $1500 from Citizen’s Hose Company.

The officers and members of both Clayton and Citizen’s Hose would like to congratulate Connor on his achievements and wish him the best of luck in the future.

- Submitted by Kevin Wilson Fire News, August 2023, Page 39

Retirements, New Commissioner, Tribute

Jack of All Trades and Masterof All

At the recent Eastern Division International Association of Fire Chiefs (EDIAFC) past Presidents dinner, Chief Bill Walton was recognized as the Eastern Division Officerthat has held every office involved in ourdivision. He is the only one to do this in our96-yearexistence. Director, President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Executive Director, Executive Director, International Directorand Hospitality Coordinator. (Left to

): Executive DirectorJon Townley, Assistant Executive Director Bill Walton and Past President Terry Jester-

City, Maryland.

Finishing the Season in Style

On June 20, 2023, the Harrington Fire Company assisted the Harrington Little League with Closing Ceremonies. Tower 50 set up the large American flag forthe ceremonies. Congrats to all the players and coaches fora wonderful season.

- Submitted by Kenny Brode

Page 40, Fire News, August 2023
(Photo left) Assistant State Fire Marshal, Chief of Administration Alan L. Browne retired after27 years working for the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Commission Chairman, Ron Marvel reads tribute to Alan Browne. right in Ocean - Submitted by Chief Terry Jester Ron Marvel presents tribute to retiring Fire CommissionerAlan “Robi” Robinson - Submitted by Warren Jones (Photo right) Jeff Eisenbrey is installed as the new Fire CommissionerforKent County.

Harrington Dedicates New Apparatus to Past Chiefs

On May 19, 2023, the Harrington Fire Company held a housing/dedication fortheir2023 Pierce Engine/Tankerthat was placed in service May 1, 2023. This new unit replaces a 1987 Pierce Engine/Tankerthat has served the community forover35 years. The new Engine/Tankerwas dedicated to the Honorand Memory of past-Chief Joe Green (1976-1981) and past-Chief Robert Taylor (1983-1984). Both of these chiefs were pioneers and leaders of the Harrington Fire Company and served as mentor's to many of our

members. These two men are one of the reasons the Harrington Fire is what it is today. The families of Chief Green and Chief Taylor were each presented a plaque from the company and a plaque will also be placed on Tanker50 honoring these two Chiefs. Ablessing of the new Tanker50 was given by Chaplain Rich Walton and the members officially backed it into the station. The old 50-2 was placed out of service forthe final time.

- Submitted by Kenny Brode

High Man at 9th NCC Recruit Class

Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany FirefighterBruno Esmeraldo recently graduated from the Delaware State Fire School's 9th New Castle County Fire Recruit Academy Class. FirefighterEsmeraldo also received special recognition at a ceremony held at the New Castle Division of the State Fire School. The Fire Recruit Academy program condenses the core training requirements forfirefighters into a four-month period. Graduates receive five Pro Board certifications, including qualifications forNFPA1001 FirefighterI and II. FirefighterEsmeraldo also received an award forachieving the highest academic score forthe academy class.

- Submitted by Lawrence Tan

Career E EMT Opportunity

The Hockessin Fire Company is seeking qualified candidates for the positions of EMT. Applications can be found on our website ( Applications may be turned into Station 19, by mail or hand delivered to the attention of Captain Lambo rn.


Old LancasterPike, Hockessin DE 19707

Part-ttime F FF/EMT Opportunity

The Hockessin Fire Company is seeking qualified candidates for the positions of FF/EMT. Applications can be found on our website ( Applications may be turned into Station 19, by mail or hand delivered to the attention of Capta in Lamborn or emailed to

1225 Old LancasterPike, Hockessin DE 19707 Fire News, August 2023, Page 41
Shifts Available 24 x 72 06:00-06:00 Requirements Delaware EMT National EMT AHACPR/AED Delaware EVO Compensation $20.57/hr. Vacation Time Sick Time Holiday Pay State Pension Uniforms Shifts Available 24 x 72 06:00-18:00 18:00-06:00 06:00-06:00 Requirements Delaware EMT Basic Firefighting Structural Firefighting HazMat Response Vehicle Rescue Delaware EVO Compensation $19.50/hr. Select Holiday Pay Longevity Raises Uniform Shirts

Laurel’s Randy Lee Inducted into the Eastern Shore Baseball HOF

On May 28, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Eastern Shore Baseball Hall of Fame inducted this year's new members. This yearLaurel's Randy Lee was honored as one of the new inductees. Randy was a draft choice of the Baltimore Orioles in the 1970 amateurdraft. He pitched two seasons in the minorleague system forBluefield, West Virginia, and Aberdeen, South Dakota. Upon returning to Delaware, Lee starred with several fast pitch as well as slow pitch softball teams across Delmarva. He has served his community tirelessly as a 20yeartown councilman and a 50-yearmemberof the Laurel Fire Department, where he is Past Chief. He has also served as a memberof the Town Redevelopment Committee. He is also, active with Centenary United Methodist Church. Randy’s nephew, Brad Lee, is a 2018 inductee of the Hall of Fame. Pictured: Randy Lee accepted into the Eastern Shore Hall of Fame being congratulated by Al Bumbry, the American League 1973 Rookie of the Year, who was a teammate of Lee's at Aberdeen, South Dakota.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

“ForThe Kids”

In March 2023 George Benson and Kevin Keating were contacted by Diane Glenn of DoverPolice with a request forhelp. Kaiden Berge y, a five-yearold from the Doverarea was in A.I. Hospital with a fourth incident of a rare form of brain cancer. Diane asked if we could reach out to the fire service to do something to lift his spirits. George and myself said that we would try and put something together; the date chosen was March 23, 2023. The response from the emergency response community was overwhelming. Not only fire apparatus but medic units, hazmat units, police vehicles, including a large numberof motorcycle officers, and line trucks from Delmarva Power. With support of the Concord Mall the staging area was in the parking lot. In the late afternoon the first to arrive was F-100 from New Castle County Emergency Communications Center. They were followed by DoverPD, DSP, NPD, WPD and NCCPD motorcycles and the DuPont Experimental Station Emergency Response Team, who rolled the house to support this event. In the planning stages it was decided that not only would this be a sign of support forKaiden but forall the patients and also the staff of A.I. Children’s Hospital. “ForThe Kids” as the event was being called was in full effect. It wasn’t long before the parking lot was full of emergency response vehicles of every type.

- Submitted by Kevin Keating

Jr. MemberRoderick Completes Academy Course

The officers and members of the Holloway Terrace Fire Company congratulate JuniorMemberJohn Roderick forcompleting New Castle County Fire Academy course at the Delaware State Fire School. The course is challenging on many fronts and Junior

FirefighterRoderick has proven his knowledge and skills. We are very proud of John and celebrate this milestone accomplishment. Well done brotherRoderick!

- Submitted by Randy Roberts

Page 42, Fire News, August 2023

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Articles inside

Laurel’s Randy Lee Inducted into the Eastern Shore Baseball HOF

page 42

Harrington Dedicates New Apparatus to Past Chiefs

page 41

Retirements, New Commissioner, Tribute

page 40

NCC Sudden Cardiac Survivor’s Reunion Recognizes Aetna Hose

page 39

Making it Safer forEVFires

page 38

Clayton’s Linda Lightcap Scholarship Awarded

pages 36-37

Rehoboth Fire Company Sends Truck to Missouri

page 35


page 34


page 34

Hockessin’s William Peirson, Jr.

pages 33-34

Upcoming Changes at the DSFS

page 32

Industrial Classes at DSFS

page 31

DELAWARE STATE FIRE SCHOOL State Fire School Partners with Community Organization on Stop the Bleed Program

page 30

Sussex County EMS Awards Banquet

page 29

Sussex County EMS Carrying Whole Blood

page 28

Watson Promoted to Lieutenant

page 27

11th Annual Sudden Cardiac Arrest SurvivorEvent in New Castle Co.

page 26

New Castle County Paramedics Launch Pre-Hospital Whole Blood Initiative

pages 24-25


page 20

Millville Trains

page 18

Commercial Fire on J.J. Williams Hwy.

pages 15-17

Rescues at Carnival Ride Malfunction

pages 12-14

Man Injured on Vessel on Delaware

page 12

Smoke DetectorActivation on Salem Church Road

pages 10-11

Aetna Responds to House Fire with Reported Subject Trapped

page 9

DeerRun Fire Collapse at Elkton Hotel Fire

page 8

LADVFACorner Greetings from the LADVFAPresident’s Hive

page 6


page 6

Serving Delaware’s First Responders Since 1921 DVFAOffice

page 6

National VolunteerFire Council Update

pages 4-5
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