Fire News Ohio August/September 2024

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Story on page 6.
Story on page 6.

Explosion in Youngstown

Firefighters operated at a recent Youngstown explosion.

See story on page 4

Sylvania Structure Fire

Sylvania firefighters arrived to find a two-story residential structure with heavy fire on the second floor.

See story on page 7

Lima Duplex Damaged in Fire

Lima firefighters battled a fire that severely damaged part of a duplex recently.

See story on page 8

1 Injured in Rollover MVA

At the request of Delphos Fire Department, American Township Fire Department sent resources to assist in a rollover MVAon Redd Road.

See story on page 10

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Last Day Party for Chief

Vazquez and FF/PM Aylward

Battalion Chief Mike Vazquez and FF/PM Sean Aylward call it careers.

See story on page 24

Bibb Safety Walk in Glenville

The Cleveland Division of Police and Cleveland EMS paricipated in the Mayor Justin M. Bibb Safety Walk.

See story on page 27

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Focus of the Month

pages 13-20

page 20

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page 23

Explosion in Youngstown


Firefighters operated at a recent Youngstown explosion.
Submitted by Tommy Gibbs

Ammonia Tank Leak on US 6

Napoleon Fire and Rescue responded to an overturned anyhydrous ammonia (NH3; an efficient and widely used source of nitrogen fertilizer) tank afterit was involved in an accident along US 6 just out-

side the city limits. Approximately 150 gallons of the 850 gallons on board leaked out priorto mitigation. No injuries were reported.

- Submitted by David Bowen

3 Families Displaced in Westwood Fire

Cincinnati Rescue 14 FirefighterChris Wesselerand crew successfully resuscitated a dog rescued from an apartment fire on LaFeuille Avenue in Westwood. While the pup is doing okay, sadly, three families were displaced. American Red Cross Central and Southern Ohio Region was assisting them.

- Photo courtesy of Cincinnati FD

Sylvania Structure Fire

Sylvania firefighters responded to a residential structure fire recently. Firefighters arrived to find a two-story residential structure with heavy fire involvement of the second floor. All occupants were reported safely out of the home. Firefighters made a transitional attack and then made entry to extinguish the Division 2 and attic fires. Red Cross was assisting the residents. Thank you to Springfield Township Fire Department and Toledo Fire LS3 for theirassistance.

- Photo courtesy of Sylvania Fire & EMS

Lima Duplex Damaged in Fire

Lima firefighters battled a fire that severely damaged part of a duplex recently. The department was called to West Elm Street, for reports of an attic fire. When crews arrived, they found fire show-
ing from an upstairs window. Firefighters quickly put out the fire. No one was injured, and the cause of the fire was underinvestigation by officials. - Fire News photos by Richard Parrish

Garage Fire Spreads in Thorn Twp.

Thorn Township was dispatched to a vehicle fire within the township. While en route, dispatch advised the fire had extended into a home. The assignment was upgraded and additional mutual aid was started. On arrival, crews found a vehicle, garage and residence with fire involvement. Crews were on scene within six minutes from

dispatch. Crews from Walnut Township, who were assisting, were able to rescue the owner’s puppies. The fire was underinvestigation. Thank you to Perry County Sheriffs who also responded.

- Photos courtesy of Thorn Township FD

1 Injured in RolloverMVA

At the request of Delphos Fire Department, American Township Fire Department sent resources to assist in a rolloverinjury MVA on Redd Road nearEvans Road. Delphos assisted American in

extricating the driverand transported him to Mercy Health St. Rita’s with serious injuries.

- Photos courtesy of American Township FD

SUVHits Empty Caron Sherwood Dr.

American Township Fire Department (ATFD) responded to a rolloveraccident on Sherwood Drive, nearChesterton Drive., in which an SUVstruck an unoccupied vehicle. Bystanders and an off-duty firefighterassisted the occupants out of the vehicle. All four occupants of the SUVrefused transport to the hospital. - Photos courtesy of ATFD

Allentown Road RolloverMVA

American Township Fire Department (ATFD) crews responded to a rollovernearthe intersection of Copus Road and Allentown Road.

Two people were transported to the hospital. - Photos courtesy of ATFD

Sardis Trains on Extrications


Firefighters from the Sardis Fire Department drilled on auto-extrication recently.
Submitted by Ezria Miller

Sylvania Trains on Handling Today’s Vehicles MVAs Training

Modern vehicles are built with robust safety features that present firefighters with new challenges during extrication operations.

Sylvania Fire-EMS partnered with Ford to obtain three brand new vehicles fortraining evolutions. Lieutenant Fritz did a great job training his fellow firefighters on new extrication techniques along

with the inherent dangers of hybrid and electric vehicles. This type of training is important considering the increasing numberof vehicle accidents in ourjurisdiction. A-shift trained in the rain which is typical for“real life” incidents.

- Photos courtesy of Sylvania Fire & EMS


Thorn FD Boat Training

Thorn Township Fire Department training with Boat 291 and some of theirnewest members. - Photos courtesy of Thorn Township FD

Learning to Use the AquaEye Training

- Photos courtesy of Cleveland FD

Rewcently members of Cleveland Fire Rescue Squads 1 and 2, Engine 2, and the Logistics Officer were at EdgewaterBeach practicing with the AquaEye, a hand-held SAR sonarunit used for near-shore missing swimmer/waterrescues. It uses AI to identify victims up to 50 meters underwater(164 feet).

Pleasant Twp. Trains on Fire Blast Trailer Training

Pleasant Township Fire Department attended the Ohio Fire Academy’s Fire Blast Trailerrecently.
- Photos courtesy of Pleasant Township FD


Whitehouse Trains on Drafting Ops

Whitehouse crews finished up June training on drafting operations recently. Overthe month, crews practiced drafting waterfrom the
PFAdry hydrant, Swan Creek, ourportable dump tank, and the small quarry. - Photos courtesy of Whitehouse FD

FAOD Mineer Named Fire Dispatcher of the Year

Join us in congratulating FAOD (Fire Alarm Operator and Dispatcher) Mike Mineer as the 2023 Cincinnati Fire Dispatcher of the Year.

FAOD Mineer has been with the Cincinnati Fire Department for seven years and has served as a call-taker for 14 years. He’s been described by Captain Jermaine Caldwell as a “dedicated and experienced member of the team, known for his exceptional leadership skills on the dispatch floor.”

Thank you for all you do, Mike.

- Photo courtesy of Cincinnati FD

SeniorDay at Public Hall

Cleveland Fire Engine 13, Public Education, and Community Liaisons attended a SeniorDay event at Public Hall recently.
- Photo courtesy of Cleveland FD

Thorn Teaches ... Then Cools Them Down

Thorn Township firefighters spent time with the Sheridan SummerStars program talking about fire safety and then cooling them off a little.

- Photos courtesy of Thorn Township FD



The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) completed the election of its Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting on June 17, 2024, which included the naming of a new chair, the election of two new members, and the reelection of a third member of the board.

R. David Paulison has been elected by the NFPA Board of Directors as the new chairperson. Paulison, who has been serving on the NFPABoard since 2015 and was the First Vice Chair, brings extensive experience in emergency management and fire safety to his new role.

He has had a distinguished career, previously serving as the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and as the U.S. Fire Administrator. He also spent 30 years with the MiamiDade Fire and Rescue Department, from 1971 to 2001, rising through the ranks from firefighter to becoming Fire Chief in 1992. His leadership and commitment to public safety have earned him the respect of his peers and the broader safety community. As the new chairperson, Paulison will work closely with NFPA’s executive leadership team and board members to continue advancing the organization’s global impact on fire, electrical, and life safety.

Chair, Lou Paulson as Secretary, Stacy Welch as Treasurer, Reggie Freeman as Assistant Treasurer, and Russell Leavitt as Immediate Past Chair. Kwame Cooper will continue in his current role as Assistant Secretary.

Paulison takes over from Russell Leavitt, executive chairman of Telgian Holdings, Inc., who is completing his second two-year term as Board Chair. Leavitt made significant contributions to NFPAand the fire safety community during his tenure.

The Board also elected a slate of officers that includes John Bonney as First Vice Chair, Roger Montembeault as Second Vice

In addition, NFPAmembers elected two new Board members, and a third was reelected to three-year terms on the Board. These individuals bring a wealth of expertise and a shared commitment to NFPA’s mission.

Christina Francis, P.E., FSFPE, senior staff fire and regulatory specialist for Tesla, was elected to her first three-year term.

David Hittinger, national director of codes and standards at IEC, was elected to his first three-year term.

Raj Arora, P.E., chief executive officer at Jensen Hughes, who has served on the Board since 2021, was elected to his second three-year term.

Founded in 1896, NFPAis a global, self-funded nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. The association delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy; and by partnering with others who share an interest in furthering the NFPAmission. For more information, visit All NFPAcodes and standards can be viewed online for free at

New Apparatus for York Township VFD

New apparatus forthe York Township VolunteerFire Department, in Nelsonville. Rescue 1558 is a 2024 FF450 11-foot service bed with a full 11’slideout, extrication tools, airbags and stabilization.

Engine 1552 (purchased on a FEMAGrant) is a Freightliner/ Rosenbauer, 3,000 gallon, 1,500 gpm pump.

- Submitted by Scott McManus, York Twp Fire Chief

Last Day Party forChief Vazquez and FF/PM Aylward

The last day celebration forBattalion Chief Mike Vazquez and Firefighter/Paramedic Sean Aylward at Station 23 at 98th and Madison in B3. Vazquez worked for35 years, finishing as the Chief of the Arson Unit. Aylward leaves after27-1/2 years, the last 13 on

the ALS Engine 23 at the “Madison Madhouse.” We wish them both long, happy, healthy retirements! Cleveland Fire Fighters IAFF Local 93.

- Photos courtesy of Cleveland FD

Touch-a-Truck in Concord Twp.

Concord Township firefighters attended Buckeye Valley High School recently forthe Touch-a-Truck event. - Photos courtesy of Concord Twp. FD

Cincinnati Fire Department Welcomes Taffy, the Newest Recruit

The Cincinnati Fire Department (CFD) is delighted to introduce its newest recruit, Taffy, a lovable fiveyear-old doodle mix. Taffy isn’t just any pup - she’s here to wag her way into the hearts of our brave firefighters as a dedicated Peer Support dog.

Originally a service dog for a veteran in Florida, Taffy has now made the leap to the Queen City to bring her tailwagging charm to the CFD family. Her mission? To provide invaluable support and companionship to our hardworking first responders.

Research shows that peer support animals such as Taffy can significantly boost morale and mental well-being among firefighters and emergency responders. According to studies, interaction with therapy animals can reduce stress levels, improve mood, and enhance overall mental health.

Fire Chief Frank McKinley said, “Thanks to the organizations Canine for Warriors and the Cincinnati Fire Foundation, we’re pleased to welcome our newest family member to the CFD team. Taffy will serve as an aid to help navigate the stressful situations that our members encounter.”

Taffy will take up residence with a CFD Peer Support team member, ready to lend a paw and share her infectious joy with the entire CFD team. While she is mellow and relaxed for the therapy work she performs, she loves to run free when the vest comes off. Join us in welcoming Taffy - Cincinnati’s new four-legged hero.

- Photo courtesy of Cincinnati FD


Sheffield Lake Fire Rescue

Lyons Royalton VolunteerFire Department
Russell Fire Department

Bibb Safety Walk in Glenville

Chief Anthony Luke, Ladder30, Chief of Battalion 6, and staff members joined Cleveland Division of Police and Cleveland EMS at the MayorJustin M. Bibb Safety Walk in the Glenville neighbor-
hood surrounding E.105 and St. Clairincluding a surprise stop at Station 30! Great to interact with residents in a non-emergency environment. - Photos courtesy of Cleveland FD

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