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Cover Story Heavy Damage at Pink Orchard Drive 2-Alarmer
On December28, 2022, Mooresville Fire Rescue and the South Iredell VolunteerFire Department responded to a structure fire on Pink Orchard Drive. Asecond alarm was sounded upon their arrival forheavy fire showing from the two-story home. Shepherds Fire Rescue was also called to the scene. Multiple handlines we re put into operation. The family was able to get out of theirburning home with one person treated forsmoke inhalation. The home was heavily damaged and the cause was underinvestigation.

- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com

Mountain BikerRequires Tough Extraction forMedevac
At approximately 1300 on January 21, 2023, the Transylvania County Rescue Squad was dispatched to a report of an injured mountain bikeron Bennett Gap trail. Crews arrived on scene and mobilized three teams. Due to the unknown access the trails might provide, two ATVteams with paramedic support were dispatched and a foot team departed forthe suspected prolonged carry-out. Team 3 made patient contact 3.1 miles from command and began providing care 41 minutes afterdeparting command. They found the critically injured bikerwho was requiring immediate evacuation. He was was packaged and transferred into a Stokes basket. While one team worked to move the patient in the basket, a second moved obstacles and cut downed trees to clearthe path and a third worked ahead rigging systems to belay the litterdown a particularly steep sections of trail. The patient’s riding partners assisted crews managing the litter. Afterreaching the ambulance the patient was transported to a waiting MAMAhelicopterfortransport to a local trauma center.
- Photo courtesy of Transylvania County RS