25 minute read
From the Editor’s Desk
Guess what I was greeted with on October 9, 2022? I was shocked when I entered my vehicle and found that my windshield was covered with frost. After I cleaned off my windshield with windshield washer fluid, I was on my way for morning coffee at the firehouse. The first question I asked was, “Did anyone have frost on their car windows?” It didn’t take long before I realized I was the only one who experienced one of the side effects of fall. I am sure that by the time you read this editorial, you too will experience frosty windows!
Frosty windows aren’t a big deal, but it is a sign that we are in the fall season and must think about driving safely to the firehouse. Falling leaves become wet and slippery. Throw in some adrenalin as you respond to a call and you have the mix for dangerous slippery road conditions.
Company chauffeurs, engineers, MPOs or drivers must change their response techniques. Be sure to get to the firehouse safely. That ride to the firehouse tells you a lot about what you can expect when you drive your rig to a call. Fall and winter are two times of the year that require extra thought. Think about the safety of your crew and community. Go slowly until you are sure the roads haven’t iced up. Even paid crews that are already at the firehouse could be surprised when the overhead doors are raised, and you find weather conditions have changed.
All company chauffeurs need to seriously think about getting to the call safely. But it is equally important that new chauffeurs are versed in the technical operation of their vehicle. As the weather temperature dips below freezing, it is imperative that you fully understand the operation of your pumps and that you understand how cold can affect its operation. Cold can also affect you; dress warmly and wear gloves.
Looking ahead to an early snowstorm, the passengers in the front seat, namely the chauffeur and the officer, need to be aware of hydrant locations and what hydrants might be out of service. I know we have a little time, but is your crew ready to shovel out hydrants? Maybe it’s time to think about shovel placement on the rig and placement of some salt to melt the forming ice around the rig.
Use the fall season to remind your community that you need their help. An early snowstorm could block a hydrant. This is the time of the year to start a campaign that reminds the community to make sure hydrants are not blocked with snow. Get the word out so your community adopts their local hydrant and makes sure it is clear of snow.
My November editorial could be early for some areas (or late for others!), but I remember one year I had to cancel a Thanksgiving gettogether because of six or eight inches of snow that fell.
To our new Fire News editions that are in warmer climates, drive safely and feel free to share your experiences with weather related problems throughout the year. E-mail me at Li@FireNews.com. I’d love to hear from you. - Dennis

In this issue...
Providence Blaze
The Providence (RI) Fire Alarm sent companies to Charles Street for a house fire.
See story on page 6
Manchester 3-Alarmer
August 2, 2022, Manchester (NH) firefighters responded to a fire in a 12-unit apartment building.
See story on page 8
Water an Issue at Fitchburg 3-Alarmer
Fitchburg (MA) crews responded for a three-alarm fire in a large two-story colonial on August 17, 2022.
See story on page 9
Merrimack 5-Car MVAwith Fire and Entrapment
Afive-vehicle MVAshut down the northbound lanes of F.E. Everett Turnpike (NH) while crews extricated a man from a burning car. See story on page 15
Manchester, East Hartford Train Together
Manchester and East Hartford (CT) fire departments trained together in the IAFF Fireground Safety and Survival Train the Trainer program.
See story on page 21
Massachusetts Fire Marshal Elected to NASFM Board of Directors
Massachusetts State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey was elected to the National Association of State Fire Marshals’ Board of Directors. See story on page 25
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 21-22 Up Close &Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30
AService for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Firefighters and EMS Providers
COPYRIGHT2022, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED For advertising rates and information, call (631) 776-0500 Press 3 Editorial: (631) 776-0500 Ext 281 Fax number: (631) 286-6866 Internet: http://www.firenews.com e-mail: tim@firenews.com Twelve Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ
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Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713.

Norwich Norwich 3-Alarmer 3-Alarmer
Around 0510 on August 7, 2022, Norwich (CT) fire was dispatched forreported wires on fire with the side of the building burning on 14th Street. Engine 2 reported a working fire with exposures. During this time the fire was upgraded to a second alarm due to extending into the upperfloorof the OMD. As companies arrived, the fire ran the attic space, and command requested a third alarm. Crew worked the fire forabout two hours before it was brought undercontrol. The fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photo by Robert Ladd, CFPA

ADozen+ Displaced in ManchesterBlaze
Manchester(NH) Fire responded to Elm Street, fora fire in a multi-unit apartment building. Firefighters arrived to porches of one building engulfed, a vehicle burning, and the fire spreading to a three-story building. Asecond alarm was requested, and firefighters began searching the building. Acall-back of all off-duty firefighters was requested. The roof began to collapse and Battalion Chief Ken Proulx ordered all firefighters out. One firefighterwas transported to the hospital by AMR forheat exhaustion. Many long-term firefighters knew the address as the location of a fatal fire in 2000, in which FirefighterDavid Anderson and two teenage boys died. The American Red Cross assisted more than a dozen people who were displaced from three units in each of the buildings. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Providence Blaze
On the morning of October1, 2022, the Providence Fire Alarm Office sent companies to Charles Street fora house fire. Engine 12 arrived to find heavy overlapping fire that was rapidly extending to the exposure on the Delta side. Crews attempted an aggressive interiorattack but were withdrawn by command as the fire was through the roof of both dwellings. TowerLadder1 put its masterstreams into both building along with blitz guns and handlines. The fire went to three alarms before being brought undercontrol. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Dudley Commercial 5-Alarmer
On August 18, 2022, the Southern Worcester(MA) County Communications Centerreceived a call fora fire at the Mace Adhesive Company on Roberts Road in Dudley (MA). First arriving fire companies found heavy fire in the building. Five alarms with multiple fill in and special calls would ultimately respond including the state HazMat Team, State Fire Marshall’s Office, Department of Fire Services Special Operations ISU and Rehab, and the District 7 Communications team. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris

Explosion in Hampstead
Hampstead (NH) crews responded fora reported explosion on School Street in an occupied house. The occupants escaped with minorinjuries and were not transported to the hospital. Several small fires were extinguished. NH State Fire Marshal’s Office handled the investigation.
- Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Medford House Fire
Medford (MA) firefighters responded fora second-alarm fire on Forest Street on September5, 2022. Companies had heavy fire showing on arrival from the rearof a large occupied 2-1/2 story wood frame house. Fire extended to the third floorand attic area. - Fire News photo by Dave Stewart

3 Alarms Struck for Northfield House Fire
Around 2115 on August 7, 2022, the Tilton-Northfield (NH) Fire and EMS responded to Elm Street fora report of smoke in the building. Companies arrived to find heavy smoke and fire showing from the third floorof the multi-family dwelling. Asecond alarm was immediately requested due to the size of the building and the hot and humid weather. Crews experienced difficulty gaining access to the third floordue to the numerous modifications made to the dwelling overthe years. Once the third floorwas reached, firefighters encountered high heat and minimal visibility. The laddercompany was able to vertically vent the roof, which sent fire blowing out of the vent hole. Athird alarm was struck to bring additional manpowerto the scene. Mutual aid companies from Franklin, Belmont, Laconia, Sanbornton, Bristol, Concord and New Hampton responded. - Submitted by Pat Travers; Fire News photo by Christine Roz
Attleboro House Fire
In the early afternoon of September4, 2022, the Attleboro (MA) Fire Department responded to a building fire on Thomas Avenue in the South Attleboro section of the city. The location of the fire building was at the extreme edge of Engine 2’s response area and bordered the state line with Rhode Island. Engine 2 reported fire showing from the second floorof a 2-1/2 story wood frame dwelling. The ladder and rescue (ambulance) that share quarters with Engine 2 were unavailable forthis response, so Engine 2 had to initiate an aggressive attack while waiting foradditional companies to arrive. Asecond alarm was transmitted which brought companies from neighboring communities in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island. All occupants had self-evacuated priorto the fire department’s arrival and several were evaluated by crews on scene with one person transported forsmoke inhalation. The fire was declared undercontrol in about 30 minutes.
- Fire News photo by Ed Burke

Manchester 3-Alarmer
August 2, 2022, Manchester(NH) firefighters responded to a fire in a 12unit apartment building. On arrival, heavy fire was blowing from the eaves as Truck 1 firefighters worked to open up the soffits in the blocklong building. Atrench cut was made on the roof to stop the fire from entering six out of the 12 units. Over125 city firefighters battled the three-alarm fire as ambient temperatures rose into the high 90s. Four firefighters were treated and released forminorinjuries. The fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photo by Jay Heath
Electrical Fire in Fall River
On August 7, 2022, Fall River(MA) Fire Communications received a private alarm activation as well as a call from the business owner reporting smoke in the building. Engine 2, 9 and 12, along with Ladders 2 and 4, and Heavy Rescue 1 were dispatched to Alden Street, where Engine 9 reported smoke showing. The crew of Engine 9 laid out two attack lines as well as backing themselves up to a nearby hydrant. Ladder4 put theiraerial in operation to the roof and placed ground ladders on the B side of the building. Firefighters found fire running above the ceiling and chased it forsome time. Investigators believe the cause was electrical in nature. Extensive overhaul was required. - Fire News photo by Ken Leger

Historic Shop Burns in Ogunquit
Ogunquit (ME) firefighters responded fora three-alarm fire in a historic family business on Main Street on September10, 2022. - Fire News photo by Robert Nettles

Wateran Issue at Fitchburg 3-Alarmer
Fitchburg (MA) crews responded fora three-alarm fire in a large two-story colonial on August 17, 2022. The fire started in the basement and extended to the attic, eventually going through the roof, causing companies to be pulled out of the building foran exteriorattack. The fire was at the top of a hill on a dead-end street and waterwas a bit of an issue at first. Several hydrants had to be pumped in a line to get good waterpressure up the hill and to the fire. Mutual aid from several towns and cities responded. - Fire News photo by David Bryce

Page 10, Fire News, November/December2022
Radio Problems at
SeymourHouse Fire

Just before 1900 on August 23, 2022, as a flash storm ripped through the Seymour(CT) area. The SeymourFire Department was dispatched to Moss Avenue fora house fire. First units found heavy fire in the attic of the two-story home. Reports from radio traffic were stating that Seymour’s fireground radios were down and transmissions had to be taken overby the mutual aid companies responding. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com Dunstable (MA) Tanker1 responded to Saugus (MA) on a District 6 Task force activation fora large brush fire in the Breakheart Reservation. Tanker1 supplied thousands of gallons of waterto handlines and mutual aid forestry units while operating. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
Springfield Restaurant Fire

Springfield firefighters were dispatched to State Street just before 2330 on August 15, 2022. Crews arrived to find fire and smoke showing on the Aside of the single-story restaurant. Crews made a quick knockdown of the fire, keeping it from spreading inside the structure. Crews were on scene forabout 45 minutes. The fire was underinvestigation by the Springfield Bomb and Arson Squad. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Templeton CarFire

On August 14, 2022, just after0630 personnel from the Templeton (MA) Fire Department were toned out fora carfire on Patriots Road in Templeton. Templeton Police Sergeant Hall arrived on scene first and used his extinguisherto help keep the fire contained until fire crews arrived. - Fire News photo by Bryan Favreau
Dunstable Tankerat Breakheart Reservation Fire

Meriden Structure Fire

On August 8, 2022, at about 1400, Meriden (CT) Fire responded fora structure fire on South Colony Road in Meriden. Mutual aid came from Southington, Wallingford, Middletown, North Haven, Berlin and South Meriden. - Fire News photo by David Bowen
Lexington Electric Station Fire

On August 8, 2022, Lexington (MA) firefighters responded to a fire in an electric powerstation on Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington Center. Heavy fire was showing on arrival. Second and third alarms were sounded bringing mutual aid to assist. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
Cover Story
ManchesterStructure Fire

On June 15, 2022, crews battled a structure fire in Manchester(CT) on Saddle Hill Road. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

Page 12, Fire News, November/December2022
Pittsfield 2-Alarmer

Pittsfield (CT) Local 2647 firefighters operated at a two-alarm blaze recently. - Fire News photo by Devon Whalen
Good Stop in Newington

Recently, Newington (CT) Fire stopped a garage fire that ran the attic. Mutual aid came from Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, Cromwell and Berlin. - Fire News photo by Robert Brown
CarverBrush Fire

Carver(MA) Fire Company 1 and 3 responded to RochesterRoad fora brush fire. Engine 3 was first-due, reporting a 1/4 of an acre mostly extinguished by the homeowner. Breaker27 assisted in wetting down the area.
Explosion Fully Engulfs Home in Brookline

On August 31, 2022, at 1335, the Brookline (NH) Fire Department was dispatched to Gilsun Road fora structure fire with an explosion. Command arrived to a fully involved structure and requested a second alarm forsmoke and fire billowing from the building. Apparatus dumped waterinto porta-tanks. Eventually, command struck a third alarm. Mutual aid came from Amherst, Ashby, Brookline Ambulance, Brookline DPW, Dunstable, Greenville, Hollis, Lyndeborough, Mason, Milford, Mont Vernon, New Boston, New Ipswich, NH State Fire Marshal’s Office, Pepperell, Townsend and Wilton. - Fire News photo by Jack Stawasz Boston Structure Fire

Boston firefighters battled a structure fire on DorchesterAvenue, on August 13, 2022. - Fire News photo by Sean Fesko
SolarPanels Start Fire in Bridgeport

On July 8, 2022, Bridgeport (CT) firefighters arrived to find smoke showing from the eaves and gable vents of a private dwelling. They found heavy fire in the attic. Multiple lines were stretched fora quick knockdown. The fire is believed to have started from solar panels on the roof. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA
by Stacy Schwartz - Vice President, Public Safety and FirstNet Program at AT&T

Emergencies are unpredictable. During these critical moments, public safety needs reliable, interoperable communications. That’s why our approach to 5G for public safety is unlike anything else.
It’s not the typical approach to 5G you’ve seen in television commercials. That’s because 5G on FirstNet® — America's public safety network — is a one-of-a-kind experience. It gives our nation’s first responders the early benefits of this next-generation connectivity while continuing to use LTE, the current gold standard for reliable mobile broadband, for their mission-critical needs. First responders maintain voice communications with always-on priority and preemption on LTE, while the FirstNet network determines the best route for data traffic, whether that’s 5G or LTE spectrum.
In April 2021, we upgraded the dedicated FirstNet network core to enable reliable 5G connectivity and opened access to AT&Thigh-band 5G+ spectrum. Later that year, we expanded access to the AT&Tlow-band 5G. And now, we’re giving this vital community access to the “sweet spot” of 5G - AT&T mid-band 5G+. All public safety needs to access 5G on FirstNet is a FirstNet Ready® 5G device.
What is 5Gforfirst responders like today?
We’re delivering 5G on FirstNet using AT&Tspectrum bands. Public safety in about 100 markets across the country have access to at least 1 of the 3 flavors of 5G. And we’re continuing to roll out additional 5G connectivity for FirstNet in more communities nationwide:
• High-Band 5G+: Public safety agencies and organizations in parts of more than 45 cities and 45+ venues get super-fast speeds and unprecedented performances in these high traffic areas. This includes places like Los Angeles International Airport and Raymond James Stadium in Tampa where crowds gather for the amazing concerts or major sporting events like the “Big Game” (but what is really a massive public safety event).
• Mid-Band 5G+: Now, this vital community has access to the “sweet spot” of 5G spectrum in more than 40 cities from coast to coast, including Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Minneapolis, Nashville, Phoenix, Seattle and St. Louis. Mid-band 5G+ spectrum fills the gap between our other bands and provides a great combination of ultrafast speeds and wide geographic coverage.
• Low-Band 5G: First responders in more than 30 cities across the United States — including Austin, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona and Knoxville, Tennessee — can connect using low-band 5G spectrum. It can travel farther, as well as penetrate through buildings and infrastructure better than high-band 5G+.
Looking ahead
Many might ask, “why can’t you deploy 5G on FirstNet like it is on commercial networks?” Simply put, when public safety is responding and lives are on the line, reliability is key. And many of the standards that protect public safety’s crucial communications from network congestion have not yet been implemented for 5G by the industry.
So, while we’re bringing this community specialized features and capabilities they’ve never had before, we also have an eye to the future. It isn’t going to happen overnight. But we’re working to develop the necessary standards and vendor support to create a 5G environment that aligns with public safety’s mission.
Our strategy for 5G on FirstNet takes advantage of the true evolution from 4G to 5G. FirstNet will continue to be a fast follower on 5G while driving innovation of and integration in tested and established mission-critical services on 4G for public safety operations today. That means first responders on FirstNet have the assurance that 4G public safety services are keeping them reliably connected for their lifesaving work, while the commercial side addresses initial start-up challenges of 5G. You know, places where viral videos and live-streaming your favorite football team’s games rule the day — not a place where a call can make all the difference in helping save someone.
On FirstNet, 5G connectivity will be ideal for IoTand video intelligence solutions. Imagine being able to deploy cameras during parades and other celebrations to help identify suspicious bags or packages. Or using 5G in an ambulance to transmit patient data back to the emergency room. That’s just a few ways 5G on FirstNet could help public safety achieve their life-saving missions in the future.
The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) and AT&Tare committed to advancing FirstNet for all of public safety. And doing it right. We recognize that uniting the unmatched benefits of FirstNet with the future promises of 5G can unlock a whole new world of public safety potential. As new technologies become available, we understand what’s most important is taking a first respondercentric view in their deployment. That applies to 5G, augmented reality, edge computing and others. It’s our job as America’s public safety wireless communications provider.
We’re not building 5G on FirstNet for the bottom line. We’re building it for public safety’s unique mission needs. That means making sound decisions and being good stewards of public safety’s network — all to ensure we do 5G right for public safety.
Individual verified first responders not already on FirstNet can go to https://www.firstnet.com/signup/ or go to the more than 5,000 AT&Tretail stores across the country.

Motorcyclist Medevac’d

On July 20, 2022, crews from Orange (MA) Ambulance 1 and Engine 2 set up an LZ forLifeStarat Orange Airport fora motorcyclist with serious injuries from a crash in Erving. - Fire News photo by Bryan Favreau
Young Paddleboarders Helped

On August 27, 2022, some young paddleboarders needed assistance getting back to shore off of Bradley Point. West Shore (CT) Marine 3 and West Haven (CT) Marine 4 assisted the children, who were returned to theirparents. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA West Haven MVA into Backyard

West Haven (CT) Fire Engine 2 and AMR responded to Rodney Street fora single-carMVAinto the backyard of a residence. Companies assisted EMS in evaluating the occupant. - Fire News photo by Tyler Reardon
Self-Rescue Goes Bad in Southbridge

On August 13, 2022, Southbridge (MA) Fire as well as the Massachusetts District 7 Technical Rescue Team removed a tree workerfrom a precarious situation where he attempted to rappel out of a broken tree truck bucket and his own rope became entangled on the bucket. District 7 members successfully lowered him to the ground. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Rolloveron the Berlin Pike

FireNews.com Fire News, November/December2022, Page 15
Merrimack 5-CarMVA with Fire and Entrapment

Afive-vehicle MVA, with one vehicle on fire temporarily shut down the northbound lanes of F.E. Everett Turnpike while crews extricated a man from the burning car. Merrimack Fire, Police, and New Hampshire State Police received multiple reports of cars involved in an accident in the northbound and southbound lanes in the area of exit 12. When responders arrived they found a carthat had been pieced by a guardrail, with a man trapped inside. Bystanders had used fire extinguishers to put out the engine compartment fire. An off-duty Manchester firefighterwho was first at the scene broke windows to access the man and begin administering medical attention. Merrimack firefighters used hydraulic spreading and cutting tools to remove the roof, doors, and gain access to the patient. While working to extricate the man, additional personnel evaluated people from fournorthbound vehicles that were involved in the crash. Afterabout 25 minutes the man was removed from the vehicle and rushed to the Elliot Hospital with serious injuries. Several occupants of the vehicles on the northbound side of the turnpike were treated at the scene, and some transported with injuries that did not appearto be lifethreatening. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings

Looking Back
Athol - 2019 Concord - 2019

On January 11, 2019, Athol (MA) firefighters had a fire in an auto shop which gutted the Hapgood Street structure. - Fire News photo by Bryan Favreau December2019, Fairhaven Road, Concord, Massachusetts - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan

Fall River- 1928 Worcester- 2012

Blaze that occurred on February 2, 1928, that destroyed downtown Fall River(MA). - Fire News photos by Ken Leger August 4. 2012 Crews battled a three-alarm fire on Irving Street in Worcester(MA). - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

2 Fatal at Bedford MVA

Bedford (NH) Fire and Police responded to a report of an accident involving a motorcycle and passengercaron South RiverRoad nearCommerce Park North. Responders arrived and found three people injured. One person was deceased at the scene, and a second person on the motorcycle was trapped underthe passengercar. DHARTMedical helicopterwas requested to the scene. Firefighters used blocks and hydraulic tools to lift the caroff the injured person. An LZ was set up in the parking lot of a building on South RiverRoad. As the helicopterwas preparing to land, it aborted the landing and the patient was transported to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries and succumbed to injuries a short time later. An elderly man who was driving the passengercar was walked to the ambulance and transported to the hospital with what appeared to be minorinjuries. Several people who witnessed the accident assisted the injured people and assisted firefighters when they arrived. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings Building Collapse in Meriden

At about 0530 on August 10, 2022, Meriden (CT) crews responded to Broad Street where a collapse of an old apartment building was occurring. Meriden Engine 3, 4 and 5 , Truck 1 and Cars 9 and 3 were on scene and put one line in operation to hold down the dust generated by the collapse. - Fire News photo by David Bowen
Seekonk MVA

On the afternoon of September10, 2022, the Seekonk (MA) Fire Department responded to Route 195 West fora two-vehicle MVA. Seekonk Rescue transported at least one person from the scene. - Fire News photo by Ken Leger