Fire News New York State, October 2021 edition

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Serving NEW YORK S TATE Serving Fire, Rescue

VOLUME 14, NO. 12


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS EMS Fire, Rescue & Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 OCTOBER 2021

See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by Donald Kilianski

Fire Prevention: It's That Time Again Please see page 4.

Page 2, Fire News, October 2021

Fire News, October 2021, Page 3

In this issue... Rochester Responds to Working Fire Rochester firefighters were dispatched for a house on fire. See story on page 8

Youth Killed in Queens Blaze A nine-year-old boy was killed, and three others were injured in a Queens house fire.

See story on page 10

Buffalo 2-Alarmer Buffalo firefighters were dispatched to a house fire on Sidney Avenue. See story on page 14

Fatality at Coxsackie MVA Coxsackie Hose 3 responded to a reported single-car MVA on State Route 385 in the town of Coxsackie. See story on page 16

Head-on Crash in Cohoes A man going to work was hit head-on by a driver who was believed to be inebriated. See story on page 20

A Service for New York State Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Managing Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Editorial Assistant: BRYAN LOPEZ Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White.


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Cheektowaga Firefighters Battle Blaze Cheektowaga Rescue Hose Company firefighters were called for a commercial building well involved. See story on page 31

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Up Close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 26-27 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, October 2021

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

It’s That Time Again! It is hard to believe that summer is over and as firefighters we have to once again give thought to educating our communities on the topic of fire prevention. I can still remember when my own kids ventured off to college. As a dad, I was truly happy to watch the enthusiasm that my two girls had when they left home to live on their own in a college dormitory. Another side of me was nervous. I am reminded of the fatal Seton Hall fire at Boland Hall, which claimed the lives of three students and injured over 50 more students. Statistics showed that from 2000 to 2014, 89 fatal fires were documented that occurred on a college campus, in Greek housing, or in off-campus housing within three miles of the campus, claiming a total of 126 victims — 76 in off-campus housing claiming 107 victims, seven fires in on campus building or residence halls claiming nine victims, and six in Greek housing (fraternities and sororities) claiming 10 victims. The good news is, thanks to our Fire Safety Educators, Juvenile Arson Awareness Programs and to our fire marshals and community fire departments,

2015 was the first year that there were no fatal fires on college campuses. For the year of 2020, fires were down by over three percent. All of the programs in which your fire department is involved help prevent fires and save lives. With the interruption of Covid, I ask if your department’s fire prevention program is ready to go into action? In the past, I urged everyone to evaluate their Fire Safety Education Program. I still urge you to have one of your county or town fire safety organizations to review your program to make sure you are doing the right thing. Understand, children can get mixed messages when they come to the firehouse and watch firefighters set fires and put them out. Educators are aware of the pitfalls of “negative teaching” to get a point across. I worry that someday there will be a student who will see a firefighter set a car on fire and, while being mesmerized by the flames, think that that was the purpose of the demonstration. It is important to show the community our equipment and apparatus, but it is more

important to make sure your audience knows that when a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm goes off, they need to act in a specific way. Putting Covid and new school policies aside, at the end of the day, whether the community comes to the firehouse or you go out to the community, the result should be the same. Everyone must understand “stop drop and roll,” how to “get out alive” and what to do when the smoke or CO alarm sounds. Every year, departments do an outstanding job teaching fire safety awareness. Is your program working? Statistics are saying that they are. Keep up the good work! - Dennis

Fireworks End Concert Series

Fire News, October 2021, Page 5

ANNOUNCEMENT 12th Annual Ulster & Dutchess Fire Police Educational Seminar

In August, Fireworks made the perfect backdrop for the Schenectady Fire Department’s Reserve Truck 3 as crews were on standby at the Mohawk Harbor for the concert series fireworks finale. The 2016 Rosenbauer was purchased by the fire department with funds from a grant to purchase demonstration apparatus. It is stationed at Fire Headquarters on Veeder Avenue. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

On Saturday, November 6, 2021, the Highland Fire Department (at the intersections of Route 9W, 44/55, two traffic lights north of the Poughkeepsie Bridge) will hold a fire police edcuational seminar. Registration is a 0800, the seminar goes from 0900 to 1600. Included are a mini-breakfast, lunch and the seminar: Cost is $15 pp in advance, $20 pp at the door. This seminar is open to all Fire Police and Law Enforcement Departments from any county, and will contain exceptional speakers. Key topics and presenters include: Response to Active Shooter & Hostile Events,by Chief Eric Ericksen, Director of the Ulster County Dept. Emergency Services; Police Officer (Town of Marlborough); Arson Awareness and Investigation, and Your Role as a Fire Police Officer; by Investigator Deputy Sheriff Paul Reinheimer, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office, Fire & Arson Investigation Unit. Expect a great and informative seminar with your peers. To help plan for breakfast and lunch, respond in advance with payment for anticipated number and the names of attendees from your department and name of your county (checks payable to the Ulster Cty. Vol. Fire Police, P.O. Box 153, Modena, NY 12548. Advance registrations must be received by October 16.) For questions, send an email to for an immediate response.

Page 6, Fire News, October 2021

Cover Story

Three Alarm Blaze in Buffalo

Recently, Buffalo firefighters were called to investigate smoke coming from behind an abandoned warehouse on Metcalfe Street. Upon the arrival of Engine 32, it was determined that a loading dock was fully involved and the flames were spreading throughout the struc-

ture. A second alarm assignment was immediately requested. Eventually the fire went to a third. Crews remained on scene throughout the night to fully extinguish the flames. - Fire News photo by Donald Kilianski

Page 8, Fire News, October 2021

Commercial Blaze in Buffalo

Rochester Responds to Working Fire

Buffalo firefighters were called to the area of Brush Street and Amherst Street for a commercial building fire. Crews arrived to a well-involved structure with fire on the second floor and pushing out second-floor windows. Crews initially went interior but due to deteriorating conditions, went defensive. - Fire News photo by Donald Kilianski

On August 20, 2021, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to Joseph Avenue for a house on fire. First arriving units found heavy smoke and fire showing from all floors of a vacant dwelling. Truck companies immediately went to work forcing entry into the boarded-up structure as engine crews stretched lines. Companies were able to make entry and work to knock down the heavy fire bringing it under control a short time after. - Fire News photo by

Up Close & Personal

Athens Fire Department Lieutenant Antonio Fuentes working a structure fire. He has 10 years in the fire service. - Fire News photo by John C Miller

Fire News, October 2021, Page 9

Page 10, Fire News, October 2021

3-Alarm Fire in Canarsie

Youth Killed in Queens Blaze

FDNY Engine Company 257, Tower Ladder 170 and the 58 Battalion arrived to Preston Court on August 2, 2021, to find heavy smoke and fire conditions in a local junkyard. The fire extended to the two-story main office building. Firefighters ventilated the windows on the second floor of the structure. It took a three-alarm assignment to bring the fire under control. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

A nine-year-old boy was killed, and three others were injured in a Queens house fire early on July 11, 2021. FDNY firefighters were called to the house on Hilllmeyer Avenue in the Arverne section of the Rockaways around 0630 and found the front of the home engulfed in flames. During their search, firemen discovered a nineyear-old boy and removed him to EMS personnel. Three other occupants were injured but their injuries were not considered life threatening. The blaze took almost an hour to bring under control. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, October 2021, Page 11

Rochester Apartment Fire

2 Alarm in Mount Pleasant

In the morning of July 12, 2021, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to Dodge Street for a structure fire. First-arriving companies found smoke showing from a two-story garden-style apartment. One line was stretched into the building and companies made entry to the apartment unit to find a fire on the stove with very minor extension to a cabinet. The fire was quickly knocked down. - Fire News photo by

On July 20, 2021, Schenectady firefighters were called to a twoalarm fire on Willett Street in the Mount Pleasant section of the city after fire was discovered in the attic. An aggressive interior and exterior attack kept flames from spreading to nearby exposures. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

Page 12, Fire News, October 2021

Homeless Person Loses Life In Vacant Home Fire On August 31, 2021, Buffalo firefighters were dispatched to a house fire on Goodyear Avenue shortly before 2200. First on scene, Engine 22 reported smoke showing from a 1-1/2 story wood frame structure. After the fire was brought under control in less than an hour, the body of a victim was found on the first floor during overhaul operations. The cause of the fire was unknown and no other injuries reported. - Fire News photos by Peter R. Barber

Page 14, Fire News, October 2021

Buffalo FFs Save Lives

2nd Alarm in Rochester

In August, Buffalo firefighters were dispatched to a house fire on Sidney Avenue shortly before noon. Two alarms were sounded when several occupants became trapped and had to jump from a second-floor porch roof to the outstretched arms of neighbors. Firefighters entered the two-story wood frame structure and managed to rescue more occupants, assisted by Buffalo Police officers. A firefighter from Engine 33 suffered burns to his hand and was taken to the hospital by AMR ambulance. The cause was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

On August 8, 2021, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to Cottage Street for a structure fire. On arrival companies found a house with a well advanced fire producing flames out every window of the first floor and rapidly spreading to the second floor. Crews stretched lines and knocked down some fire before making entry into the fire building. Other crews worked to protect the exposure dwelling and keep the fire from spreading down the block. The fire in the original fire building would run all floors and into the attic before being knocked down a short time after fire department arrival. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, October 2021, Page 15

Page 16, Fire News, October 2021

Fatality at Coxsackie MVA

Multiple Tools Used in Latham

Coxsackie Hose 3 along with Coxsackie Ambulance, Greene County Medic and New York State Police responded to a reported single-car MVA on State Route 385 in the town of Coxsackie. An SUV was traveling south on Route 385 when the vehicle crossed the northbound lane and struck a utility pole. The driver and her passenger were both extricated from the vehicle by fire and EMS crews. The passenger was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver was transported to Albany Medical Center. State Police were investigating. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

On July 11, 2021, the Latham Fire Department responded to a car extrication. A woman, trying to avoid another car, jumped the curb, hit a tree and veered off to another street. Latham had to use multiple tools to extricate the victim. Colonie EMS treated the woman and transported her to a local hospital with minor injuries. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn


The U.S. Fire Administration has received notice of the following firefighter fatality: Firefighter Judy Spencer of the Hartland Volunteer Fire Company of Gasport answered her last alarm. On August 24, 2021, while at the scene of a field fire, Firefighter Spencer, was acting as a spotter for the Barker Fire Department rescue truck, and was hit when the truck was backing up. She was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Fire News, October 2021, Page 17

Garage Fire Stopped in Rochester

Suspicious Fire in Colonie

Just before noon on July 12, 2021, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to East Boulevard for an attached garage fire. Responding companies arrivied to find heavy smoke showing from the garage. A tight street led back to the home, which was located a few hundred feet off the main road. An extra company was brought in as firefighters on scene dealt with water issues during the early stages of the fight. Crews were able to stretch four lines and knock down the heavy fire conditions in the garage. Although the fire did slightly extend into the home, it was greatly slowed down due to a fire door between the home and garage. - Fire News photo by

Recently, Colonie Village, Shaker Road and Midway responded to a structure fire in Colonie. The detached garage was on fire on the outside when the crews arrived at 0400. The power line leading to the garage had been disconnected tripping the breaker. Fire investigators were called, as the fire appeared suspicious. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

Page 20, Fire News, October 2021

Mamaroneck Garage Fire

Mahopac Falls MVA

Recently, Mahopac Falls Fire, EMS and Fire Police, along with multiple units from Carmel Police and a Putnam County Medics, were dispatched for a vehicle rollover on Hill Street. First arriving units found both occupants out of the vehicle and being triaged. Fire Police detoured traffic around the accident. The cause of the accident was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, MFVFD

Head-on Crash in Cohoes

On July 24, 2021, the Mamaroneck Village Fire Department was dispatched to the area of 908 Parkway for a structure fire. Car 2242 reported heavy fire showing on arrival. Chief Barney advised Control that they had a detached garage on fire. Town of Mamaroneck FAST responded to the scene. A Harrison engine and Port Chester ladder relocated to the Mamaroneck Village Fire Headquarters to standby during the call. Crews stretched three lines to battle the fire. The fire was placed under control without incident. Cause and Origin was requested to the scene to investigate the fire. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

Recently, a man going to work on Cohoes-Crescent Road was hit head on by a driver who was believed to be inebriated. The crash swung both cars into opposite lanes with one down a partial embankment. Latham and Boght fire departments worked for over 20 minutes to cut one car apart in order to extricate one of the drivers. Both drivers were transported by Colonie EMS to the hospital. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, MFVFD

Page 22, Fire News, October 2021

Storms Wreak Havoc in Rensselaer County

On the night of July 14, 2021, a storm broke out in Rensselaer County. Heavy rain continued for three days and many recentlyrebuilt roads suffered major damage. Emergency services were overwhelmed with calls. The areas seriously hit by the storm were around Averill Park, Burden Lake and other low places along small streams off of Route 66, east of Troy. - Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller

7 Families Displaced

Albany firefighters responded to heavy fire in the upper floors of two buildings. Neighbors had alerted residents; there were seven families between the two buildings who were displaced. Chief Joseph Gregory said his crew was fighting hot and humid weather, with temperatures almost 90 degrees. - Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller

Fire News, October 2021, Page 23

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Looking Back Latham - 2015

Schodack - 2015

On July 3, 2015, all of the Schodacks with mutual aid from Nassau, Niverville, Columbia and a FAST from Clinton Heights, were called out for a bedroom fire. - Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller

Washingtonville - 2015

On June 28, 2015, the Latham Fire Department was called to a structure fire on Western Avenue. Latham, was assisted by West Albany, Shaker Road-Loudonville, Maplewood and Schuyler Heights and support from Boght (coverage). The attic area where the fire began was ventilated and the fire extinguished. The newly sold home received smoke and water damage. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

On July 23, 2015, Washingtonville firefighters were alerted for a house on fire in the area of Round Hill Road and Prospect Road. Upon arrival of Car 1 (Skelly) a well advanced fire was found in 21/2 story wood frame house. - Fire News photo by Gary Hearn

Fire News, October 2021, Page 25

New toTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus

BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania.

2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank.

2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.




We are looking forward to our new monthly feature

Sold by Command Apparatus

“It’s New to THEM”

AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus

To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly


Page 26, Fire News, October 2021

IN AN EFFORT TO HELP REDUCE OCCUPATIONAL CANCER RISKS FACED BY FIREFIGHTERS, MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS, FIRE SOAPS BY DEFENSIVE SOLUTIONS, AND FIREWIPES HAVE JOINED FORCES Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners provides cleaning and care of PPE for thousands of fire departments nationwide from small volunteer departments to large metropolitan departments such as the FDNY. Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners is committed to providing the firefighting community with the finest maintenance care program available with six locations (NY, OH, CO, NC, GA and FL) to serve the fire service. Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaner’s sister company, Defensive Solutions Corporation, is the creator of Fire Soaps, a line of cleaning agents to effectively and safely clean bunker gear. All Fire Soaps products are easy to use, eco-friendly, third party tested and surpass all NFPA 1851 requirements regarding cleaning agents. Fire Soaps is specifically designed for use with all PPE ensembles, i.e., turnout gear, wildland, industrial and aviation fire fighting apparel, fire protective garments (FPGs) for shipboard personnel and proximity suits. Created by a firefighter for firefighters and first responders, FireWipes are designed to provide a quick on-scene decontamination solution for firefighters after exposure to hazardous environments. Firewipes are biodegradable industrial strength disposable wipes infused with cleansing compounds for use on all external dermal areas. The wipe is saturated with a unique formula specifically designed to minimize additional carcinogenic exposure through dermal absorption for the user. Occupational cancer is one of the leading causes of death for firefighters and they have statistically higher rates of multiple cancers than the general population. Research has shown that most of it is caused by carcinogens they are exposed to through soot particulates, and dermal absorption is a likely route of exposure. Particular areas of concern are the face, jawline, neck, and wrists where skin is most permeable. Firewipes use only premium ingredients that are hypoallergenic, latexfree, paraben-free, MI (Methylisothi zolinone) -free, SLS free and contains no alcohol. Each wipe is individually packaged to prolong shelf life, eliminate cross contamination, maintain consistency, limit waste, reduce costs, and provide a quick onscene decontamination solution for firefighters after exposure to hazardous environments. FireWipes will be available for purchase though all six Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners facilities and the Fire Soaps website, with this partnership Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners and Fire Soaps can be your one stop shop for helping firefighters reduce occupational cancer risks. About FireWipes Firewipes is committed to providing the highest level of quality products that are specifically formulated and designed to aid in the removal of potential carcinogenic contaminants from exposure to hazardous environments. Contact: Creston Ludlow, President Phone: 844-947-3483

Email: Website: About Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners is committed to providing the firefighting community with the finest maintenance care program available. We have six facilities (NY, OH, CO, NC, GA, & FL) dedicated exclusively to the cleaning, repair and inspection of PPE as well as wildland, industrial and aviation fire fighting ensembles, fire protective garments (FPGs) for shipboard personnel and proximity suits. We are fully NFPA 1851 compliant and verified by Intertek and UL, both leading third-party verification services, to the current 2020 edition. Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners is recognized by all PPE manufacturers and is authorized to do extensive repairs and alterations. Contact: Joe Xiras, President Phone: 718-728-7400 Email: Website: About Fire Soaps by Defensive Solutions Defensive Solutions Corp. supplies cleaning agents and EPA Registered anti-bacterial and sanitizing products that are ideal for use in EMS and fire facilities, emergency vehicles, ambulances, police cars, police stations, municipal government buildings, schools, bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, exercise equipment and training facilities. All of our products are alcohol-free, kill 99.9 percent of germs and bacteria and, when used properly, are proven to significantly reduce the chance of cross contamination from: MRSA, pseudomonas aeruginosa, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Influenza A Virus, E. Coli, HIV-1, Hepatitis B and Salmonella. The active ingredients in our sanitizing products have been proven to kill bacteria and protect against cross contamination from both Gram Negative bacteria and Gram Positive bacteria. Our two products, SureClean™ Plus and Fabric Sanitizer are EPA Registered. SureClean™ Plus is on the EPA N list of registered disinfectants for protection against SARS-COV-2. Defensive Solutions Corp. has also created Fire Soaps™, a line of cleaning agents to effectively and safely clean bunker gear. All of our products are easy to use, eco-friendly, third party Tested and surpass all NFPA 1851 requirements regarding cleaning agents. Fire Soaps™ is specifically designed for use with all PPE ensembles, i.e., turnout gear, wildland, industrial and aviation fire fighting apparel, fire fighting ensembles (FFEs), fire protective garments (FPGs) for shipboard personnel and proximity suits. Contact: Joe Xiras, President Phone: 718-502-9577 Email: Website:

Fire News, October 2021, Page 27

Mahopac Falls Escorts Santa in July

On July 24, 2021, the members of Mahopac Falls Volunteer Fire Department awoke bright and early to meet up with a very special guest — Santa Claus — for a very special occasion. After making the extremely hard decision to cancel the annual Candy Cane Run last December, the membership decided they wanted to lift the spirits and bring something special to the members of their community.

After months of planning, Santa agreed to take a break from his summer vacation and spent his day riding on the firetrucks visiting all the boys and girls in the Mahopac Falls Fire District. It was a great day and we couldn’t have asked for better weather. - Fire News photo by Ellen Nistico, PIO

INTERSCHUTZ USA 2021 KEEPS ON GOING! The organizers of INTERSCHUTZ USA, the US launch of the famous Interschutz brand of Hannover, Germany, are excited for their October launch of this inaugural event. Scheduled to take place October 14 to 16, 2021, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in historic Philadelphia, INTERSCHUTZ USA is shaping up to be a success.

What is the same …… Originally scheduled to launch in October 2020, prior to the outbreak of Covid-19, INTERSCHUTZ USA continues to promise all participants access to education, instructors, perspectives, and products not traditionally seen at other US fire service events. Developed initially to provide the US fire service with access to international perspectives they don’t usually see, INTERSCHUTZ USA 2021 will keep that promise both domestically and internationally. The most exciting, and only new, event to come to the US fire service in many years, INTERSCHUTZ USA will provide a much-needed platform to bring together the fire service’s brothers and sisters to network, share and learn.

What has changed….. With the effect of Covid-19 on travel and large gatherings, much of the international attendance and exhibitor participation has been put on hold for the year. In turn, after too long away from one another, INTERSCHUTZ USA promises to bring back the Northeast and MidAtlantic’s fire service professionals with representatives from all the major suppliers. We are happy to announce the addition of Dave Odden as Show Manager of INTERSCHUTZ USA. We regret the departure of Rachel Lesczynski but understand and wish her all the best. Rachel was involved with the hiring of Dave to replace her, and the team is excited to have Dave at the helm.

Registration and Hotels…. Registration is currently open for INTERSCHUTZ USA with Early-Bird rates still in effect. The hotels available to INTERSCHUTZ USA attendees and exhibitors are available as well. Both can be found by going to the event web site:

Page 28, Fire News, October 2021

Pawling Celebrates 125 Years On August 6, 2021, the Pawling Fire Department celebrated their 125th Anniversary — a year late due to Covid-19. At the celebration the Pawling Fire Department hosted the Dutchess County Volunteer Firemen’s Association County Convention Parade. There were 19 companies in attendance along with marching bands. The winner of the Best Overall and 3legged trophy was Rombout Fire Company from Fishkill. The longest distant traveled and winner of the best antique was the South Hampton Fire Company with their 1912 American La France. It was really great to see brothers and sisters marching again in the street. - Fire News photos by Vinny Galvin

Fire News, October 2021, Page 29

39th Annual Colonie Golf Tournament

On August 20, 2021, Town of Colonie firefighters participated in the 39th Annual Colonie Firefighter Golf Tournament held at the Colonie Municipal Golf Course. The early morning rain ended just prior to tee-off and the sun helped to dry the saturated course for a great day of friendly competition. Town of Colonie Supervisor Paula Mahan gave a pep talk prior to tee-off, wishing everyone a great day.

Stanford Heights’ team of Chief John Courter, Assistant Chief Dave Kingsland, and Kevin and John Hulett won the tournament for the third year in a row. One of Verdoy’s teams came in second. After missing a year due to Covid it was wonderful to be able to commune with the neighboring departments. Congratulations to all - Fire News photos by Lori Washburn

Page 30, Fire News, October 2021

4-Alarm Blaze in Coney Island

3-Alarmer in Maspeth

FDNY Engine Company 318 and Ladder 161 transmitted a 10-75 for fire in a two-story commercial building on Mermaid Avenue in Coney Island on July 26, 2021. Units had trouble locating the seat of the fire. A second alarm was transmitted by Division 8 as units found fire in the rear setback. Units stretched and operated six hoselines as the fire grew to four alarms after 0700. The building also housed an after-school program. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

On June 29, 2021, FDNY Squad Company 288 transmitted a 10-75 for heavy smoke pushing from a single-story commercial building on 58th Street. The fire reached three alarms as firefighters worked in extreme heat and had trouble finding the seat of the fire. Units used three lines to knock down the main body of fire. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

1 Victim at Eastern Parkway Fire

1 Serious in Bellrose Manor Basement Blaze

On July 24, 2021, FDNY Engine Company 234 and Ladder Company 123 responded to a fire on Eastern Parkway. Units arrived to heavy fire showing from two windows and all hands went to work to battle the flames. One victim was found on the fire floor overcome by smoke. The fire was placed under control in 35 minutes. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

One resident was seriously injured after being pulled from the basement of private dwelling fire on 260th Street in the Bellrose Manor section of Queens on August 15, 2021. FDNY units were quickly on the scene as the flames spread to the first floor. An extra engine and truck were required to bring the incident under control. -Fire News photo by

Long Day for Cheektowaga FFs

Cheektowaga Rescue Hose Company firefighters were called to Dale Road for a commercial building well involved in fire. Crews went defensive and were on scene most of the day and throughout the night to fully extinguish the blaze. - Fire News photo by Donald Kilianski

Fire News, October 2021, Page 31

MVA Ties Up Traffic

Recently, Harrison Fire and Harrison EMS were dispatched to I95 northbound, for a serious accident with injuries. The City of Rye Fire Department was added to the assignment. Car 2162 arrived and reported they had one pin in the vehicle. Extrication was initiated and the patient was removed from the vehicle and placed in the care of Harrison EMS. The patient was transported to an area hospital. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

Page 32, Fire News, October 2021

Up Close & Personal

Members and Commissioners of the Gansevoort Volunteer Fire Company with their new apparatus at the New York Chiefs Show in Syracuse on July 16-17, 2021. Gansevoort is named after Peter Gansevoort, a hero in the siege of Fort Stanwix during the Revolutionary War. It is a little hamlet in Northumberland. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Assistant Chief Doug Lamnek of Leeds Hose Company 1 in Greene County. Assistant Chief Leeds has 28 years in the fire service. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Fire News, October 2021, Page 33

No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in OUR Town!

On July 10, 2021, the West Sand Lake Fire Department partnered with Sleep in Heavenly Peace NY-Mechanicville to create beds for children in the region who don’t have a bed of their own. The lumber is purchased by the department and neighboring departments. With sawdust flying, close to 30 people cut, sanded, screwed together and sealed more than 20 beds. With the motto, “No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in OUR Town” in their minds, the crews polished off the gifts with sawdust in their hair and smiles on their faces. Good job to West Sand Lake. - Fire News photos by Lori Washburn

Page 34, Fire News, October 2021

151st Anniversary in Brewster Because of Covid-19 last year the Brewster Fire Department postponed their celebration of their anniversary for a year so instead of celebrating 150th anniversary this year they celebrated their 151st with a parade and festivities after the parade. Surrounding neighboring departments participated also, some from just over the border in Connecticut. The Brewster Fire Department would also like to thank Central Nyack Rescue Company 2 for providing coverage for the day, along with members of West Haverstraw Fire Company 2 (known as the “House of Blues”). - Fire News photos by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton

DCVFA County Convention

On July 13, 2021, the Dutchess County Volunteer Firemen’s Association held their 74th Annual Convention at the J.H. Ketcham Hose Company. Over 100 people attended including Dover Town Supervisor Rich Yeno, State Senator Sue Serino, Congressman Antonio Delgado, Representatives from County Executive Marc Molinaro’s office and Dutchess County Emergency Response Dana Smith’s office. Also, from the fire service, President John Farrell from FASNY, President Robert Outhouse from HVVFA, President Robert Fritsche from WCVFA, Luanne Edele from PCVFA, officers from RCVFA, and

UCVFA. Certificates and flags were handed out to all who were celebrating years of service by FASNY, HVVFA, DCVFA. The night honored Tivoli Chief Marc Hildenbrand as DCVFA Firefighter of the Year and also celebrated Chief Dennis McGuire’s 60 years of service. In addition, we celebrated Slater Chemical for 100 years, Chelsea Fire Department for 75 and Rombout for 50 years. Finally, five scholarship were awarded to winners of the DCVFA Scholarships: Tom Gallman, Jr., Benjamin Leung, Joshua Brennan, Cassie Howard and Karlie Klinger. - Fire News photos by Vinny Galvin

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