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West WindsorBlaze Quickly Extinguished

fire and other dangers. Our job at CFSI is to educate members of Congress about the work you perform and how the federal government can support the fire service in making our communities safer.”

I hope you visit the CFSI website to get a better understanding of their purpose and how you can be a part of this great event.

- Dennis

Oh, No! Not My Camaro!

Firefighters in West Windsor, MercerCounty, made quick work of a house fire during the night of January 10, 2023. The blaze on Canoe Brook Drive in the township’s Colonial Park neighborhood was reported at 2216. Smoke was issuing from vents on the second floorwhen police arrived. Careerstaff from West WindsorFire and Emergency Services (Station 45) and volunteers from the West Windsor(Station 43) and Princeton Junction (Station 44) companies responded, along with mutual aid from Princeton Fire Department (Station 60) and East WindsorFire Company 1 (Station 42). A1-3/4-inch hoseline was stretched to the interiorand fire located on the second floor. Asupply line was laid and water supply established, but it ultimately proved not to be needed as the blaze was quickly knocked down and declared undercontrol.

- Fire News photo by Michael Ratcliffe

- Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

On December22, 2022, Stations 25 and 26 were dispatched to a commercial building on Industrial Parkway foran activated fire alarm. While units were responding a memberin theirPOV radioed to dispatch that they were on scene with smoke showing from a garage doorand furtherinvestigation revealed a working carfire within the building. The assignment was upgraded to a structure fire bringing East DoverRITto the scene. Engine 2671 was first to arrive and stretched a 1-3/4inch line and quickly knocked down the fire. Fans were set up forventilation and when the smoke clear, it was revealed a brand new 2023 Camaro was the source of the blaze.

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