Page 4, Fire News, July/August 2021
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
Are You Learning from Your Peers? When I joined the fire service, I was aware of some of the traditions that all fire departments seem to embrace. No, I most definitely am not speaking of hazing. Hazing is a ritual that involves risk, pain or harm as part of an initiation into a group. In the most organizations, hazing is frowned upon and has serious consequences. One of the first traditions I learned at a very young age, was to knock with your elbows! If you visit any firehouse, bring a cake. It was a family ritual that every other Friday of the month I ventured with my dad to his firehouse in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Before we left our house, mom had a freshly baked cake ready to go with us. That cake meant a lot to the guys who were sitting at the kitchen table drinking their coffee and involved in conversation. Yes, the firehouse kitchen seemed like a special place where the family of firefighters were always welcomed and could also share their thoughts and ask questions. The kitchen table was also a special place. Firefighters could share their personal experiences with one another. And whether they
wanted it or not, a solution to any problem was offered. Believe it or not, most firefighters were versed in many different aspects of life. Quite a few years back, I visited a neighboring firehouse and noticed a sign above a picnic table. The sign read, “Table of Knowledge.” Having a few years in the fire service, I simply read the sign and didn’t ask questions. A few years later, my breakfast table became known as the roundtable. I have coffee every day at the roundtable and yes, I usually wind up in a discussion that turns into several cups of coffee. The fire service is full of “unwritten rules.” You usually don’t learn about these sacred rules unless you share some time at the roundtable, the table of knowledge, the TV room, or any other place that you can engage in constructive conversation at the firehouse. How many times have you heard, “The new kids just don't get it?” The special places where we can engage in constructive conversation is a place to eliminate future problems by clarifying the social norms and expected conduct that’s not covered by poli-
cy both in the station and on incidents. I am always happy to see members working together as they helped each other practice for future practical exams. With the advent of portable training props, I often see small groups of members working to force a door or spring a lock so that they are ready for that early morning automatic alarm. In the fire service, there is no excuse not to know something. Spending a little time sitting with the members of your company will prove to be a wealth of knowledge. Sit down together and discuss recent calls or events that you were at but weren’t sure why things were done in a certain manor. Make sense of the organized chaos by talking with the people who make a difference. - Dennis