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Serving Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Since 1973 SEPTEMBER 2013

Please turn to page 7 for the full story. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett

Massachusetts and Rhode Island Mourn 3 Line Of Duty Deaths -Southern New England Edition-

Fire News, September 2013, Page 3

In this issue... Scotland Fire Responds to Two-Alarm A two-story home on Devotion Road required a second alarm along with a Tanker Taskforce. See story page 6

Somerville 7-Alarmer Displaces 40 Responders from Everett and Brookline Departments were injured in this Calvin Street blaze. See story page 8

Uxbridge Six Alarm Uxbridge responds to this fire in a three-story brick building on Main Street. See story page 12

Fire Tears Through Bridgeport Home A late afternoon fire destroys an occupied three-story dwelling on Poplar Street. See story page 16

Brockton Warehouse Ravaged by Fire A five-alarm fire caused $500,000 in damages to this block-wide lumber yard.

A Service for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973

146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713


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Six Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania Proud Member Of:

See story page 19

Extrication on Constitution Blvd.

Shelton Fire Companies 1 and 4 remove a vehicle roof to reach an occupant.

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See story page 25

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 4 LODD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pages 32 & 33

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Page 4, Fire News, September 2013


From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Are You Ready? Looking at the calendar I suddenly realized that summer is coming to an end and schools will be reopening their doors to welcome back students. Whenever school reopens, responders must remain alert for changing traffic patterns as you respond to calls. Go slow! Beware of the student who might be late for school and run out in front of you to catch the bus that is just about to leave without them. Beware of the drivers, who realize they forgot to pick up their child and in rushing to pick up the kids, cuts in front of you while you are driving the rig to a call. Slow down and be aware that September brings changes in traffic patterns. September is also the month that you should start to think about your fire safety programs. Are you ready to reach out to your community in October to educate them about fire safety? Now is the time to purchase your coloring books, stickers and hats so that they arrive on time for your program. Have you thought about your program? Is it up to date? Most programs I have participated in are tailored to a community. However it is necessary to think out of the box and ask yourself what needs to be done, if anything, to include education about carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms. Telling people to change batteries may not be enough. In certain areas, you may have to reach out with a program that involves your junior firefighters to actually help change batteries. Contact your Fire Safety Educators Association to see what they have to offer to enhance your program. I urge you to check out the U.S. Fire Administration website at FEMA has a special page to help you with ideas about fire safety. Have you thought of taking a course to make you a better instructor? Check out fireprev_pe.shtm and enroll in FEMA’s Q0118 class. The self-study course for Community Safety Educators is a short, fun, “easy-to-take” web-based course that focuses on how to do a better job of planning, implementing, and evaluating safety programs in your community. Let’s make the 2013 fire safety education program something that your entire community remembers. -DW

Where Are Your Department’s Photos? We would like to remind our readers that we are always happy to receive photos and stories. Feel free to e-mail your photos to We ask that any photo you do send be high resolution (300 dpi or better) and that you do not retouch, crop, alter or reduce your photos in size when you e-mail them to us. Please send two to four photos per incident. Also, include a brief write-up of the incident, event, or family news, which includes basic “who, what, when, and where information.” We look forward to seeing your department in our next issue. - Ed.

WESTERN MASS. FOOLS 2013 HELMET RAFFLE Western Mass. FOOLS is proud to announce our 2013 Helmet Raffle. The Western Mass. FOOLS is a chapter of the Fraternal Order of Leatherheads, an organization of firefighters for and by firefighters. Our goal is to raise funds to boost our membership and support aggressive and quality training for firefighters throughout the western Massachuseetts area. To that end we are conducting a raffle. The prizes are as follows: Grand Prize: NFPA compliant Leather Fire Helmet with custom leather shield. Second Prize: A helmet mounted video camera Third Prize: A helmet mounted flashlight Tickets cost $10 each and a maximum of 1000 tickets will be sold. Please contact: Ed Harvey or 413-229-0153 for tickets.

Fire News Named Official Newspaper of the New Jersey Fire Expo and New Jersey Firemen’s Convention in Wildwood The Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association, the host of New Jersey State Firemen’s Convention and one of the largest fire expositions on the East Coast, the New Jersey Fire Expo, is proud to announce that Fire News, a Northeast regional leader in reporting fire related news in five states; by publishing six state and regional newspapers will be the “Official Newspaper of the New Jersey Fire Expo and the New Jersey Firemen’s Convention.” The first issue under the new agreement will be for the 2013 Convention and Expo held in September 2013. As always, this is the largest fund raiser for the FMBVFA each year. Five Mile Beach VFA President Dave Thompson remarked, “After the conclusion of our last newspaper contract our members wanted to look for a publisher that would be responsive to the needs of firefighters and after following a selection process the newspaper committee recommended Fire News. I view this relationship as a win-win for both organizations.” Fire News will feature the same information that was in the previous newspapers concerning the events of the convention and exposition, including a map of the vendors. The newspaper will also feature some local advertising to help convention goers take advantage of the many opportunities available in the Wildwoods. The New Jersey State Firemen’s Convention Edition will be distributed free of charge to all attendees at the convention and the fire expo during the convention. The Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association would like to especially thank Frank Trotta, Publisher of Fire News, and Tim Edwards, Vice President/Executive Editor of Fire News, for their cooperation in settling this agreement in a timely manner. Fire News is celebrating its 40th year in publishing the newspaper, and we congratulate them and look forward to a long working relationship. The Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association of Wildwood is composed of the Volunteer Fire Companies of Anglesea, North Wildwood, Wildwood, Holly Beach, West Wildwood and Wildwood Crest. Further information can be obtained at or

Page 6, Fire News, September 2013

Plane Crashes Into Two Homes In East Haven

At approximately 1120 on August 9, 2013, the East Haven Fire Department was dispatched to a plane crash into two homes at Charter Oak Avenue. First arriving units found that a multi-engine Turbo Commander 690B, had crashed into the rear of two houses and had heavy fire showing. A quick aggressive interior search proved difficult due to the fire conditions as well as major structural damage to the homes. The plane had departed from Teterboro,

New Jersey, and crashed while approaching Tweed-New Haven Airport. Four people were confirmed dead from this incident, including former Microsoft executive Bill Hennigsgaard and his son, as well as two children from one of the damaged homes. New Haven and Branford Fire Departments also responded to the crash while investigators from the FAA and NTSB are working on the cause. - Fire News photos by Keith Muratori

Two-Alarm in Scotland

On May 29, 2013, Scotland Fire was dispatched to Devotion along with a Tanker Taskforce. The addition was a total loss, with Road (RT-97) for numerous reports of a house fire. Car 16 found a moderate damage to the main building. The FMO is investigating two-story home with a 1-1/2 story addition with heavy fire condi- the incident. - Fire News photo by Robert Ladd tions from the addition. At this time a second alarm was requested

Fire News, September 2013, Page 7

Cover Story

An early morning fire on June 17, 2013, in Webster, forced the evacuation of several nearby Granite Street homes, and handed responding firefighters a bevy of tactical hurdles to overcome. The fire was heavily involving a 2-1/2 story wood frame vacant apartment building. Webster Fire Chief Brian Hickey arrived on scene and established incident command. Access to the site was via a very narrow, thickly populated one way street with cars parked along one side. To add to the problem, the apartment house was located on a back lot with access solely via a driveway between two front structures. Only

the first-due engine could enter and all other equipment and hose had to be lugged in by firefighters. Chief Hickey called on mutual aid companies from the Dudley, Douglas, Oxford and Southbridge to assist with hand-jacking numerous 2-1/2 inch handlines and setting up a portable deck gun. Firefighters quickly gained the upper hand, but the structure partially collapsed at the rear. Crews remained on scene for several hours performing what overhaul they could and wetting down stubborn hot spots. The fire is currently being investigated. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett



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Page 8, Fire News, September 2013

7-Alarmer Displaces 40 in Somerville

Recently, a seven-alarm fire broke out on Calvin Street in the City department mechanic for Brookline Fire Department sustained a of Somerville (MA). Forty residents were displaced. An Everett fire- leg injury. Six buildings were involved. - Fire News photos by Stephen Walsh fighter was sent to the hospital with respiratory difficulties and the

Fire News, September 2013, Page 9

36 Displaced by Plymouth Condo Blaze

At 0822 on July 7, 2013, Plymouth Fire Alarm began receiving multiple calls for a reported fire in a condominium complex on Marc Drive. Engine 2 was first due and reported heavy fire showing from the second and third floor porches with extension into the attic of a large three-story wood frame multi-unit condominium. Engine 2 began a quick primary search as second due companies established a water supply and began an aggressive interior attack. Due to the heavy fire and extension into the attic crews were forced to evacuate the building and set up defensive operations. A second alarm was ordered bringing a mutual aid engine from Carver to the scene

and Kingston for coverage. Due to the fire spread, a third alarm was struck bringing additional mutual aid from Duxbury. All together seven engines, a tower, two ladder trucks and a rescue unit were involved. Additionally the Department of Fire Services provided their Incident Rehab Unit for the firefighters who were working in outdoor temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. Brewster Ambulance provided EMS. The cause was determined to be careless disposal of smoking materials on a second floor porch. Fourteen units were damaged and 36 residents displaced. - Fire News photos by Matt Gaskins

A fast moving fire tore through a two-story home in the Silver Spring section of Providence, Rhode Island, on July 8, 2013. Calls rang in for Lowell Avenue and first arriving companies reported that the front of the dwelling was fully involved with heavy fire. A second alarm was requested as the fire was rapidly tearing through the dwelling. A fast attack went into operation with big lines knocking down the exterior fire as next arriving companies readied themselves for interior attack.

Ladder companies opened the roof. Firefighters needed to be rotated out often due to the heat of the fire and the outside temperatures. The Special Signal Association was continuously delivering water to crews trying to catch their breath and rehydrate. Extensive overhauling continued for an hour after the fire appeared to be under control. One firefighter was transported for heat related issues. - Fire News photos by Ken LaBelle and Tom Carmody

Page 10, Fire News, September 2013

Third Floor Fire in Hartford

Firefighters responded to a heavy blaze on July 25, 2013, in a vacant three-story structure on Wilson Street in Hartford. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

Two Alarm on Constitution Ave.

On July 10, 2013, two alarms were sounded for a fire in a brick project style building on Constitution Avenue. Heavy fire was showing on arrival. Companies were pulled from the building for a short period of time. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Fire News, September 2013, Page 11

Page 12, Fire News, September 2013

Uxbridge Six Alarm

At 1400 on July 18, 2013, the Uxbridge on-duty crew was called out for a fire on South Main Street. The three-story brick building, built in 1895, housed businesses on the first floor and apartments above on the second and third floors. First arriving units reported nothing showing. Firefighters began to smell smoke as they began to investigate but couldn’t locate the source. A working fire was requested to bring more manpower to the scene. Conditions began to deteriorate quickly on the upper floors. Command radioed to the interior troops that smoke was pushing from the upper floor windows and eaves. The IC struck a second alarm as the smoke conditions worsened. Command pulled all crews out of the building for defensive operations as second alarm companies arrived. Heavy fire was showing from the second and third floors’ B/C corners. A third alarm was struck as conditions deteriorated and eventually a

fourth, fifth and sixth alarm bringing fire apparatus from Worcester County and Rhode Island to the scene. Uxbridge Ladder 1 used their aerial on side A to break out the windows to vent the trapped gasses and the third floor erupted in fire as the windows were breached. Heavy fire was now showing across the entire third floor and through the center of the roof. Ladder pipes from Northbridge, Hopedale and Uxbridge poured water into the fire from above along with several big lines from ground level. The building was deemed unsafe and was slated for emergency demolition. On a brighter note, the workers of a bridal shop on the first floor were able to save all of the gowns that were in storage for upcoming weddings. - Fire News photos by Ken LaBelle and Paul Shea

Fire News, September 2013, Page 13

Fire From Below in Manchester A Manchester, Connecticut, underground transformer fire on July 5, 2013. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

Burning Rubber in Bridgeport As evening temperatures hovered near 90 degrees, a vacant rubber manufacturing plant was the scene of a stubborn fire in Bridgeport on July 17, 2013. Headquarters companies could see the billowing smoke as they turned out. The fire was darkened down in about an hour, but stubborn pockets flared up for the next few hours. The cause of the fire was arson. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda

Page 14, Fire News, September 2013

Two-Alarm Blaze Displaces Eight in Leominster On July 12, 2013, shortly before 1700, Firefighter Vincent Alia (Engine 4) heard fire alarms at the end of the street and walked over to investigate. As he approached and looked inside he could see a light smoke condition and went to the second floor and encountered a mattress and walls on fire. He was unsuccessful in stopping the blaze with a wallmounted extinguisher. As the companies arrived, acting-Deputy Chief Anthony Lefebvre spotted smoke in the hallway and had Engine 4 stretch a line. At

this time, the fire extended up into the third floor and attic via the balloon frame construction, and had gained good headway. Occupants were still inside unaware of a fire in the building and choosing to ignore the alarms. Fire began to vent through the roof shortly after being vented and numerous handlines were stretched to all floors. Mutual aid came to the scene from Fitchburg and Sterling, and the fire remains under investigation. - Fire News photo by Michael LaPrade

Neighbors Spot Smoke from Vacant Dwelling

A neighbor spotted smoke from a vacant two-story dwelling on Bates Street in Mendon, Massachusetts on July 8, 2013, and called 911. The large dwelling had smoke showing from side A as the OIC arrived. A working fire was called with a request for Bellingham Ladder 1 to the scene. Command reported fire in a side A wall next to the front door. National Grid was requested because the house’s electrical service appeared to be intact. Firefighters opened the interior lath and plaster walls exposing the fire so it could be quickly quelled. The house was still pushing a moderate amount of smoke and the fire was knocked down. The Incident Commander requested a second alarm as the hazy, hot, and humid temperatures along with the possible extension were taxing the first-alarm companies. The smoke began to dissipate as the building was opened up. The cause of the fire was possibly a corroded electrical outlet that was neglected for years. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Everett Firefighters Battle Boston Blaze on Hottest Day of Summer

Everett (MA) firefighters operated at a second alarm on Jones Street on July 19, 2013. This was the hottest day of the year in the metro Boston area. The fire was in a large occupied three-story wood frame with heavy fire on the second and third floors. No injuries were reported at the scene. - Fire News photo by Rick Nohl

Fire News, September 2013, Page 15

Long Night in Bridgeport At approximately 0100 on July 21, 2013, the Bridgeport Fire Department was dispatched to Wilmot Avenue for a reported house fire. Battalion 2 was first on scene reporting a 2-½ story wood frame with heavy fire showing from the second floor D-side. The fire quickly spread to the attic and proved difficult to extinguish due to hidden void spaces. Companies remained on scene throughout the night chasing hot spots. - Fire News photo by Keith Muratori

Fan Fire in East Providence East Providence (RI) Engine 1 arrived to find a bathroom ceiling fan fire on the second floor of a 2-1/2 story woodframe dwelling on South Spruce Street on July 17, 2013. Firefighters noticed glowing embers in the ceiling joist as they removed the fan unit. A handline was requested to the second floor and attic above the fire to knock down the fire and to check for extension. Ladder 3 used their aerial to assist in opening the side A attic window to vent smoke. The fire was quickly contained to the area of origin without further damage. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Page 16, Fire News, September 2013

Water Main Break Doesn’t Help at Springfield Two-Alarm

On July 3, 2013, at approximately 0515, Springfield (MA) firefight- and covered Springfield stations. A water main broke on the street ers responded to a second alarm on Chase Avenue. Two buildings as operations started, greatly hampering firefighters’ efforts. - Fire News photos by Patrick Dooley were totally destroyed with damage to seven others. Numerous cars were also destroyed or damaged. Mutual aid assisted at the scene

Fire Tears Through Bridgeport Home

A late afternoon fire tore through an occupied house on Poplar Street in Bridgeport on June 19, 2013. The safety officer arrived reporting a large three-story, wood frame well involved with the exposure also going. A second alarm was transmitted. The first due engine arrived and dumped the monitor darkening down the fire

with the help of multiple handlines. Companies aggressively went interior and knocked down the remaining fire. Six engines, three trucks and the rescue worked for about an hour to control the fire. No one was injured in the fire and several families were displaced. - Fire News photos by Glenn Duda

Page 18, Fire News, September 2013

Maze-Like Layout Hampers West Haven

Uxbridge Homeowner Charged with Arson

West Haven firefighters were called to Campbell Avenue for a reported house fire on July 9, 2013. Heavy fire was issuing from the top floor windows upon the company’s arrival. Firefighters made an interior attack, but had trouble gaining access to the fire due to the maze-like layout of the third floor. Companies were briefly backed down to the second floor while the heavy fire was darkened down for the outside. Companies were then able to finish off the fire. The second alarm was transmitted due to the high heat and humidity of the day and the need for more manpower. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda

A three-alarm fire destroyed a two-story brick house built in 1821 on Albee Road in Uxbridge on July 3, 2013. The dwelling had heavy fire showing from a one-story addition in the rear and first floor as Engine 2 arrived on scene. A working fire was called and also a tanker task force due to a lack of hydrants. The fire was rapidly extending throughout the first level with heavy smoke pushing from the upper floor. Several lines were advanced around the structure as the second floor began to show heavy fire from the A/D corners. The Incident Commander struck the second alarm bringing in mutual aid from several Southern Worcester County departments. Neighbors, canteen trucks, and rehab units supplied the heat exhausted firefighters with much needed cold drinking water. The homeowner was arrested as he returned home and later charged with arson. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Quick Work in Wethersfield

Working Fire in Central Falls

Firefighters made quick work of a basement fire on Boulter Road in Wethersfield, CT, on July 21, 2013. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

On the night of June 16, 2013, Central Falls firefighters responded to Sylvian Street for a house fire. On arrival, Engine 2 reported smoke showing from the top floor of an occupied three-decker. A working fire was transmitted and mutual aid from Pawtucket, Cumberland and Lincoln responded to the scene. A line was stretched to the third floor where companies reported that they had two rooms of fire and were knocking it down. Arriving firefighters performed searches and ventilated. All of the searches were negative and there was no extension to the attic. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody

Fire News, September 2013, Page 19

Hot Wires Set Cars Afire

On July 16, 2013, Newton struck a box for a high-tension line down and on fire on Needham Street, a heavy commercial area. The power line had snapped from the roof of the building and came down on top of a Honda Odyssey and a Prius setting them both on fire. The exterior of the structure around the entrance also began to burn. Due to the fact the power line was live, firefighters could not attack the fire until NStar arrived and cut the line. The urgency was

such that NStar was given a police escort to the scene per order of NFD Chief Proia. NStar was able to get on scene just in time as the fire had started to spread inside the store when the front window blew from the heat. Once the firefighters were able to attack, the fire was knocked down very quickly but they spent quite awhile overhauling and checking for extension. - Fire News photos by Stephen Walsh

Fire Ravages Brockton Warehouse A warehouse in Brockton (MA) was ravaged by a five-alarm fire on August 5, 2013, causing $500,000 in damage. Numerous communities sent mutual aid to the scene. The warehouse, which was a block wide, was mainly a lumber yard but also housed other shops, including one for car repairs and one for welding. All the businesses were displaced. The warehouse did not have sprinklers, but it did have smoke alarms that went off. One firefighter was transported to a local hospital after straining his back. The cause of this blaze is under investigation. - Fire News photos by Rob Reardon

Dudley Jakes Tackle Morning Garage Fire At approximately 1000 on August 5, 2013, Dudley Fire Captain Dave Konieczny was returning from a routine fire inspection when he spotted a large column of smoke pushing up from the area of West Main Street. Upon further investigation, he found a residential garage well involved. The garage was situated behind a multi-family residence, and sat dangerously close to another two-story garage and an additional home. First-due jakes got a hoseline into place to protect the most threatened exposure, then stretched an additional line to combat the heavy fire condition. The fire was quickly knocked down and crews spent about 90 minutes on scene. The fire melted most of the vinyl siding on the D-side exposure, but did not extend into the garage. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Members of the Webster Fire Department responded to Dudley to cover two fire alarm activations while Dudley jakes were busy with the original fire. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett

Page 20, Fire News, September 2013

Pick-up Truck Catches Fire in Dudley

On June 24, 2013, just after 1930, Dudley firefighters responded to a report of a pick up truck on fire on Ramshorn Road on the outskirts of Dudley. When Dudley jakes arrived they found a full-size pick up fully involved in very close proximity to a wood frame residential dwelling. Luckily, the wind was with the local firefighters,

and carried the bulk of the heat and flames away from the residence. Firefighters quickly brought the vehicle fire under control, and there was no apparent damage to the house. No injuries were reported. One engine and six members responded. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett

Holden Responds to MVA On July 13, 2013, Holden Fire responded to an MVA on Main Street near the state police barracks. It was a rear end collision. One vehicle caught fire. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Lincoln MVA and Fire

North Smithfield Truck Fire

Recently, Station 1 and Rescue 2 responded to the area of Sayles Hill and Old River Roads for an auto accident with possible fire. The first arriving police cruiser reported that the vehicle was on fire and that the occupant had self extricated. The car was fully involved as fire companies arrived. An attack line was stretched knocking the fire down. Rescue 2 tended to the driver and transported him to Rhode Island Trauma Center. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

A 10-wheel dump truck caught fire at a North Smithfield (RI), sand and gravel company on July 23, 2013. Engine 2 arrived to find the engine compartment well involved on one truck with a nearby truck suffering radiant heat damage. One attack line was used knocking the fire down fairly quickly without further damage to the other rigs in the parking lot. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Quick Work in West Warwick

On the night of June 17, 2013, a quick moving thunderstorm moved through the Kent County area. Shortly afterwards, Engines 1, 2, 3 and 4, along with Ladder 1, Rescues 1 and 2 and Battalion 1 responded to Pulaski Street for a house fire. Engine 4 arrived on scene and reported smoke showing from the second floor of an occupied two-story house. Two lines were quickly stretched and knocked the fire down. There was no extension and no injuries were reported. Warwick and Cranston filled in at the empty West Warwick stations. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody

Webster Jakes Battle Apartment Fire On July 20, 2013, Webster firefighters were tasked with yet another difficult fire in a multi-family dwelling, located in a very tight neighborhood. At approximately 0125, a dispatcher at Webster Fire Control received several calls reporting a house fire located on Fifth Avenue. All Webster jakes were turned out in response. Firefighters found that all the occupants had narrowly escaped the fast moving flames; fire was showing from three windows on the second floor, and it was extending to the third floor and roof area. Firefighters immediately stretched a pair of hoselines into the second floor to initiate an aggressive interior attack, which was successful. Firefighters from Dudley, Oxford, Douglas, Southbridge and Auburn assisted at the scene. Crews needed to be rotated frequently due to the ambient temperature and humidity. The fire is currently under investigation. Six adults and seven children were displaced as a result of the fire, and the American Red Cross responded. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett

Fire News, September 2013, Page 21

Page 22, Fire News, September 2013

28,000 Acre Brush Fire in California

While on vacation, Fire News photographer Rob Reardon’s son, Tyler, captured some action at the recent 28,000-acre brush fire in Ventura County, California. - Fire News photo by Tyler Reardon

Sand Castle Honors All Those Who Aided During the Boston Bombing

“Boston Strong” was the main sand castle this year made in honor of all involved with the Boston Marathon Bombing. The Revere (MA) Beach Sand Sculpting Festival was held on Revere Beach from July 19 to July 21, 2013. - Fire News photo by Rick Nohl

West Thompson Firefighters Free Pinned Passenger

Shortly after 1730 on July 21, 2013, members of the West Thompson Fire Department responded to a report of a single-car collision on Campground Road, with possible injuries and entrapment. Upon arrival, firefighters found an SUV had collided with a large tree, pinning one of the two occupants; both were injured. As West Thompson jakes began operating on scene, the incident commander summoned the Community Fire Company to assist with the tricky extrication. The Community Fire ambulance also responded to treat and transport one of the injured. The extrication was quick and efficient, and both injured parties received prompt treatment on scene by EMS personnel before being transported to a local hospital. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett

Fire News, September 2013, Page 23

Duxbury Extrication Training

Duxbury Firefighter/Paramedic Dennis Mikkola uses hydraulic tools during shift training. - Fire News photo by Rob Reardon

Page 24, Fire News, September 2013

Only Minor Injuries When Car Strikes Building

Three Vehicle Crash in Hopkinton Closes I-495

On July 13, 2013, an automobile lost control and struck a building on Park Avenue causing significant damage. The operator sustained minor injuries - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

On July 22, 2013, several people were injured and transported to hospitals by Hopkinton (MA) and Westborough (MA) ambulances following a three-vehicle crash on I-495 northbound in Hopkinton. One person was extricated by firefighters. The road was closed for about an hour while rescue workers tended to the victims. - Fire News photo by Dick Bartlett

Bike Rider Medevac’d After Crash

Recently, a LifeFlight helicopter was called to Hopkinton (MA) to transport a female patient to UMass Memorial Hospital in Worcester after a bike she was riding was struck by a car on West Main Street. - Fire News photo by Dick Bartlett

Two Hurt in Fitchburg MVA

On June 14, 2013, shortly before midnight, an auto accident sent two people to area trauma centers after a car struck a building. One of the victims was thrown from the car and the other was trapped inside. Both were airlifted to UMass in Worcester by LifeFlight and MedFlight helicopters. Fitchburg (MA) firefighters used hydraulic tools to cut away the gas and brake pedals, as well as cutting off the roof to extricate the victim. Both victims were in serious condition. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, September 2013, Page 25

Five Injured at Wakefield Dance School MVA

Wakefield (MA) firefighters and EMS personnel from Action the accident and five injured people were transported to area hosAmbulance were faced with a difficult incident on August 1, 2013. pitals. The cause of the accident is under investigation by the A motor vehicle being operated by a female that may have had a Wakefield Police and Massachusetts State Police. - Fire News photos by Rick Nohl and Tim Gorman mechanical problem crashed into an occupied dance studio. The Dance Track Studio on Main Street received significant damage in

Duxbury and Pembroke Respond to MVA

Duxbury and Pembroke firefighters used hydraulic tools to free two victims from an early morning crash. Both patients were transported to the South Shore Hospital. - Fire News photo by Rob Reardon

Constitution Blvd. Extrication

At approximately 1100 on July 17, 2013, Shelton Fire Companies 1 and 4, along with Echo Hose Ambulance and Valley Emergency Medical Services were dispatched to Constitution Boulevard and Waterview Drive for an MVA with extrication. Shelton police officers were already on scene. One driver was easily removed and transported to the hospital, while the other required a roof removal before being extricated and transported to the hospital. - Fire News photo by Keith Muratori

Page 26, Fire News, September 2013

Heavy Rescue Works Bus Crash

Shelton Responds to Rollover

On June 24, 2013, a Worcester Regional Transportation Authority bus lost control on Swanson Road in Auburn. The operator was pinned in the bus for about an hour. Mutual aid was requested from Worcester for their heavy rescue. They arrived with a set of hydraulic jaws and cutters and helped free the driver. The force of the impact shifted the bus up to 10 feet off its frame. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

At approximately 0915 on July 2, 2013, Shelton Fire Companies 1 and 3 were dispatched to Route 8 northbound between Exits 12 and 13 for a reported rollover. First units on scene found a black BMW on its side in a wooded area to the side of the highway. The driver was reported ejected from the vehicle and transported to Bridgeport Hospital with “non-incapacitating” injuries. - Fire News photo by Keith Muratori

Motorist Dies in Rte. 9 MVA

Nasonville Responds to Rollover

Recently, a motorist died in an MVA on Main Street/Route 9. It was unclear if a medical condition played a role in the crash. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

A three-car accident at the intersection of Route 102 and East Avenue in Burrillville (RI) required the use of hydraulic tools on the morning of July 15, 2013. An elderly driver was pinned as her mini-van tipped onto the operator’s side after impact. Firefighters used a reciprocating saw and cutters to flap the roof back to expose the trapped occupant. The patient was removed to an awaiting long board and transported to a local hospital for evaluation of her injuries. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Happy Ending After Search

Firefighters from Newton (MA) search Hammond Pond for a reported missing 16-year old runaway on June 29, 2013. The girl was found safe in Boston the next day. - Fire News photo by Stephen Walsh

Fire News, September 2013, Page 27

Search for Missing Man in Boston Harbor

Boston Firefighters along with Coast Guard, State Police, and Boston Police conducted a search of Boston Harbor near Castle Island in the early morning hours of July 28, 2013. A 41-year old passenger on the Provincetown II ferry fell from the third deck into the harbor while on an evening dance party cruise. The male fell into the water around 2230 and a massive search was launched lasting well into the afternoon of July 29. The body of the male was located by police divers using sonar detection equipment around 1330 on July 30. - Fire News photo by Rick Nohl

Page 28, Fire News, September 2013

John Powers Promoted to District Chief

On July 1, 2013, John Powers was promoted to the rank of District Chief and Gary Arpin, John Dawidczyk, Peter Lemieux and Andrew White were promoted to Captain. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Fire News, September 2013, Page 29

Derby/Shelton Memorial Day Parade

Duxbury 4th of July Parade

- Fire News photo by Keith Muratori

Duxbury firefighters raise the flag with Ladder 1 during the annual Fourth of July parade. - Fire News photo by Rob Reardon

Firehouse Converted to Business HQ

Leicester Holds Muster

Capstone Construction recently purchased the old Millbury Street firehouse and held an open house for the community to see the building prior to construction taking place. The house was built in 1892 and will be new headquarters to Capstone which is a general contractor as well as a fire restoration company. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

A Leicester team at the muster held at the Leicester (MA) Founder’s Day celebration. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Page 30, Fire News, September 2013

Bob Santucci Retires

Firefighter/Fire Prevention Officer Bob Santucci retired from the Hopkinton (MA) Fire Department after 35 years of service. - Fire News photo by Dick Bartlett

Honoring Those Past and Present in Leominster

Leominster (MA) firefighters had their 113th Annual Firefighters Memorial on June 9, 2013. The ceremony honors those past and present members. It was a great day and a lot of young families showed up to support the event. Chief of Department Robert Sideleau II (left) and Firefighter Robert Penning Leominster, the Firefighters Relief Association President, carry the wreath to the monument. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, September 2013, Page 31

Flag Retirement Ceremony

Flag Retirement Ceremony at Logan International Airport, Boston, on June 17, 2013. - Fire News photos by Liz Feitelberg

Page 32, Fire News, September 2013


Firefighter John Austin Laid to Rest

Funeral services were held for Quincy (MA) Firefighter John Austin, 37, who died in the line of duty responding to a call on July 8, 2013. He was a member of Engine Co 5 and joined the Quincy Fire

Department in 2002. John was also a US Marine. The funeral was held on July 13, 2013 at Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Quincy. - Fire News photos by Stephen Walsh

Fire News, September 2013, Page 33


Rhode Island Mourns The Loss of Assistant Chief Edward Vanner, Jr.

Edward C. Vanner, Jr, Assistant Chief of the 143d Fire and Emergency Services-Quonset ANG Base in North Kingstown (RI) died in the line of duty on June 17, 2013. According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), Assistant Chief of Operations Vanner, 58 was found by a fellow firefighter in his office

unconscious and unresponsive. Chief Vanner was transported to Kent Hospital where despite the best efforts of EMTs and doctors from the 143d FES, North Kingstown Fire Department, and Kent Hospital, Chief Vanner passed away from an apparent heart attack. - Fire News photos by Nicole Cairrao

Firefighter/EMT Dave Brier Passes The Middleborough Fire Department and the Town of Middleborough has suffered a tremendous loss with the unexpected passing of Firefighter/EMT-I David Brier. During this time of grief, we try to find solace in the fact that Dave’s unfortunate passing was due to his dedication to protect and to serve the citizens of Middleborough. His courage, dedication, and leadership will remain a testament to the highest standards of the Middleborough Fire Department. I salute Firefighter Brier for his bravery and selfless devotion. He was a great firefighter and friend; he is greatly missed and will never be forgotten. Lance Benjamino, Chief of Department Middleborough Fire Department

Page 34, Fire News, September 2013


Chief DeCourcy Passes Clifton J. DeCourcy, 61, retired District Chief of the Worcester Fire Department, died June 8, 2013, at UMASS Memorial Medical Center after a long battle with pulmonary fibrosis. He was on the job for 41 years and had passed just days post retirement from the Worcester Fire Department. He started with the department in 1972 and served on Engines 15, 10 and 5, until being promoted to Lieutenant in 1979. He became Captain in 1984 and served Engines 6 and 4. Clif was promoted to Chief in 1987 and served Cars 3 and 4. He retired as Chief on June 1, 2013. - Fire News photos by Paul Shea

Chief DeCourcy with his old neighborhood friend, actor Denis Leary, at a dedication ceremony.



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Fire News, September 2013, Page 35

Tier 2 Haz-Mat Response Needed

On July 17, 2013, an attempted suicide drew a Tier 2 Haz-Mat response. The occupant of the apartment left a note for responders of the hazard inside and was found alive. The woman was put through decon and was transported. Her dog died as a result of the chemicals used. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Could Have Been a Bit Chilly

On June 6, 2013, in a parking lot in Ashland (MA), the landing gear on a trailer loaded with liquid nitrogen became stuck on the roadway while exiting the lot. There was no leak but Ashland Fire Department stood by while a 75-ton tow truck freed the trailer. The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services Haz Mat team was called to investigate. - Fire News photo by Dick Bartlett

Page 36, Fire News, September 2013

FIRE RESEARCH CORP. ANNOUNCES ERIC DOTY AS NORTHEAST SALES MANAGER Fire Research Corporation is pleased to announce the addition of Eric Doty as Northeast Regional Sales Manager. Based in Elmira, New York, Eric will be working with distributors and OEMs from Maine to Virginia. Eric served four years in the Air Force and has a bachelors degree in engineering from Northern Arizona University. He has 26 years experience working with customers as a field engineer, technical trainer, sales representative and regional sales manager. For nine years Eric worked in the fire service industry and looks forward to reconnecting with all the customers and friends that he has made over the years. When Eric is not working he enjoys spending time with family and participating in outdoor activities such as golf, tennis, four wheeling, hunting and fishing.

IAMRESPONDING.COM COMPLETES SUCCESSFUL APP LAUNCH has completed its successful mobile app launch to complement the accessibility of its core features, and has reached significant performance milestones. IamResponding is used by emergency responders to inform their departments and dispatchers if, when and where they are responding to emergency incidents. This allows dispatched entities to reduce response times by knowing immediately if they have a full crew available, or if additional pages and/or mutual aid need to be activated. There are now tens of thousands of IamResponding mobile apps deployed in the field, and IamResponding’s iPhone app was rated among the Top 10 Free Business Apps in the App Store upon its launch. IamResponding’s iPhone and Android apps are 100 percent integrated with Google Maps, providing push notifications of dispatches, with turn-by-turn navigation to the incident locations. The apps also include all of IamResponding’s primary features, enabling users to indicate their response status via the apps, and to easily see who is responding, and where.

IamResponding has now processed more than 5.5 MILLION responder status notifications from emergency providers, and has delivered more than 32 MILLION messages to its subscribers. IamResponding is used by thousands of emergency response entities, and is relied upon daily by more than 160,000 emergency responders. has been proven through real-world usage to be the most reliable web-based service in the fire and EMS industry, and continues to expand its products and features regularly. For inquiries, please contact: Daniel R. Seidberg, President P.O. Box 93 DeWitt, New York, 13214-0093 Tel.: 315-701-1372 ext. 11 Fax: 315-218-0253

MICHAEL DALLESSANDRO (WWW.RESPONDSMART.COM) IS NOW OFFERING CUSTOM DRIVER TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS The package includes a complete review of your current driver S.O.G.s with recommendations on how to protect your department from liability. Mike also completes an onsite evaluation of a fire department's specific roadway and traffic hazards in their first due area and develops a new driver training curriculum that incorporates those hazards and information on your FDs specific apparatus including new custom designed driver training check off sheets. A 2-hour "train the trainer" session is also conducted when the project is delivered to your fire department that shows your officers and trainers how to use the new material. This project can help your department prevent liability, promote safety and may help your ISO score in the driver training category. For more information email Mike at

Fire News, September 2013, Page 37

Dive Drill in Plymouth Plymouth County Technical Rescue Team Dive Drill in Plymouth MA on July 31, 2013. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Taunton Responds to MVA Taunton MA responded to this motorcycle accident on County Street at the Route-140 off ramp around 1230 on August 4, 2013. The motorcycle collided with a pick-up truck. The operator suffered serious injuries. Taunton Fire and AMR requested Boston MedFlight to respond. MedFlight landed at the scene and transported the operator to a Boston hospital. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers



EXT. 3

Terry Farrell FireFighters Fund “Surplus Equipment Program” has assisted fire departments throughout upper New York State with much needed turnout gear, hoses, tools and even several vehicles. All of this is possible through the generous support of Long Island Fire Departments. We now need the help of volunteers to assist us with • Equipment deliveries • Drive our vehicles in parades • Man our booths at Fire Dept. tournaments, festivals & functions • Assist with the collection of gear from donating department No one is paid in our organization but the feeling of helping firefighters who receive our donations and assistance and the gratitude they show to us is payment enough. To Volunteer of for more information about our fund please go to our website Or email Thank You, Brian Farrell

Terry Farrell FireFighters Fund



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Page 38, Fire News, September 2013

Up Close & Personal

Providence Engine 6 lieutenant. - Fire News photo by Amanda Carmody

Members of the Caver Fire Department after recent structure fire on Tremont Street. - Fire News photo by Rob Reardon

First Run for Worcester Canteen

West Warwick firefighter responding to fire on Epworth Avenue. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody On July 17, 2103, Rutland firefighters worked a fire that was the first official run for the Worcester Box 4 Canteen. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Boston firefighters Owen Kelly and Mark Foley make up at a four-alarm fire on Walnut Street in Somerville (MA) on July 27, 2013. - Fire News photo by Stephen Walsh

Jeff Mackala, Worcester dispatcher, and Keith Carnavale, Worcester Fire Department radio repairman working the field commo at a recent three-alarm fire. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Fire News, September 2013, Page 39

Up Close & Personal

Chief Ken Scandariato works the command post at an apartment fire in Norwich on July 5, 2013. Engine 2 crew rescued an occupant from the second floor via ground ladder from a window. - Fire News photo by Robert Ladd Firefighters from the Town of Charlton at a fire in an occupied multiple-family dwelling located on Muggett Hill Road. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett

You Want Sausage With That? Derby Pizzeria Fire

Baptism by Fire Pawtucket firefighter Tiffany Pacheco at her first fire as a member of the Pawtucket Fire Department, a twoalarm blaze on Oakland Street on July 8, 2013. - Fire News photo by Tim Delaney

Derby firefighters at a structure fire on Minerva Street. - Fire News photo by Keith Muratori

Blue Hills Fire Department responded to a furnace room fire on Daniel Boulevard in Bloomfield (CT) on July 22, 2103. Bloomfield Center and Windsor assisted at the scene. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

North Providence Fire Department Decon team washed off firefighters after a vat of toluene ignited in a 75,000 square foot three-story brick mill-type building on Foundry Street on June 24, 2013. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

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