Fire News New Jersey, December 2021 edition

Page 4

Page 4, Fire News, December 2021

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Are You Ready To Lead? As I write my December editorial, Thanksgiving is almost upon us. I sincerely hope you “remember the reason for all seasons,” and give thanks that you are part of one of the greatest organizations, namely, the Fire Service! Over the next few weeks, our departments will be holding their elections of new officers. I know some of you hold elections of new officers later in 2022. Regardless, whenever you hold elections, my thoughts for new officers are the same. Sitting in the front seat is only a small part of your job. Are you ready to lead by example? A few weeks ago, I attended a Lieutenant Joseph P. Dibernardo Seminar. If you were not there, especially as an upcoming officer, you missed a terrific three-day seminar that challenged the skills of everyone who attended. As I photographed the firefighters utilizing the search maze, I realized my place is behind the lens. Wow! Were the participants challenged! I spoke with a few members who finished the course. Their comments were similar and concluded that they were out of shape and needed to get back to the gym. As a new officer, or even an officer who is in a second year of the position, are you ready for the challenging

call? I urge you to look into the mirror and evaluate yourself. We live in troubled times. Can you handle the serious or unconventional call that you are presented with when you get off the truck? As a new officer, it is your job to motivate your crew. Is your crew serious about doing truck maintenance? If you weren’t serious about this as a firefighter, chances are your crew will follow in your footsteps. The last thing you need as an officer is to ask for a piece of equipment and it does not work. Guess what? You as the officer could be liable for not following through and checking what your crews did during truck maintenance. Remember, when your members speak to you, listen completely! Don’t just evaluate your members, evaluate yourself first. Lead by example. If you want your team to get up at 0300, you better be there with them. As we enter the holiday season and hold Santa parades, breakfasts with Santa, and toy drives, remember to set the example and exude professionalism and goodwill toward the people you serve. According the US Fire Administration, the fire service has lost 118 active firefighters in the Line of Duty. As a new officer, visit the US

Fire Administration online at Click on a few of the names of our fallen members and look at the causes of the fatalities. As a new officer, maybe you can make a difference by understanding how our firefighter family members died. Make a difference by remembering those who were taken from their families doing a job that they loved. Prepare to enter 2022 to make a difference and shine as a new leader in your department. Merry Christmas to all! - Dennis

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Fire News New Jersey, December 2021 edition by Fire News - Issuu