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Manchester, East Hartford Train Together

Manchesterand East Hartford (CT) fire departments trained togetherin the IAFFFireground Safety and Survival Train the Trainer program during the week of September12, 2022. - Fire News photos by Patrick Dooley

Training WaterRescue Practice forHaddam

In a mock scenario exercise on August 8, 2022, Haddam (CT) VolunteerFire Company was dispatched to Haddam Meadows State Park fora reported personal watercraft (PWC) accident near Haddam Island. In three rotations, crews took turns accessing the scene via Marine-13. There, they worked to rescue multiple “patients” who were unconscious, injured, orinebriated. “We respond to multiple calls a yearon the Connecticut River, so it’s important that ourmembers are refreshed in both boat operations and waterrescue situations,” said Deputy Chief Jed Morrissey. “Helping to care foran injured patient in the wateris much different, and often more difficult, than a regularassist, and requires a great amount of teamwork and communication.” - Fire News photos by Olivia Drake

Switching Roles

Thirty people who usually are in an office setting, providing mental health services to first responders, reversed roles and jumped into the front lines. An intense two-day seminaroffered what it is like to be in a room searching forvictims, and at the scene of a child in cardiac arrest.

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