Boght, Alpaus, Verdoy, Vischers Ferry, West Crescent and Niskayuna 2 participate in plane-down-in water drill.
See story on page 8
Afalling tree takes out a home’s electric line and starts an attic fire.
See story on page 10
Tunnel to Tower Run
On September 29, 2024, the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and many more, held the annual run honoring the 9/11 fallen..
See story on page 18
Aspecial section dealing with legal and financial issues in the Fire and EMS services.
See pages 21 to 29
Jamaica 5-Alarmer
Fire broke out in a Queens auto parts and tire shop that required some 200 firefighters to stop.
See story on page 37
Operation At Ease, an organization that trains rescue dogs to be service dogs for first responders and veterans.
See story on page 40
TIM EDWARDS, Chief Operating Officer
MYLES QUINN, Long Island Editor
MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production
LYNN SEDLER, Art Director
CLIFFCHIESA, Production Manager
BARBARACONNOLLY, Vice President National Sales
SUZANNE BANCROFT, Business Development Manager
BRYAN LOPEZ, Editorial Assistant
GREG JONES, Graphic Artist
DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor Emeritus
CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White. Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka
COPYRIGHT2024, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED FOR MORE INFORMATION, (631) 776-0500 Advertising: Ext3, Editorial: Ext 281 or LI@firenews.com
Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, S. Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ
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page 36
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page 42
On October1, 2024, at 1310, Amsterdam Fire was dispatched to Henrietta Boulevard forsmoke coming from a residence. Upon arrival, Battalion 1 reported smoke visible from the second floor. An engine crew stretched a handline while the truck secured a water
source. The fire was knocked down within minutes with no reports of injuries. The fire was determined to be electrical in nature.
The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company Training Division, with assistance from one of theirnewest firefighters, spent a few hours recently building the Roof Ventilation Props forthe scheduled training. These props will give firefighters a flat, low pitch, and steep pitch roof surface to practice opening up. And, with the added
feature of the smoke machine pumping into the space beneath the props, this sense of realism gives a more authentic scenario. There is also an exteriorwall prop, as well as a metal commercial roof deck prop that will be utilized forthe training session.
- Fire News photos by Mark Perfetti
On September27 and 28, 2024, Albany International Airport held various drills with local volunteerfire departments. Each day a different scenario was held. One day the airport instructed the departments on what would happen during a collision on the runway. The second day’s scenario was held on the Mohawk Riverfora plane
down in the water. Boght, Alpaus, Verdoy, Vischers Ferry, West Crescent and Niskayuna 2 all brought theirboats to participate in watersearch and rescue forvictims and collecting floating plane debris. - Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
Around 1630 on September8, 2024, Scarsdale Village firefighters responded to a home on Popham Avenue forsmoke in the house. Upon arrival, companies found fire in the attic of single-family home due to a fallen tree that took out the home’s electrical service.
Three mutual aid departments assisted Scarsdale at scene and brought undercontrol in less than an hour. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photos by Mike Messar
On September21, 2024, Albany County VolunteerFireman’s Association held its annual Musterat the lingerlands Fire Department. Fire departments were judged on best antique appara-
tus, best dressed honorguard, as well as categories fordifferent apparatus. Slingerlands Fire Department came out as the best overall winner. - Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
On September29, 2024, Latham, Verdoy, Boght and Watervliet Arsenal were called the LaQuinta Hotel in Latham fora structure fire. Upon arrival the first Chief from Latham found the electrical room full of smoke. The fire was extinguished and the hotel's first floorwas ventilated.
- Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
City of Newburgh fire departments were called out to for a garbage can fire at St. Georges Episcopal Cchurch on Grand Street recently.
- Fire News photo by Vincent Dominick
First responders were called to an MVAon Route 300 and Jeanne Drive in the town of Newburgh. Medical service took two people to the hospital. Newburgh Police department assisted and Cronomer
Fire Department was called to the scene.
On September29, 2024, the city of New York, along with the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and many more, held the annual Tunnel to Towers run. This run is in memory of those men and women lost 23 years ago in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The run starts at the Battery Tunnel and leads down to the World Trade Center. As runners go through the tunnel they are met with the names of those lost. - Fire News photos by Dylan Caamano
First, you must register with the System for Award Management (SAM.gov) to obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). The UEI is a 12-character alphanumeric identifier assigned to all entities (public and private companies, individuals, institutions, or organizations) to do business with the Federal Government. Organizations must designate an E-Business Point of Contact (EBiz POC). It can take 7 to 10 business days to complete the registration process. There is no fee for registering with SAM.
Second, register with Grants.gov where you can find and apply for grants. Be sure to register with Grants.gov after your SAM registration is fully completed. Grants.gov registration is usually completed by the end of the session. There is no fee for registering with Grants.gov.
Visit The Learn Grants Web page. Learn Grants provides information about successfully navigating every phase of the grant management process.
Register with Grants.Gov: Register with Grants.Gov to set up grant filters and be notified when Notice for Funding Opportunities (NOFO) are released.
Following are just three of an incredible number of grants available.
The primary goal of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) is to meet the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and non-affiliated emergency medical service organizations. The AFG helps firefighters and other first responders obtain critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training and other resources necessary for protecting the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards.
Eligibility: Fire departments; State fire training academies; Emergency medical service organizations
The resource includes both newlyreleased programs and closed funding opportunities to show what is available now and what annual programs may soon be released. CISAupdates this resource as frequently as
every week with grant programs that have emergency communications allowable costs. Check out the Fiscal Year 2024 SAFECOM Guidance on Emergency Communications Grants (SAFECOM Guidance) which provides current information on national policies, eligible costs, best practices, and technical standards for state, local, tribal, and territorial grant recipients investing federal funds in emergency communications projects: https://www.cisa.gov/safecom/funding.
Eligibility (see CISAwebsite)
The most extensive grant listings database available, offering enhanced features for tracking and submitting grant applications personalized to user needs and project areas.
Eligibility: All. - NAEMT; https://www.naemt.org/resources/federal-funding
Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Co., Inc. (FDM) has some important info about your fire district's VFBLand Workers Compensation insurance. Thanks to your efforts on health and safety our policyholders’claim experience is excellent and improving! We report this info to the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board. Your improved claims experience helps support more competitive rates and lowers policyholder premiums.
Now is the time to look to FDM for your VFBLcoverage with new lower rates effective October 1, 2024. We work with knowledgeable independent brokers to serve the fire service in New York. FDM is the subject matter expert for VFBLand Workers' Compensation in New York. At FDM the fire service IS our business. Over 45 years ago we were founded by firefighters for firefighters across New York. Our policyholders own the company. We protect those that protect us!
Now is the time! Receive the benefits and service you deserve. Pay the lower policy premiums you have earned. Why wait to see if you receive a dividend next year (past performance does not guarantee future
results)? Why gamble on whether you will be assessed an additional contribution after your policy year ends because your VFBL provider guessed your policy premium wrong?
Together with your insurance broker FDM gives you peace of mind and policy premium without guesswork. We’ll offer you the best rate for the year upfront, guaranteed! If we get it wrong, it’s on us not you. Therefore, we get it right! Note that all Workers' Compensation insurance policies are subject to payroll audits.
Claims experience will change from year to year and every fire district has their own experience. FDM and our brokers understand that and work to give you the best rate we can for your VFBLand Workers’ Compensation coverages.
Now is the time with rates and premiums becoming more competitive than ever. Talk to your broker and FDM about your next VFBLand Workers’Compensation proposal. Get the expert advice and service you deserve, and you have earned. VFBLand Workers’Compensation isn’t something you need to stress over when you partner with the experts. We’ll make the process as
easy and painless as possible. Your broker and FDM are glad to answer your questions on coverage, underwriting, claims service, pricing and other concerns.Now is the time because you deserve it, and you have earned it! Thank you to all our policyholders and to our brokers for your business! If you are not a current policyholder, we are glad to be available to discuss any questions you may have.
ROYDENNYMBA, CIC, CRM EVP/COO at Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Co., Inc. Phone: 845.352.8855 x7099 Email: rdenny@fdmny.com
Sounds like the setup to a classic joke, right? But what if this trio of professionals had valuable information about your financial future? Would you buy them each a drink and listen to what they had to say?
The combination of legal protection, tax efficiency, and financial planning provides a well-rounded approach to managing and protecting your wealth and ensures that your strategies on those fronts are aligned and mutually reinforcing. Let’s look at how each of these professionals, when working in tandem, can comprehensively address your needs.
The Attorney:
• Estate Planning: Your attorney has likely emphasized the necessity of a well-crafted estate plan. Wills, healthcare proxies, trusts, and powers of attorney are crucial for ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are protected. DON’TLETYOUR MONEYEND UPIN PROBATE!
• Asset Protection: Legal structures such as LLCs or trusts can shield your personal assets from potential liabilities and lawsuits. An attorney can help set up these structures to provide peace of mind.
• Legal Compliance: Working with an attorney can keep you compliant with all legal requirements, whether it is business regulations, real estate transactions, or personal legal matters.
The Accountant:
• Tax Efficiency: An accountant will underscore the importance of tax planning and efficiency. Strategies like maximizing deductions, credits, and tax-deferred accounts can help minimize your tax burden. Your accountant can also educate you on the value of a Roth vs traditional IRAand can help mitigate taxes in in retirement.
• Financial Records: Keeping accurate and organized financial records is essential for smooth tax preparation and compliance. Accountants can offer tips on managing and maintaining these records.
• Budgeting and Forecasting: Let your accountant advise you on how to create a detailed budget and financial forecast, track spending, plan for future goals, and ensure financial stability.
The Financial Planner/Fiduciary:
• Investment Strategy: The financial planner focuses on the importance of a diversified investment portfolio tailored to your risk tolerance and financial goals. They advise on asset allocation and investment choices that align with your long-term plans.
• Retirement Planning: When it comes to retirement planning, the financial planner can help you set up retirement accounts, estimate future needs, and develop a savings strategy to ensure a comfortable retirement. Talk to them about a re-capture strategy that uses permanent insurance to ensure generational wealth building after you pass on. (Assets passed through life insurance are typically tax-free.)
• Financial Goals: Setting and achieving financial goals, whether it is buying a home, funding education, or building wealth, is the
financial planner’s sweet spot. They can assist you in creating a roadmap to help you reach your objectives.
“The financial planner focuses on the importance of a diversified investment portfolio tailored to your risk tolerance and financial goals. They advise on asset allocation and investment choices that align with your long-term plans.”
While you may never get the chance to run into an attorney, accountant, and financial planner at a bar together, their combined expertise can offer invaluable insights into protecting and growing your wealth. Leverage their knowledge to create a robust financial strategy that safeguards your assets, minimizes your tax liabilities, and helps you achieve your long-term goals. So, raise a glass to the power of professional collaboration and smart financial planning!
If you have any questions about this article or want access to additional resources, call: 631-589-2929
Kevin Parrett, Vice President LOSAPAdministration 631-589-2929
Michael Hartzman Certified Financial Planner, President
As we enter the final quarter of 2024, it's time to reflect on the key issues that have shaped the economy and markets throughout the year. Four interconnected factors have driven returns: interest rates, inflation, the job market and recession fears. These concerns are not only top of mind for investors but are also central to the upcoming presidential election. In every poll, respondents consistently point to the economy and inflation as major challenges heading into 2025, highlighting their importance in shaping voter priorities.
Despite all of the headwinds the market has faced this year, through September 7, 2024, the Dow Jones is up 7.05 percent, S & P500 is up 13.39 percent and the NASDAQ has returned 11.29 percent. These returns are down from earlier highs but healthy year to date returns none the less.
The year started with an expectation from many economists that the federal reserve would cut interest rates between 4 and 6 times. As of this writing there have been no interest rate cuts but with the first one expected at the upcoming September meeting. The Fed's mandated goal is to control inflation and until recently it has not been able to successfully achieve their goal.
The economy and job market have stayed unexpectedly strong for most of the year and had not shown signs of weakness until this past summer when we finally saw signs of a slowing economy and weaker job market. The unintended consequence of the strong economy is stickier inflation which put real pressure on millions of Americans who live on a fixed budget and have not seen their income keep up with the higher cost of food and energy.
Now that the Federal Reserve has achieved its goal of slowing down the economy and lowering inflation's pace, some economists worry the Fed waited too long to lower interest rates and will cause the economy to slow too much causing a recession and an even slower job market as things cool off and companies lay off employees. At the moment, not many experts think a recession is immi-
nent, but the fear is a little higher now than earlier in the year. Heading into 2025 expect interest rates to be lower, pricing pressure easing and hopefully an economy that has not fallen into recession
What does this all mean eight weeks out from the Presidential election?
Here are a few things to look for the rest of the year:
1.The economy will remain one of the focal points of the Presidential race.
2.Expect the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates between .25 and .50 basis points in September and again before the end of the year. How much they cut will receive much scrutiny as it may indicate how weak the economy is becoming.
3.When interest rates start to come down the days of five-percent CDs, money markets and sort term treasuries will begin to end.
4.As the safe money returns become lower some income investors may look at other riskier areas of the fixed income market and dividend paying stocks as alternatives.
In conclusion, so far 2024 has really been the tale of two realities for the economy and the market. If you are living on a fixed budget, it is likely you’re feeling squeezed by higher prices and exhausted from trying to make ends meet. If you have a 401K or any investment account, you should be happy with the higher returns the market has given you so far this year.
To discuss your financial goals call Michael Hartzman, Certified Financial Planner and President at 516-349-5555; Lebenthal.com.
Our Grants Resources page lists resources where First Responders can obtain grants for a range of needs, including firefighter grants, emergency medical service grants, and pre-disaster mitigation grants. For a more comprehensive list of federal grants, searchable by keyword or other criteria, visit Grants.gov. On Grants.gov, the first responder community can also learn about the federal grants lifecycle and grants management policies.
Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program
Funds critically-needed resources to equip and train emergency personnel, enhance efficiencies and support community resilience.
Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
The Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) is a unique partnership between FEMAand the U.S. Army, combining emergency management experience with responsibilities of custodianship of the U.S. chemical stockpile.
DHS Grants from Grants.gov
Grants.gov was established as a governmental resource named the E-Grants Initiative, part of the Presidential 2002 Fiscal Year Management Agenda to improve government services to the public.
Emergency Management Baseline Assessment Grant
Provides non-disaster funding to support developing, maintaining, and revising voluntary national-level standards and peerreview assessment processes for emergency management and using these standards and processes to assess state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management programs and professionals.
Emergency Management Performance Grant
Provides state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management agencies with the resources required for implementation of the National Preparedness System and works toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation.
Emergency Medical Services Grants
EMS1’s EMS Grants section provides a comprehensive database of grants, news, information and resources to help EMS fighters identify and secure available grant funding.
Emergency Operations Center(EOC) Grant Program
To improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, strategically located, and fully interoperable EOCs with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs.
List of Grants specifically for the fire discipline of First Responders.
Fire Grants Help
FireGrantsHelp.com features the most extensive fire grant listings database available, with information on a wide range of available federal, state, local and corporate grant opportunities. Federal, state, local and corporate grant opportunities.
First ResponderGrants
List of grants for all disciplines of First Responders.
Risk-based grants to assist state, local, tribal and territorial efforts in preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to and recovering from acts of terrorism and other threats.
Public Safety Grant News
Pertinent information for First Responders regarding securing grants.
Supports the building of core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation by providing resources to close known capability gaps in Housing and Logistics and Supply Chain Management, encouraging innovative regional solutions to issues related to catastrophic incidents, and building on existing regional efforts.
Reimbursement for Firefighting on Federal Property - Under Section 11 of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, reimbursement may be made to fire departments for fighting fire on property owned by the Federal government.
Transit Security Grant Program
Provides funding to eligible public transportation systems (which include intra-city bus, ferries and all forms of passenger rail) to protect critical transportation infrastructure and the travelling public from terrorism, and to increase transportation infrastructure resilience.
Pre-DisasterMitigation Program
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program provides funds to states, territories, Indian tribal governments, communities, and universities for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster event.
Public Safety Grant News
Pertinent information for First Responders regarding securing grants.
Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program
Supports the building of core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation by providing resources to close known capability gaps in Housing and Logistics and Supply Chain Management, encouraging innovative regional solutions to issues related to catastrophic incidents, and building on existing regional efforts.
Reimbursement forFirefighting on Federal Property
Reimbursement for Firefighting on Federal Property - Under Section 11 of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, reimbursement may be made to fire departments for fighting fire on property owned by the Federal government.
Hendrickson Fire Rescue Equipment celebrated its grand opening/open house of its new Rockland County location in Congers, NY. The facility is outfitted with cutting edge tools and technology. Clarkstown SupervisorGeorge Hoehmann said, “We welcome Hendrickson Fire Rescue Equipment to Clarkstown as they expand theirbusiness beyond Long Island. Having Hendrickson in Clarkstown to service fire and ambulance trucks here locally is a tremendous benefit to ourfirst responders in the entire Hudson Valley region. Theirservices will help improve the ability of fire departments and ambulance corps to respond by getting trucks back in service faster. We wish them much success.” Also in attendance was Councilman Mike Graziano to wish President Craig Probst and staff much success.
The Town of Newburgh police and medical service and the CronomerValley Fire Department responded to a two-carhead-on MVAon Chapel Road and Route 300. One person was taken to the hospital by Town of Newburgh Medical Service.
- Fire
by Vincent Dominick
On August 16, 2024, the 42nd Colonie Firefighters Charity Golf Tournament was held to benefit the Colonie Burn Fund. Close to 100 firefighters spent the day competing and having fun. This year
Latham Fire Department brought home the trophy. The event raised over$7,000 forthe Colonie Burn Fund.
- Submitted
The Town of Newburgh held its first annual National Night Out which consisted of the Town of Newburgh Police, the Town of Newburgh Medical Service, Winona Lake Engine Company, Orange Lake Fire Company, Goodwill Engine Company, and
Middle Hope Fire Company. Food was served, a DJ played music, apparatus was around forpeople to see up close, plus fun, food and games forall. - Fire News photos by Vincent Dominick
FDNYEngine Company 302 and Ladder126 arrived heavy smoke from a pairof commercial buildings on 101st Avenue in Queens on August 25, 2024. Units had trouble finding the seat of the fire, which ultimately went to a second alarm. Units used five hoselines to knock down the main body of fire.
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
FDNYEngine Company 257 and TowerLadder170 transmitted a 10-75 forheavy fire out the top-floorwindow of a structure on East 81st Street in Canarsie on September26, 2024.
Afive-alarm fire ripped through a Jamaica, Queens, auto parts and tire shop and several adjoining businesses on the afternoon of September3, 2024. The blaze broke out at the Liberty Auto Parts and Tire Shop on Liberty Avenue near150th Street just after1700. At the height of the incident, nearly 200 FDNYfirefighters were on the scene. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
The Good Will Fire Department was called out fora two-carMVA on Woodland Terrace and Taffet Avenue. Two people were taken to hospital by the Town of Newburgh medical service. The Town of
Police Department also assisted.
RapidSOS, the intelligent safety company, announced the acquisition of eDispatches, an industry leader in providing communication services to emergency responders. This strategic move aims to provide the critical situational awareness needed in an emergency by leveraging RapidSOS’intelligent safety platform and eDispatches’ communications technology to field responders in an emergency.
Through this acquisition, RapidSOS further advances its emergency response ecosystem to provide public safety agencies throughout the US with contextual data that extends to field responders responding to an emergency. The acquisition of eDispatches joins RapidSOS’2022 purchase of IamResponding, expanding the reach of life-saving emergency data to field responders available through RapidSOS. It puts mission-critical information in the hands of the responders who need it the most to make more informed decisions when seconds matter.
The collaboration between RapidSOS and eDispatches marks a significant milestone in the evolution of first-response technology. eDispatches has been dedicated to providing value-driven, secondary notification services to the emergency responder community. By joining forces, RapidSOS and eDispatches are poised to deliver nextgeneration communication solutions that can improve emergency response times and outcomes on a broader scale, benefiting more communities and individuals in need.
For the past decade, thousands of public safety agencies have shaped RapidSOS’technology roadmap. Over a quarter billion dollars in research and development later, those initial insights from public safety now support over 21,000 911 and first responder agencies in six countries with 3.3 billion data payloads.
eDispatches addresses limitations in traditional two-tone paging systems often used by emergency responders, which can be hindered by range or topography.
“One of the critical benefits of this acquisition is the expansion of intelligent safety data to field responders. By providing additional context in an emergency, first responders will have the information they need to facilitate more efficient and effective responses,” said Michael Martin, CEO and co-founder of RapidSOS. “This expanded reach to additional field response agencies ensures that first responders are equipped with the context and information necessary to handle emergencies with greater precision and speed.”
“eDispatches is committed to enhancing emergency response capabilities by providing reliable and efficient secondary notification services. We are thrilled to join forces with RapidSOS and bring our value-driven, customer-focused solutions to a broader audience,” said Tom Stearn, President of eDispatches.
FDNYunits in the Cypress Hills section of Brooklyn battled an all-hands blaze in a laundromat on Pine Street on September29, 2024.nThe fire was located on the first floorof a three-story mixed occupancy with extension above. There were no reported injuries. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
FDNYBattalion 58 transmitted an all-hands fora fire in Brooklyn on August 31, 2024. Units had fire on the roof of a three-story private dwelling afterworkers started the fire using a torch. Members used two hoselines to knock down the main body of fire.
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Operation At Ease, an organization that rescues dogs from local shelters and trains them as service dogs forfirst responders and veterans, held its annual PSD ride from Colonie to Clifton Park. Over124 bikes and over30 sports cars and othervehicles spent the morning traveling the streets to help raise, not only awareness, but funds to assist the charity.
- Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
FDNYEngine Company 257 and TowerLadder170 firefighters hosted 80 members of the Navy Lacrosse Team on September28, 2024. The team was in town forthe Tunnel to Towers event. This is the second yearin a row the firehouse hosted the members. They talked to the students about staying ready and leadership.
- Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
Brockport firefighters responded to the reported waterflow alarm with back-up phone calls reporting a fire in the building on Owens Road in Brockport on August 26, 2024. Brockport police reported heavy black smoke coming from the building and assisted personnel out of the building. On arrival at 1740, Fire Chief Jose Medina (2C-13) drove a full 360 around the perimeterforsize-up forother units responding. Shortly thereafterat1801, 2C-13 declared a level zero HazMat incident activating the County HazMat team to assist in the evaluation of any hazards involved in the building. Not long afterthat at 1809, 2C-13 declared a third alarm due to the fire load.
Units came from Hamlin-Morton-Walker, Spencerport, Gates, Murray Joint Fire, Kendall, Bergen, Hilton, Churchville and Chili. Units from Albion and LeRoy covered. Brockport Fire Police provided traffic control, Monroe Ambulance and Brockport Ambulance provided EMS. Support personnel from the Brockport Fire District set up a rehab station offering bottled waterand snacks forthe responders as they came out of the fire. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Monroe County Fire Bureau - Fire Investigation Unit.
- Fire News photo and story by Christopher Martin, District PIO
NYPD police and FDNYfirefighters responded to Fulton Street in the Ocean Hill section of Brooklyn on August 8, 2024. They were met by an EDP(emotionally disturbed person) just after1645, who had set the basement apartment on fire. He was rescued by firefighters and removed in critical condition. Firefighters also rescued a cat from the basement - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
FDNYLadderCompany 168 transmitted a 10-75 forfire showing from a second-floorapartment on Shore Parkway in Bath Beach on August 15, 2024. Units were able to rescue an occupant. Units used one hoseline to knock down the main body of fire. The fire left three firefighters with minorinjuries.
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell